If you needed to reinforce your faith in Christ, this will do it. All around the world non-Christians are having dreams of Jesus. To go a step further, there is the rabbit hole of near death experiences. Non-Christians meeting Jesus in death. We have Hindus who live in India and they know nothing about Jesus, but we have these cases where they have had NDE's with Jesus.
You don't hear about American Christians having NDE's with Vishnu.
Christianity started in the Middle East and has been there all along. There are Orthodox Christians, Roman Catholics, and Protestants in every country in the area.
Dreams could potentially be induced electronically and wirelessly using methods like transcranial electrical or magnetic stimulation, acoustic signals, or sensory feedback devices. These techniques aim to influence brain activity during sleep. The technology is experimental.
There is a part of the Holy Trinity that you have overlooked. The Holy Spirit which is God in us. Our Lord Jesus Christ speaks to us through the Holy Spirit whether it is a still small voice or a dream.
Because this is a Christian nation. The first war we ever had outside our borders (1st war on terror) was dealing with Muslims (The Barbary Pirates) that had declared jihad against the USA.
The modern Navy and Marine Corps was established for this purpose as the Continental Navy and Marines were disbanded following the Revolutionary war. Hence the quote "to the shores of Tripoli" in the Marine's battle hymn.
No it's not. If that's the case then every citizen of the country would be unified in a particular religious belief system. To make a declaration which is solely your opinion is entirely your right, but does not make such declaration any more than 1 persons opinion of your own belief system.
Surah (3:54) Then they schemed (against the Messiah), and Allah countered their schemes by schemes of His own. Allah is the best of schemers.
Why would you call your own God the best of schemers? Who is the master of lies and the best deceiver of them all? Satan. Muslims follow Hubal, the moon god of pre-islamic Arabia.
Hubal=Baal=Shaytan=Satan=Lucifer 👹🌙🪐
Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. (John 14:6) ☦️❤️🙏
This is an incorrect statement. I fully agree that the Muslim god is false. But “Allah” is simply the word for God in Arabic. Christians pray to the true God as Allah when praying in Arabic.
Allah, the God that Muslims pray to and God that Jews and Christians pray to are not the same God. Allah is not a God.
I hope that makes my statement more clear. The argument that you are making is simply a tactic of Satan to confuse and lead people astray. It is unfortunate that you are choosing to make this argument.
I am a Christian. For years I attended an Antiochian Orthodox Church, the one headquartered in Damascus, Syria that you might have heard about with recent events. My brother is a chanter at one of their many parishes in the US to this day. The language spoken by Christians in Syria is Arabic. I would gladly die for the difference between the true Christian God and the false god of Islam.
And when we sing God’s name in the Divine Liturgy every Sunday morning and every feast day, when we are singing in Arabic, the word we use is Allah. And always has been. That’s the word in Arabic Bibles for the Christian God, and it was that way before Mohammed made up his weird messed up religion.
Please don’t say such awful things about your fellow Christians.
Pre-Christ Jews, like Abraham, Moses and David prayed to the same God as Christians.
Modern Jews who reject the Lord, Jesus as Christ, do not pray to the same God as Christians. At least not any more than Muslims or other people who do not know God.
1 John 2:23 "Whoever denies the Son does not have the Father; the one who confesses the Son has the Father also."
Acts 7:43 "And you took up the tabernacle of Moloch and the star of your god Rephan, the images that you made to worship them; and I will remove you beyond Babylon.'"
I think God is saying that Rephan(i.e. Saturn) is the god of Jews who deny his Son, the Lord, Jesus Christ.
Allah is the moon God.
God does not use dreams anymore. He has given us His word -the Bible- no one can be saved without the hearing of the Gospel -Rom 1:16.2 Pet 1:3-4 “3 as His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us by glory and virtue, 4 by which have been given to us exceedingly great and precious promises, that through these you may be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.
4 I saw thrones on which were seated those who had been given authority to judge. And I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded because of their testimony about Jesus and because of the word of God. They had not worshiped the beast or its image and had not received its mark on their foreheads or their hands. They came to life and reigned with Christ a thousand years.
Who are the people beheading Christians these days?
Is there any significant risk of being beheaded for being a Muslim?
I've heard that the spelling of bismallah (if that English transliteration is correct) is similar in shape to the Ancient Greek letters for 666. So John wrote the characters that had an appearance that was like Bismallah. Perhaps there is another meaning, in addition to the numerical significance.
"Nero Caesar" written in Hebrew letters, which also have numerical values, equals 666.
He was torturing, murdering, and persecuting Christians that would not say "Kaiser curios" "Caesar is Lord “ because he demanded to be worshiped above all other gods.
His image was also on all the coins of the land which you needed to use to buy or sell.
It also dress up an animal furs with claws and maul Christians to death.
Personally I have never really cared for the Nero Caesar argument, because Caesar is a title. It makes no sense to include it in the gematria calculation. It would be like trying to calculate your own gematria value and using "Mister X," or deriving a number from Donald Trump by using "President Trump." It just doesn't make sense.
"let the reader understand" very much implies that someone at that time would easily be able to make the connection.
Hebrew speaking Jews would have easily been able to make the connection in that time. This would allow them to write negative things about Caesar without being executed. This way of pointing towards Nero would have gone under the radar to Romans.
You are glazing over some of the other indicators I mentioned plus there are many more....
Seven-headed, 10 horned beast was in reference to Rome which had seven hills or providence's with 10 governors.
Also when you see the abomination of desolation surrounding the holiest of holies... Flee to the mountains... Well room's army surrounded Jerusalem and started to lay siege to it... And then according to secular history they stopped their siege and left for some reason. Christians seeing the filament of this prophecy fled to the mountains... Then Rome's armies returned and finished the siege, slaughtering just about everyone inside and destroying the temple.
There are so many parallels that it's really mind-blowing when you look at it.
Also Jesus said this generation shall not pass. Well Jesus died around 33 AD and this all transpired culminating in the destruction of the temple in 70 AD. That's in the same generation.
Who are the people beheading Christians these days?
That's a good question?
Are Christians being beheaded these days?
After 9/11 several videos of beheadings emerged and all turned out to be bogus.
And do you remember the series of Usama Bin Laden videos which were also fake?
You are being played.
9/11 was to turn the world against Islam so the NEOCONS could take out seven countries. Only one is left after Iraq, Libya, Syria, Yemen.
The remaining country targeted is IRAN. Is anyone gunning for IRAN?
Who would that be.
This is an accurate comment. I’m going to add some extremely important context due to the wild misunderstandings of what this means and doesn’t mean.
It’s true that they are monotheistic and true that all of them refer to the God of Abraham. But all of them differ in the basic attributes of God they confess. It’s impossible to believe in the God of all three of them because what they confess God to be is mutually exclusive. The only possibilities are that only one of them is correct, or that none of them are.
It’s impossible to paper over the difference between them in a claim that their God is the same, as some people try to do.
If you needed to reinforce your faith in Christ, this will do it. All around the world non-Christians are having dreams of Jesus. To go a step further, there is the rabbit hole of near death experiences. Non-Christians meeting Jesus in death. We have Hindus who live in India and they know nothing about Jesus, but we have these cases where they have had NDE's with Jesus.
You don't hear about American Christians having NDE's with Vishnu.
Christianity started in the Middle East and has been there all along. There are Orthodox Christians, Roman Catholics, and Protestants in every country in the area.
Well it was reaching Syria until the US and Israel helped jihadists to reach Damascus.
I'm not convinced that it's not psychotronic.
Dreams could potentially be induced electronically and wirelessly using methods like transcranial electrical or magnetic stimulation, acoustic signals, or sensory feedback devices. These techniques aim to influence brain activity during sleep. The technology is experimental.
Don't be silly
Ok. Done. Don't be silly.
Investigate it
There is a part of the Holy Trinity that you have overlooked. The Holy Spirit which is God in us. Our Lord Jesus Christ speaks to us through the Holy Spirit whether it is a still small voice or a dream.
One can only wonder why something like this is a sticky. Looks like full on sliding is on the menu now. Nice aggregate of intolerance displayed here
Because this is a Christian nation. The first war we ever had outside our borders (1st war on terror) was dealing with Muslims (The Barbary Pirates) that had declared jihad against the USA.
The modern Navy and Marine Corps was established for this purpose as the Continental Navy and Marines were disbanded following the Revolutionary war. Hence the quote "to the shores of Tripoli" in the Marine's battle hymn.
No it's not. If that's the case then every citizen of the country would be unified in a particular religious belief system. To make a declaration which is solely your opinion is entirely your right, but does not make such declaration any more than 1 persons opinion of your own belief system.
God was/is aleady worshipped by the Muslims in the middle east.
God, there is known as Allah- the Arabic word for God. Though their belief may be more fervent on the whole than Christian's.
No, Allah is not God. That is a lie we have been fed to mislead us. Compare and contrast characteristics of the two.
Correct. They are actually worshipping satan. The vast majority don’t know it.
Well, according to their own Quran, Allah is the best of deceivers/schemers.
وَمَكَرُوۡا وَمَكَرَاللّٰهُ ؕ وَاللّٰهُ خَيۡرُ الۡمَاكِرِيۡنَ
Surah (3:54) Then they schemed (against the Messiah), and Allah countered their schemes by schemes of His own. Allah is the best of schemers.
Why would you call your own God the best of schemers? Who is the master of lies and the best deceiver of them all? Satan. Muslims follow Hubal, the moon god of pre-islamic Arabia.
Hubal=Baal=Shaytan=Satan=Lucifer 👹🌙🪐
Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. (John 14:6) ☦️❤️🙏
This is an incorrect statement. I fully agree that the Muslim god is false. But “Allah” is simply the word for God in Arabic. Christians pray to the true God as Allah when praying in Arabic.
Allah, the God that Muslims pray to and God that Jews and Christians pray to are not the same God. Allah is not a God.
I hope that makes my statement more clear. The argument that you are making is simply a tactic of Satan to confuse and lead people astray. It is unfortunate that you are choosing to make this argument.
I am a Christian. For years I attended an Antiochian Orthodox Church, the one headquartered in Damascus, Syria that you might have heard about with recent events. My brother is a chanter at one of their many parishes in the US to this day. The language spoken by Christians in Syria is Arabic. I would gladly die for the difference between the true Christian God and the false god of Islam.
And when we sing God’s name in the Divine Liturgy every Sunday morning and every feast day, when we are singing in Arabic, the word we use is Allah. And always has been. That’s the word in Arabic Bibles for the Christian God, and it was that way before Mohammed made up his weird messed up religion.
Please don’t say such awful things about your fellow Christians.
This should be clarified.
Pre-Christ Jews, like Abraham, Moses and David prayed to the same God as Christians.
Modern Jews who reject the Lord, Jesus as Christ, do not pray to the same God as Christians. At least not any more than Muslims or other people who do not know God.
1 John 2:23 "Whoever denies the Son does not have the Father; the one who confesses the Son has the Father also."
Acts 7:43 "And you took up the tabernacle of Moloch and the star of your god Rephan, the images that you made to worship them; and I will remove you beyond Babylon.'"
I think God is saying that Rephan(i.e. Saturn) is the god of Jews who deny his Son, the Lord, Jesus Christ.
Allah is the moon God. God does not use dreams anymore. He has given us His word -the Bible- no one can be saved without the hearing of the Gospel -Rom 1:16.2 Pet 1:3-4 “3 as His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us by glory and virtue, 4 by which have been given to us exceedingly great and precious promises, that through these you may be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.
The knowledge of Him is in His word.
One cannot put man's restrictions on God's way or will.
That’s true, but God can.
They don’t believe Christ died on the cross and rose.
They don’t believe in God. They believe in a construct made by a sociopath
Revelation 20:4
4 I saw thrones on which were seated those who had been given authority to judge. And I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded because of their testimony about Jesus and because of the word of God. They had not worshiped the beast or its image and had not received its mark on their foreheads or their hands. They came to life and reigned with Christ a thousand years.
Who are the people beheading Christians these days? Is there any significant risk of being beheaded for being a Muslim?
I've heard that the spelling of bismallah (if that English transliteration is correct) is similar in shape to the Ancient Greek letters for 666. So John wrote the characters that had an appearance that was like Bismallah. Perhaps there is another meaning, in addition to the numerical significance.
"Nero Caesar" written in Hebrew letters, which also have numerical values, equals 666.
He was torturing, murdering, and persecuting Christians that would not say "Kaiser curios" "Caesar is Lord “ because he demanded to be worshiped above all other gods.
His image was also on all the coins of the land which you needed to use to buy or sell.
It also dress up an animal furs with claws and maul Christians to death.
He was quite literally a beast.
Personally I have never really cared for the Nero Caesar argument, because Caesar is a title. It makes no sense to include it in the gematria calculation. It would be like trying to calculate your own gematria value and using "Mister X," or deriving a number from Donald Trump by using "President Trump." It just doesn't make sense.
"let the reader understand" very much implies that someone at that time would easily be able to make the connection.
Hebrew speaking Jews would have easily been able to make the connection in that time. This would allow them to write negative things about Caesar without being executed. This way of pointing towards Nero would have gone under the radar to Romans.
You are glazing over some of the other indicators I mentioned plus there are many more....
Seven-headed, 10 horned beast was in reference to Rome which had seven hills or providence's with 10 governors.
Also when you see the abomination of desolation surrounding the holiest of holies... Flee to the mountains... Well room's army surrounded Jerusalem and started to lay siege to it... And then according to secular history they stopped their siege and left for some reason. Christians seeing the filament of this prophecy fled to the mountains... Then Rome's armies returned and finished the siege, slaughtering just about everyone inside and destroying the temple.
There are so many parallels that it's really mind-blowing when you look at it.
Also Jesus said this generation shall not pass. Well Jesus died around 33 AD and this all transpired culminating in the destruction of the temple in 70 AD. That's in the same generation.
That's a good question?
Are Christians being beheaded these days?
After 9/11 several videos of beheadings emerged and all turned out to be bogus. And do you remember the series of Usama Bin Laden videos which were also fake?
You are being played.
9/11 was to turn the world against Islam so the NEOCONS could take out seven countries. Only one is left after Iraq, Libya, Syria, Yemen.
The remaining country targeted is IRAN. Is anyone gunning for IRAN? Who would that be.
Absolutely not the same God. One demands the blood of others, the other offered His own blood.
Demanding ANY blood is primitive, infantile, ignorant, out of touch with GOD.
Christianity, Judaism and Islam are all monotheistic beliefs and they all worship the God of Abraham. https://www.christianity.com/wiki/cults-and-other-religions/what-are-the-abrahamic-religions.html
This is an accurate comment. I’m going to add some extremely important context due to the wild misunderstandings of what this means and doesn’t mean.
It’s true that they are monotheistic and true that all of them refer to the God of Abraham. But all of them differ in the basic attributes of God they confess. It’s impossible to believe in the God of all three of them because what they confess God to be is mutually exclusive. The only possibilities are that only one of them is correct, or that none of them are.
It’s impossible to paper over the difference between them in a claim that their God is the same, as some people try to do.