The H-1B needs to be reset to what it was originally designed to do. It was to bring people to the US that the US simply didn’t have.
What it does today is to bring in lesser/cheaper talent that won’t complain about hostile working conditions because if they did they would have to go back to their own country. This is a form of slavery.
The policy isnt the problem. The abuse of that policy is. I believe thats where this is headed and anons here have completely dropped the ball. Where is the discernment? Why are we so easily swayed? Just like the sheep. We live in an outrage culture. We are outraged when we can find nothing to be outraged about.
(Not to mention the multitude of shills that have come out of the woodwork to exploit any division they can here.)
A country is not just a big business. It's a group of people who have a lot in common and want to get along with one another.
Capitalism - exploiting people and nature to get all the resources from the earth and make them into products to sell to other people.
When that is the main objective to life we all go into debt to buy stuff we don't need and end up poor again.
Trump and Elon are too money focused IMHO. What if the criteria of a successful government was happy, hard-working, creative people who help each other out. I'd vote for that.
There however are people in other countries who admire your country and its values and would want to become Americans, in truth, not just move there to make money and maybe exploit the system. Think of those people who moved from the communist countries and are now speaking up when they have seen their new home, America, fall dangerously close to becoming one?
There should be some way to for you to choose whatever talents you might need there from those people.
Also, when you look back in history, those countries that have become too insular have usually started to fail. Some level of exchange, not just trade, but also exchange of ideas, and yes, people, seems to be necessary for any culture to stay vigorous. Of course going overboard with that type of exchange, the way western countries have during the last decades, is really bad, but it seems wise to keep up at least some level of immigration. You just need to pick the ones allowed in more carefully.
The way you used to. Your country was doing pretty well back then, wasn't it?
And at least some of those people who now have joined Trump in the effort to save your country are either immigrants - Musk - or from immigrant families, like Kash Patel and Vivek Ramaswany.
The H-1B needs to be reset to what it was originally designed to do. It was to bring people to the US that the US simply didn’t have.
What it does today is to bring in lesser/cheaper talent that won’t complain about hostile working conditions because if they did they would have to go back to their own country. This is a form of slavery.
Yes, completely abused globally by people with no skills and fake credentials who cover for each other.
Looking at you india.
The policy isnt the problem. The abuse of that policy is. I believe thats where this is headed and anons here have completely dropped the ball. Where is the discernment? Why are we so easily swayed? Just like the sheep. We live in an outrage culture. We are outraged when we can find nothing to be outraged about.
(Not to mention the multitude of shills that have come out of the woodwork to exploit any division they can here.)
Trump is also 100% for LEGAL immigration.
Yeah, this whole OP is a fabrication.
This is why Elon should stick to his role of finding and exposing governement corruption and waste.
Too many forget he's an immigrant also.
It also showcases how NOBODY is worth being worshipped like a god, as every person is fallible.
Invitation only, no longer accepting applications. Good day.
Need clean up first...
Why is there such a dire shortage of talented and motivated engineers? Motivation costs money.
There is absolutely no justification for importing turd world “qualified graduates”, when local talent is ignored due to DEI / racism.
All they do is drop pay and standards.
Elon is a businessman to a T.
A country is not just a big business. It's a group of people who have a lot in common and want to get along with one another.
Capitalism - exploiting people and nature to get all the resources from the earth and make them into products to sell to other people.
When that is the main objective to life we all go into debt to buy stuff we don't need and end up poor again.
Trump and Elon are too money focused IMHO. What if the criteria of a successful government was happy, hard-working, creative people who help each other out. I'd vote for that.
There however are people in other countries who admire your country and its values and would want to become Americans, in truth, not just move there to make money and maybe exploit the system. Think of those people who moved from the communist countries and are now speaking up when they have seen their new home, America, fall dangerously close to becoming one?
There should be some way to for you to choose whatever talents you might need there from those people.
Also, when you look back in history, those countries that have become too insular have usually started to fail. Some level of exchange, not just trade, but also exchange of ideas, and yes, people, seems to be necessary for any culture to stay vigorous. Of course going overboard with that type of exchange, the way western countries have during the last decades, is really bad, but it seems wise to keep up at least some level of immigration. You just need to pick the ones allowed in more carefully.
The way you used to. Your country was doing pretty well back then, wasn't it?
And at least some of those people who now have joined Trump in the effort to save your country are either immigrants - Musk - or from immigrant families, like Kash Patel and Vivek Ramaswany.
I'd hate to be right about these two. I was just coming around on VR
sure, let's bring in as many Japanese and German engineers as we can find
But dIvErSiTy Is OuR GrEaTeSt StReNgTh
How the fuck is mass immigration on the table on our side? That’s what this is all about imo!