Thousands of Children Displaced from Hurricane Helene in Asheville Wake Up to Christmas Presents Outside Their Homes, Motel Room...
In a heartwarming act of generosity, over 3,000 Christmas presents were delivered to children displaced by Hurricane Helene in Asheville. Discover how this community is spreading joy amid adversity.
Thank you Jesus and bless the ones who did this
Wonderful story. They deserve so much more, but this Christmas blessing is a great start. Major kudos to that charity.
This makes my heart SO happy! God bless the people who did this! ✨🙏👏
I know President 45~47 has a lot to do on day one. But I sure hope Waestern North Carolina is on that list.
I pray everyday for these people. Proof that the Lord is in control. The glory of God is everywhere.
i couldnt even read this without crying. Thank God for good people in this world. Ther outnumber the bad ones we just have to remember that.
And your post brought tears to my eyes. Praying and caring. Important stuff, that.
If anyone wants to donate to the organization.
God bless all those involved in making this happen.
Beautiful! FWIW being out of a home for up to a year or more is not uncommon after a hurricane event. We experienced 6ft of river flooding just outside our door (in spite of a 5 foot crawl space) after Hurricane Florence here in the Coastal Plains of NC in 2018. Now we didn’t actually lose our home, but it took just over a year before we could get back in after the home was gutted to the studs, remediated, dried out and finally rebuilt. In the meantime we ended up moving four times until we settled down into an apartment. I had 5 animals at the time ( 4 cats and a small dog) I had to lie about 3 of them or I wouldn’t have gotten the apartment.
I love this so much. God bless them.