I know a young family with a newborn that I can not convince to not to take the scheduled vaccines. but I might be able to convince them to avoid one or two. They also want to know if taking that 14 in one vax is better or worse than taking all of those same vaccines but at separate times. (Their doctor will only administer the many at one type but they are open to talking with other doctors) Does anyone have any advice or have something brief that is rich with verified data that I can show them? (They don't have time for long videos and are wary of data they can't look up themselves)
Besides that, does anyone have advice for what to do to or give to the infant before and / or after the vaccine to minimize the chance of negative effects? This is important to me, frens. Thank you all so much.
Refuse on religious grounds. My wife is 66, never vaccinated, takes no medicine and other than sinus problems she is healthy. The Amish are one of the most healthy peoples on the planet. IMO
ONE MORE THING and it is IMPORTANT! Have your wife breast feed your newborn. The antibodies in her will transfer to the baby.
A person will be healthier throughout their lifetime and live longer if they remain unvaccinated (NO VACCINES whatsoever).
Do a search on Rumble for "Dr. Brian Hooker" -- his book is Vax-Unvax: Let the Science Speak. It has over a hundred studies showing that across the spectrum of health problems, unvaccinated children have better health outcomes.
Lots of good videos (many short) with him discussing this including on childrenshealthdefense channel (RFK Jr's organization is Children's Health Defense ( childrenshealthdefense.org ).
Lots of stuff here too including details of cases of vaccine injured infants: https://substack.com/@makismd
If you're on Telegram, do a search on "vax" or "vaccine" and you'll find scads of stuff. I sent lots of stuff to my middle (step)daughter before she had her first baby. She has four now. The first had some of his vaccines. The second had just a couple of the vaccines. But she has steadfastly held the line against any vaccines since then--even against her mother and mother-in-law--so her youngest two have no vaccines and the oldest two no additional vaccines. When I searched the thread with her on Telegram using "vaccine" there were 171 items. I tell you this to let you know that it's never one and done. You keep at it without being strident or mean or bullying. I think her mother and mother-in-law both being so stridently PRO-vax even to the point of insulting her is what made her dig harder into any info I sent her. And she has since red-pilled other of her friends and sisters-in-law on the danger of vaccines. Good luck to you on this. Don't give up. They'll thank you someday.
The combo's are even more dangerous than the singles and those are also bad. I tried for years, since 2008 to help open the eyes of parents to vaccines. I just can't anymore. I'm frustrated and tired with this war. By now people should know, there's no excuse. Pray they don't kill their child, it happens so much these days.
You can tell them to postpone as much as possible. They really don’t need any of them but especially don’t until they go to school.
If all were to stay the same with required vax schedules, postpone bc as you age your immune system gets stronger. And if you need to take them break them up. MMR is the one most likely linked to autism. So break it up.
And secondly have them postpone any vaccines bc once JFK jr is in office all will be revealed and they will probably no longer have to give their baby any or as much.
i don't think the m m and r are available separately now .
It's called INFORMED CONSENT,tell them to read it on each VAX,to which covid vax has none it's blank ,DONT DO IT.
Tell them to, at the very least, wait until the kid gets older. The MMR vaccine is shown to be far less harmful starting at, I think, six years of age and gradually less harmful from there. Or you can be like me, and watch in horror as your neighbors, whom you have been trying your damndest to help understand, roll up with their seven year old bragging about getting their covid/flu shots. After nearly losing their dad/husband to liver failure at 30 something years old shortly after the first shots.
Maybe share this short video with them. https://x.com/toobaffled/status/1865360680918135014?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1865360680918135014%7Ctwgr%5E1017f125dfb43e1b87a65ff55fa79eeb612c4272%7Ctwcon%5Es1_c10&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fgreatawakening.win%2Fp%2F19A0jzeXuo%2Fdoctor-explains-that-the-blood-b%2Fc%2F
You might be able to talk them into spreading them out so long that Trumps admin has a chance to change standards…
Also there’s good evidence that people with the MTHFR gene mutation (which is thought to be somewhat common) respond differently to vaccines. So they might take that special situation as a more serious reason to not take the risk, as then it’s no longer as easy to say “well everyone else does it”.
Some people have a “mthr fckr” gene mutation? Yeah, that’s how I read that this morning. 🤣🤣
IMO, if you can’t avoid them entirely, 1) take them later after the child has grown more, 2) space them out and do it one at a time, and 3) don’t take all of them (especially anything with MRNA).
If you can’t avoid them, discuss with the parents the fragility of the newborn and the potential impact of so many pharmaceuticals so early. If you can convince them to delay it until the child is 12-18 months it would be a win. I also expect that the world will change enough in that time that the parents may change their mind.
I wish they could come to my classroom with 3 out of ten children autistic. These are 3 and 4 year olds. I have one other child who could probably be on the spectrum. I would not risk it. I would rather my child risk the diseases which to me are less devastating or even death than being non-verbal severely autistic. The odds are no longer 1 out of 10000 or even the new 1 out of 22 boys. My class would be 1 of 4 girls and 1 out of 3 boys. If I include the probably child, the boys go up to 1 out of 2. If nothing else get them to delay ALL vaccinations. Document a healthy speaking child exists. Then if something bad happens the parents know the cause. Get only shots from late 1950's and spread them out if they just can't say NO. If I were pregnant, I would also say no to ultrasounds and doppler heartbeat checks.
One point that I've been able to use successfully to postpone shots is that there is no quality control reported on any of the vaccines since the Reagan indemnity. They can look this up. Even if you still believe the shots work, they're not made safely in the cheapest outsourced places and there are no requirements to inspect or report on quality. Tell them to at least take time to shop the cleanest or most transparent manufacturers before injecting blindly. Then if course they'll find out there is no clean nor transparent manufacturer.
Only one vax at a time. think of it this way. The vaxes contain poisons like aluminum and mercury, so getting more than one will stress the baby more than just getting one. Of course, I would say don't give the child ANY vaccines, but if you must, then: 1. Only one vax at a time. All doctors CAN DO THIS.
2. Don't vaccinate before age 2. Babies have no immune system.
At age two there is a much better chance of some sort of incipient immune system to protect the child. I still wouldn't do it, though. Vaccination causes autism. If you don't believe me, do some research. Check out Dr Thompson of the CDC who said this in 2004.
Not a single one is safe. Not only did the ones we took as kids harm millions… they aren’t the same anymore. They are turning everything into mRNA kill shots and other “reformulations” as well.
You cannot trust a single one. They lie about all of them. None are proven either safe or effective.
i think i saw a ... that showed it was already dying out and the vaccine just showed up at the right time to coincide with already dropping rates of infection.
This is documented. Polio vax didn't do shit. It was increasing hygiene standards and better water sanitation. The vax just prolonged and caused more issues like paralysis etc. while taking credit for lowering infection rates. I see no reason to think that the polio playbook was any different than the covid BS.
It gave a ton of people soft tissue cancers
I would advise them to avoid them until the side effects are studied. You cannot UNTAKE a vaccine, so put them off to be safe.