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Good day frens. I just learned that my great great (...xWhatever number of greats) grandfather was burned at the stake for disagreeing with the Roman Church!
God, it feels good to know my forerunners also hated the harlot.
Merry christmass!
When they killed the annababtists they had to hire a orchestra to drown out all the singing of hymns and praises of those condemned. I want to be crazy for God just like the annababtists.
"But when the fulness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law, to redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons. And because ye are sons, God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts, crying, Abba, Father." Galatians 4:4-6
1 There’s a New Kid in Town Billy Gilman https://youtu.be/7vvnDhTbyg4?si=28UoGjNFg4USaARg
2 Happy Holidays Glass Tiger & Roch Voisine https://youtu.be/4h0nZkospnw
3 Christmas in Heaven Scotty McCreery https://youtu.be/672EEYXuhEs
4 Winter Palace Lightshow TSO https://youtu.be/-ROiy2zBZow
5 Happy Day After Christmas Matthew West https://youtu.be/P67Yvp1tWeI
Bonus: Paul Harvey and The Rest of the Story: The First Christmas Card https://youtu.be/7UGeH-wDl30?si=jj2y97ND9hFX3TG6
Thank you, Tweety! God bless you!
You are more than welcome...hope you had a joyful Christmas.
Since I couldn't find anyone else talking about it here:
Okay, what the hell was with Elon's statement that we need MORE immigration!
"It's the best and brightest!" And most nepotistic. In my experience, they in turn will be bringing over those far, far less qualified.
All that does is put off the problem another couple of generations. Then we'll be right back where we started, or worse.
Yeah, yeah, I know, 72-hour rule. But I don't see how that will change things, especially with so little time left until the inauguration.
That one tweet is causing so much dooming on other wins. I don't know how to answer it.
Elon, while having some good ideas, certainly does not always have America's best interest at heart. His true colors are showing. He is willing to sacrifice America/Americans for his profit margin. He pictures people as hardware/software to make his companies successful for his personal endeavors. I have read through ALL the comments I could find and people are making honest, heartfelt comments that ring true to this situation.
While he has good business acumen, he has little understanding of the core people of America. He could easily start his own school and teach whatever he needs...in America using natural born Americans...perhaps even the white Americans that have systematically been destroyed of late. And then he needs to understand how important family is...people don't want to commit to 80 hour work weeks...neglecting their family. I have never agreed with his stance on transhumanim. There are a lot of flaws in his thinking that would negatively impact Americans.
BTW my son is a mechanical engineer and while he has been employed since his graduation there apparently are a lot of unemployed engineers. The education and hiring practices of engineers has apparently been usurped for some unexplained reason by people from other countries that love America's educational system and desire to work here...ergo HB1 visas.... and it appears many companies utilize these practices to the detriment of Americans.
Have Elon visit Canada and see the.mess they have made here bringing in so many Indians.
I can only imagine...many people need a reality check...
The H1B visa scam and its dire impact on American IT workers and engineers has been highlighted by Prof Norman Matloff for 25+ years.
Matloff's work on this issue was a very early red pill for me about the dismantling of the American middle-class. I was on his mailing list for years and I learned a lot - including how a glut of highly qualified American programmers and engineers were unemployed, particularly in the older age bracket, having been replaced by H1B workers.
This has been going on for a VERY long time.
When I would tell people about Matloff's findings their eyes would glaze over (sound familiar?). One time I got into a shouting match with a senior employee of a trade union, who prided himself on being a professional advocate for "workers." He ridiculed Matloff's findings, and told me he saw no problem in the American job market (why would he? He was a career union employee on six figures, with total job security and a huge pension. "If it it's not happening to me directly, it's not happening").
No politician of any prominence that I am aware of at the time gave this issue any attention apart from Tom Tancredo (Matloff used to encourage those on his mailing list to lobby politicians, and I remember him praising Tancredo's work on behalf of American IT workers).
By 2015, I felt very alone for nearly 20 years in caring about this subject. I finally learned to keep my mouth shut, particularly since I was working in a technical job and surrounded by many people (such as middle managers and contractors) who were making bank.
When DJT came down the escalator and spoke the truth about the American worker, this was a transcendent moment for me. I had been shouting and screaming about this for nearly 20 years and no one I talked to about it seemed to give a damn. Yet here was this billionaire (and his beautiful wife) who did....
There are so many different things that wake us up. I give you credit for speaking out...but I fully understand how you can be worn down when no on else cares. It seems like most of America is only concerned about any subject if it affects them directly. That is how we have let our great country slip away from us. My husband is a general contractor, and we had the subject of his subs hiring illegals many, many years ago. Action was taken but there is really not a lot of people being penalized for illegal practices.
There are so many wrongs to right...I want to see action and follow through on all these wrongs. I personally am disappointed that Musk thinks America only exists to make him even richer. Sometimes I wonder if people with more money than they could ever spend truly understand the common man and his struggles...Trump is the closest I have seen lately...but I will believe it all when I see it...in my book talk is cheap. Action is the key to everything and unfortunately our Congress is sold out to the highest bidder...they think America exists only to make them rich beyond their wildest dreams...that is a very big ship to right.
God bless you for caring and paying attention...hope you had a joyful Christmas!
Thank you Tweety and many happy returns.
"Sometimes I wonder if people with more money than they could ever spend truly understand the common man and his struggles...Trump is the closest I have seen lately"
This is what makes DJT unique, IMO. I have never seen anything like him before in my life. For me, President Trump proved his care for the American worker from 2016-2020 through the economy he managed to build (despite everything he was up against). Jobs became so plentiful that the most marginalised of Americans were able to find work (including people coming out of prison who had served their time - and who prior to DJT's presidency had no future and no hope). Americans from every walk of life had money in their pockets, and they had hope.
You are correct though that TALK IS CHEAP. Only time will tell with some of these people (such as Vivek and Musk).
DeepState minions be advised -- "If you're good to him, he's incredible to you; if you're bad at him, you're dead". (@2:34 of short 3:34 video montage). Words of wisdom from beautiful Ivana (Rest In Peace).
Tick, tock.... Like this post title says, inauguration is just weeks away.
There are no other you should invest it.
Thank You Dr Fauci documentary, watch it, it aligned quite well with RFK's The Real Anthony Fauci after I read it.
Emphasis CHRISTmas in everything you do (capitalize CHRIST in CHRISTmas) so the world can wake up and realize He is the reason for the season. Be Blessed in Jesus' name....