During Purim celebrations, Jews commemorate Haman’s downfall by reenacting his punishment. In some communities, an effigy of Haman is hanged from a makeshift gallows or pole, symbolizing his execution. This practice is not universally observed, and different communities may have varying traditions.
And these people run our government. It explains so much. We have a lot to overcome in order to get our country back on track. I don't believe it will happen without divine intervention. I just hope God hasn't given up on America.
Purim Celebrations
During Purim celebrations, Jews commemorate Haman’s downfall by reenacting his punishment. In some communities, an effigy of Haman is hanged from a makeshift gallows or pole, symbolizing his execution. This practice is not universally observed, and different communities may have varying traditions.
And these people run our government. It explains so much. We have a lot to overcome in order to get our country back on track. I don't believe it will happen without divine intervention. I just hope God hasn't given up on America.
Not a Jewish ceremony I’ve seen before
must be level 10 jew and pay 3 forskins to enter
weird stuff
Looks like he just won the lottery?
Is that the band, 2 Live Jews ???
Kek. Some monte python type shet.