Is Q is a psyop, designed to make people believe Trump is the chosen one? Maybe he is, but not in the way we think. NCSWIC, is true, but not in the way it’s portrayed. Eph 6:11 is quoted by Q, but not how people have perceived it.
There are a lot of Christians that believe in Trump & Q. But how does deception work? We know those who worship Satan have to reveal what they’re doing, and we can usually spot those things, so how would Satan deceive Christians? By masquerading as an angel of light…dark to light…now this phrase has a whole new meaning, can you see it?
Q said Trump was chosen by the military to fight Satanic pedophiles, the elite, the establishment, he was going to bring justice and the Golden Age, which sounds great, right? This is something Christians can get behind. We just have to Trust the plan, but what plan, whose plan? Well, if we see Q posting Bible verses like Eph 6:11, we assume it’s God’s plan, after all Satan wouldn’t point us to scripture, especially one that points to us being able to stand against the wiles (deceit,trickery) of the devil, right?! Unless of course it’s used to deceive us. Lest we also forget that Satan used scripture when he tried to tempt Jesus in the wilderness in Matt 4. And wouldn’t he also use it as a form of mockery, using God’s word against us? “Wait until you find out who you’ve been talking to”. We always assumed it’s the WHs, but what if we were wrong?
Why does Trump recite the snake story at all of his rallies? Who is he talking about when he says the enemy within? We always assume he means the “enemy”, but maybe he’s telling us he is the enemy, after all they have to make their moves known, maybe he’s been the snake all along. Maybe we’ve been deceived into thinking that Trump and Q are the good guys fighting the bad guys, but what if they were all in on it together? Two heads of the same snake so that we won’t question “the” plan when they enact it, but instead make excuses, “5D chess, exposing evil”, etc. thereby making us believe the lie, that justice will prevail, arrests will happen, good will triumph over evil.
In the end God wins, which is true, but what if they mean their god? Satan, the god of this world. NCSWIC, we take it to mean that nothing can stop the WHs plan to save us. But what if it means, the plan to enslave all of humanity, nothing can stop it from coming? Which is true because it’s in God’s word. Satan will get his beast system, he will have his Antichrist and false prophet controlling it all, look at Revelation 13. This can’t be stopped. The true Golden Age won’t come until Christ rules and reigns on the earth.
Don’t you think it is strange that Elon Musk is now bffs with Trump? Or that we trust him? Or Vivek, or Vance? Or Theil? Or Sachs? etc. Billionaires are now the good guys? They are no longer a part of the elite? They are for the people? What’s really going on? Where is all this really headed? Let’s be honest, we would’ve never trusted those guys if Trump hadn’t given his stamp of approval, especially Musk, with his baphomet costume with the upside down cross, but now we make excuses, “he’s just trolling the Satanic pedos” or “he said he approves of the teachings of Jesus!” Matt 15:8 “This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips; but their heart is far from me.“
If you noticed at his rallys in PA he was very uneasy when people kept trying to get him to say Jesus is Lord. He is not a Christian. Look at the stuff Elon is doing, he took $6 billion from Blackrock for xAI, he said AI is summoning demons, he wants everyone to connect to an AI hivemind, which I believe is the real purpose of Neurolink, with Starlink not really being about internet for all but will be used as a source of surveillance. And Trump is listening to this man.
Trump wants bitcoin as reserve currency, do you not think it will turn into a cbdc of sorts? He wants to create a North American Union with Canada, Greenland, the Panama Canal with Mexico not far behind, just like the WEF wanted it to be for the NWO. But they couldn’t institute their plan if the people are against them. They need us to trust the one that will usher all of this in.
This is why the Bible says to trust God and not man. We are being deceived, we voted for the beast system to come into fruition. If Trump (or maybe Vance) and Elon are not the two beasts of Revelation 13, they are paving the way for them. We as Christians need to wake up.
I have been a Trump supporter since 2016, voted for him 3 times, was a Q follower since the days of 8 Chan, dismissed all the red flags going off in my mind for 8 years, well not anymore. Please pray for discernment, test the spirits, read the Bible, seek God for guidance. It’s disturbing to see that most of Trump’s spiritual advisors are prosperity teachers, the NAR proclaiming him as God’s David. We can’t blindly follow a man. We need to pray for his salvation. I hope I’m wrong about all of this, only time will tell. Truth will be revealed.
Don't blindly follow him. In all things Pray and ask Jesus.
Yes, only time will tell. God has never been on a tight schedule and the only king in town is Christ Jesus. Amen
Thinking about how Hitler came to power in prewar Germany. The people loved him
I think this often myself. The enemy, Satan, will not come hissing while holding a pitchfork. He will be seen as beautiful, desiring, and a benefit. Just as all other temptations.
The Great Deceiver
(IF) President Trump is in on bringing in the Elitist New World Order, WHY did he run against Hillary who was placed in a 'rigged' election she wasn't supposed to lose in order to usher in the NWO herself? WHY?
And all this about Elon and Vivek I have no idea. Perhaps it is President Trump who is falling for the False Prophets and not we ourselves.
Oh ye of little faith. I feel in my heart that President Trump was placed in this time of life, just like Moses was and just like David, in order to help free God's people. This is biblical and God had plans for them as well. Let us keep the faith that the plan Trump is following is according to God's word and that is why it is biblical. Faith the size of a mustard seed. God bless and I pray that you find meaning and faith in this instead of disapproval and doubt. That is what Satan has put in your head and wants you to believe. As Q says, "Above all else, PRAY." And Q always put John 3:16 on it's drop. Satan knows scripture, but he doesn't want you to pray. He wants you to follow him.
God bless us all. The Truth will soon come out and set us free.
@Mary911 Do you think the American people would’ve followed Hillary and her plans for America, no. They needed someone in office that the people would follow, and that’s Trump. I love you as a sister in Christ, but God never told me to place my faith in a man or a movement. America is falling and failing. Look at what we’ve become! Do people really want God’s blessing on this land? Then they need to call on God, humble themselves and pray and turn from their wicked way, then God will hear from heaven, forgive their sin and heal their land (2 Chr 7:14) but this isn’t happening. We want physical deliverance, and not seeking the spiritual. We are in the end times, the 7 year tribulation period is about to begin, and Christ will be coming back in judgment, that’s the truth I do know because it’s God’s Word. We need to worry about men’s souls instead of our pocketbooks. This is why it’s so important to wake up and not be sleeping, Jesus told us these things in His word, we need to be about His business.
I'm sorry. You are most certainly right. And I have been praying 2 Chronicles 7: 14. If it is our Father's will, then he will heal it; if not Prophecy will be fulfilled. I see all the signs of his second coming. Forgive me for wanting my grandchildren a future on earth when this is really Satan's domain.
No apology necessary. I completely understand that and that was my hope as well for my son who has walked away from the Lord and I know time is running out. I appreciate your heart and I will pray for your grandchildren and their future. If you will pray for my son, he desperately needs Jesus. I love you, sweet sister in Christ thank you.
I most certainly will. May God bless our families and have mercy for their redemption.
I'm a little confused what you are suggesting be done.
We keep our eyes open, trust in Jesus, hold Trump accountable, not make excuses for him, pray for discernment, warn people about the times we are living in, preach the gospel, and hold fast to Christ. I know it’s a scary thought but we are in this together, no one is coming to save us, especially those who are in power. They give us the illusion of choice. We need to be about the Father’s business, and be concerned for souls that are lost and going to hell. I pray God bring you peace and comfort.
I will always take prayer for more peace and comfort. :)
Hold trump accountable? Can you expand?
I see things differently. Trump is just a human being used by God. God is healing his children and giving us a chance for revival. We can both warn of what the Bible says while also hoping for the best here. Revival. God healing our land. Hopeful stuff.
Don’t blindly follow him is what I’m saying, don’t just go along with him because he is Trump and playing 5D chess, excusing his behavior, etc. I hope Christians use this time for revival and not put all of their hope in material gains. If you look at history revival normally happens during times of great persecution, not in times of plenty.
I agree.
Yes typically. Though some could argue the last 8 years was pretty tough for a Christian.
Regardless of if this all is good or bad. We can agree. The solution and way forward is Jesus. :) Let's keep hope for the year ahead fren. I truly believe you will be pleasantly surprised. Though I do appreciate those that help keep guardrails for our hearts to stay tuned to Jesus. God bless
Thank you
I can see your point. I am of the same school. Verify, verify, verify. Do the research. Know the people. Too many tiles don’t line up for me, and the farther along we go, the more the mosaic does not create the picture I visualize. I am a skeptic. I don’t trust Elon. I don’t trust Vivek. Until I see positive outcomes, I will prepare for the worst. I am grateful Biden’s ilk were defeated. I am hopeful we will see a stop to child trafficking. I am hopeful we can eliminate the deficit. I am hopeful justice will be served in the courts. But, I don’t believe rich people are suddenly on our side for anything except their own interests. It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle, after all…
It is prophesied that Israel will be surrounded by the world in the end, and can literally see that happening. Israel is making enemies at every turn, ostracizing their last allies and cash cows, burning bridges- never building, so even in the bad stuff God's plan is always working and he will not be mocked. Armageddon takes place in Israel, amid total war. I wouldn't want to be in Jerusalem then.
I was talking with a friend about this yesterday. What echoes in my mind…*they will give us the solution we need *.
I do pray that those fighting for God receive His protection and triumph…. But I do not pray for Trump specifically.
(little) white hats are in control. Would be a really strong deception since most Christians worship them alongside Christ instead of worshipping Christ alone.
I have come to innerstand that Jesus may have already returned and created the Millenial Kingdom complete with resurrected saints, built what we call Tartaria and conquered the world. After the thousand years Satan was loosed for a little season and everything became a lie. All he can do is deceive the nations. The mud flood happened at his release from the pit and who knows what else went on ruined the millenial kingdom and unleashed a great reset. And we are now here. If that’s where we are then Trump would not be antichrist that would’ve been Nero and we should expect the new city Jerusalem’s arrival as well as redemption of the whole world.
This is a unique way to think but I’m doing it anyway. I don’t believe Schofield theology or rapture or most of what churches teach. Hoping a big archeological discovery will break our belief in the history we’ve been force fed.
I’ve been studying and teaching the Bible for 20 years, that is not what the word teaches. I search through the word of God and allow the Holy Spirit to teach me and give me discernment because I don’t want to lead anyone astray when God has called me to teach His word, even if it means going against what mainstream churches say. Paul tells us to be Bereans, to search the scripture ourselves to see if these things be true.
I’ve been following the Word for 40 years and have grown and changed my views many times as I learn new things. Many times I’ve discovered that’s not what the Word teaches. So if Father wants to correct me He certainly will. Keep doing what you’re doing. Thanks for the response.
There is reason to consider this. At least a portion.
Matthew 27:52-53 King James Version 52 And the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints which slept arose,
53 And came out of the graves after his resurrection, and went into the holy city, and appeared unto many.
Rev 20 is my go to or originating scripture of this thought.
Very true.
I don't believe the "Q and Trump are a Satanic / Cabal psyop" idea, but I DO occasionally think about the possibility, and I don't have any problem with you putting it out here for people to consider.
It is not possible for us to know what's in another person's heart or mind. Nor is it possible for anyone to KNOW what the future holds; the universe (yes, God's universe) is probabilistic for one thing, only firming into specifics in the NOW moments of time and even then only when and where one or more conscious entity is "watching."
Thus, "only time will tell."
My positive opinion of Trump comes mainly from his performance in his first administration and his many compassionate actions throughout his adulthood.
His materialist orientation, his deal-making and compromise with others (including with the enemy), his brash public demeanor, and other characteristics that some find offensive are necessary to his role -- he would not have been elected much less survived (in business or in his role since 2015) without them, and equally important, those characteristics don't come at the expense of Trump's personal decency and compassion.
I agree with you that my assessment could be off and everything will soon go horribly wrong, but I am comfortable with the idea that Trump, Q, and most of those allied with them are decent human beings working to improve the world. I believe that things are going RIGHT. Of course, [they] will fight with desperation and cause much chaos and some destruction as [their] corrupt and evil plans and structures are dismantled, but we are well past the tipping point now.
Enough people are awake, and an awakened public is a genie that can't be put back in the bottle.
If I am wrong, there's nothing I can do about it, and being miserable about the negative possibilities won't help either -- I WAS miserable in the lead-up to 2016 when it appeared that Tyranny and Satanism were about to win another term in the White House, and my misery did nothing useful THEN either. It certainly wasn't the reason Trump won in 2016. My year-long depression had no benefit whatsoever.
So again, "only time will tell" about the next few years (or even the next ten seconds). But I see many good reasons to expect positive actions and happenings, including healthy changes to American governance and a dramatic reduction in criminality from top to bottom despite every effort by the Cabal and the criminally insane.
I hope you are able to relax into such a belief also. Remaining vigilant is important, but feeling disturbed and anxious (or anything else negative) is not.
Best wishes for the new year, fren, and I hope you enjoy the coming ride.
You as well, and I can tell you I had no peace for several days, I was distraught, but now I have a new sense of purpose, and I have my eyes back on Jesus and spreading the gospel and teaching his word and I am OK no matter what happens because God is in control and I firmly believe that no matter what comes I can always count on Him
Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. Maybe that is DJT’s plan. I do not like Vivek, he is too smooth. Elon, I am not sure. Why does Elon always have his son X with him? I don’t think a New Year’s Eve party is appropriate for a child.
The snake story is his analogy for illegal immigrants. Regarding terrorists and criminals in particular. You seem to be falling for false teachings that claim Trump is the Antichrist. All this does is divide support for MAGA and weaken the agenda to dismantle the deep state. Us turning on Trump would be exactly what the NWO would want to happen. If you really study what the Antichrist will be like you will realize he does not match Trump at all. The media would love the actual Antichrist and this person would be at the very least noncontroversial. Do you really think the countries of the world would willingly put Trump in charge of the world? Plus Trumps advanced age is also a mark against him being a candidate. Besides, regarding the bitcoin argument, the same case could be made for the president of El Salvador. Bukele is actually much more beloved in his own country than Trump is in ours. He actually has universal support and is much younger. He is actually more likely to be a candidate for the Antichrist, but I don't believe he is either. Now for Elon... I think he maybe unintentionally creating the technology that the Antichrist may use in the future. Strengthening America and dismantling the deep state may be a mercy God is bestowing on America and the world. The NWO's plans have been delayed by Trumps terms. God uses flawed people to accomplish his goals. He used David for Israel and David was a deeply flawed man. Yet David was also a man after God's own heart. I don't think Trump had any of his wives husbands murdered after he had an affair with them. God could be using Trump as a David like figure for America and there is nothing wrong with that comparison.
I doubt Trump is the Antichrist, but Elon definitely is in the running for false prophet, or paving the way. I want to believe in the hopium but once I came to terms with what I’ve shared it makes the most sense to me. Something always seemed off with Q, but I ignored it, even though it goes against what the Bible says about end times. The world will get worse, only Jesus’ return will bring true peace and blessing. Satan wouldn’t use the radical left to bring his agenda through, we would reject it. He needs someone that the people will blindly follow and isn’t that what is happening with Trump? I hope you’re right. Blessings
Not too long ago, I started reading "Ancient Mysteries of the Essenes" by Ken Johnson. The first book is about ancient calendars. It would seem that while we are not to know the "day or the hour" of Christ's return, the first calendar points to 2075 on our current calendar. Time is short.
Yes, time is short and we need to be focused on Jesus and preaching the gospel and sharing our faith with those who are lost. It’s such a shame that there is so much distraction going on that we can’t focus on what truly matters.
"Oh lookie - another one of those MAGA tards is questioning their leader again"
Look to the right ------------------>
RULES: Expand your thinking:
Keep posts related to topics Q has raised or that are current.
(they want us divided. We are the news now -- please don't feed the piranhas)
Well I think questioning if Q is a psyop and has been fooling us for years is a Q topic. What are you so afraid of? For people thinking for themselves, to not allow themselves to be led as a sheep to slaughter? Trump is not God, he is fallible and can definitely be questioned. Q is…well we don’t know who Q is because they won’t tell us. How about we all expand our thinking, and if you don’t think that the information I put out is worthy of the “elite research board” then ignore it. However I will not be silent when I think we are reaching a precipice that we will not be able to escape from. Aren’t you tired of trying to jump through hoops to explain Trump’s actions and behavior by having to go through enormous hoops for it to make sense? Thanks for the advice but I’ll keep being a watchman on the wall, you go do your thing
We DO know who/what Q is.
I am not afraid of anything whatsoever.
What is the alternative to Trump? When/Where/How do we choose that alternative?
Nope, Trump is not God. God is God. God uses flawed people like Moses, Peter, David, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob. He even allows not-so-flawed people to suffer on behalf of those who think they are owed an explanation, or just sit and wait for God to show up - like Daniel, and Joseph (from the Pit to the Palace)
We ARE reaching a precipice - and thank GOD we are -- people ARE waking up and it has taken a lot of Psyops to do that.
The people on our side concoct several types of behaviors (actors=actions) such as misspelling words, such as acting like they are mad at each other, such as keeping their friends close and their enemies closer.
As Q said "we are not going to broadcast our every move." (paraphrasing)
We do not have any options. I will tell you this, though, when we question our chosen "David" we question God. At this stage in the game - it's better to prop up each other rather than ask "Are We There Yet?"
When did God ever say Trump is His David? And please don’t say Kim Clement. God may be using Trump, or He may be allowing him to pave the way for the prophecy to come in Revelation. Wondering if Q or Trump are Gods chosen vessels or if they are wolves in sheep’s clothing is not questioning God. Men have given Trump that title, not God, and if the same Holy Spirit revealed that to Kim Clement it should resonate in my spirit, as the Holy Spirir resides in me, but it doesn’t.
I never said anyone called Trump our David.
Quit reading into everything at ground level -- fly up here to the 40,000 ft view. It's nice and peaceful up here -- with the drones.
Dude allowed his daughter to deny Christ to marry a jew He is not married to a native American. Wrapped himself in a gay flag. Didn't expose what he promised. We are done jumping thru hoops for this dude We expect more.
Well there it is. So the problem with you is that you actually dont like Trump.
I actualy guessed miserable faggots like you would take a few more weeks to start showing your true colors... I was sure you would all hold off until Feburary.
But here we are.
We love Jesus more than Trump. We love America more .We love Trump .We're the ones that pray for him. Trump is now being surrounded by fakes who once hated him and would love to see Americans poor and sick. Patriots are always on guard. Are we so far in this battle that people still can't see? if you love Trump pray for him.
Our colrs Show all the time. Red= Blood of Jesus White=Spirit of Jesus Blue = The Living Water of Jesus 1776 flag Jesus and His 12. Jesus is Lord. Patriots are always on guard. Why so much Vitriol toward the Watchmen doing God's work. You're comfortable with a guy wearing a devil suit in charge of your children's Destiny? That's amazing
Color me unsurprised that your attempt at backpedaling would somehow involve more Musk derangement syndrome hyperbole.
i don't care what color you are. especially if you aren't AMERICAN..
@esclj -- 1baldeagle ^^^ is exactly Why I said what I said earlier -- fuel for the fire to burn our own.
'nuf said.
It needed to be said.