American citizens, in their own country, SHOULD NOT have to compete with the entire world for jobs in America... please DOWN VOTE if you disagree and then tell us why.
The Division Of Labor
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Elon called us Americans "retarded" and "unskilled" and that we should flood our work force with foreigners.
A vaccinated person calling anyone retarded... is retarded themselves. Elon was stupid enough to take a jab, and a cuck enough to lose his child to the trans. Little Elon needs to sit down and fix his own life first.
100%! MSM creates a "Genius" who: smokes weed, uses pharma Ozempic instead of self restraint, loves the limelight, loves attention, never invents anything - just buys other peoples ideas, has sex with multiple women, gets involved in politics. If you ever had the opportunity to be around high IQ people than you know Elon is a grifter and at best a marketer. High IQ people barely know how to talk. They live in their work. You will never hear of them until after their death and only know them for their work. If Elon is a "Genius" - then Neil deGrasse Tyson is "Scientist."
High IQ people barely know how to talk? That is ridiculous. Maybe this applies to an idiot savant but not to your general run of the mill genius.
I can't understand, like you, how seemingly highly intelligent people could not rationalize the danger of taking an experimental, untested, first of it's kind product, with unknown side effects for a condition that was 99.95% survivable.
I use to have a low opinion of my own intelligence. Then when I saw all the so-called geniuses that took the jab, my intellectual self-esteem went up considerably.
There are so many people right now that considered themselves a little smarter that everyone else, that took the jab, and are now humiliated that they were not as smart as we neanderthals. They practically kick themselves in the ass daily having to admit this.
That barely know how to talk is a stereotype of smart people the government wants you to believe
Don’t forget about the first born sacrifice!
Most people can't even read proficiently. It's not our fault. These people have been raised to be this way. It's because of the way our education system is run.
Instead of hiring foreigners we should just teach our citizens.
The thing is there are more people in the workforce than a bunch of retarded snowflakes that just graduated. There are older workers--GenXer here, and I'm neither retarded nor lazy. I don't want my job taken by a damned foreigner just because companies (and the government) like filling the country with commies who will vote the dems in office.
I do agree we need to teach our citizens better. Public schools are a fucking joke, and colleges are nothing by liberal commie training grounds.
Yes. People act like the retards are equally distributed. The top tech companies should have weeded out the retards quickly. The retards can settle for a programming job at a local government where they can get away with being useless. If there is a shortage, it should not exist at the top tech companies. The only need for foreign talent should be at the .001% theoretical research level, and we have an O1B program for that.
I hear that 80% cut by DOGE would address that
I have serious reservations about companies that hire H-1Bs excessively, as the ultimate productivity of "cheap" help is often negative. If they are all geniuses, well, life goes on. But if (as is sometimes claimed) they are fraudulently certified, how can we rely on the quality of their work? This is why I don't trust "driverless" cars or fancy A.I. systems. When it comes to software failures with lethal consequences, who is liable?
Yes! Great comment!
Actually, it is our fault. Who else is teaching them? A lot of people are coming late to the game. The downhill slide of our education began at least by the 1960s, and was noted at the time. I see a lot of upset and outrage by people who didn't bother to do anything when it could have made a difference.
They could cut like 50% of 'education' and get kids into apprenticeship roles much earlier. There's too much slop and wasted time and it ends up manifesting as woke grievance studies bs. Kids are smart or dumb by nature you can't change that through education. Some people are better at working with their hands but we hold them hostage for so many years, and now force them to go to college, when they could be learning a useful trade much younger and filling that 'low income' gap while they learn, eventually becoming masters of their trade and earning a good productive living and maybe even having their own business or shop. Our ancestors were smart we should look at what they did with training the young.
Alternatively, they could do as was common in my father's time (the 1930s) when all children were taught to a high level in every subject, on the expectation that only the very few would go on to college. My father's grammar text was college level. The text for cooking class was like a work in applied chemistry, explaining why heat was applied in certain ways for certain foods and certain cooking. Trigonometry was every bit as challenging then as it is today (and maybe even more so). The students were equal to the challenge. Most of my graduating class in 1968 were very bright. Once it became de rigueur for people to go directly to college from high school, the curriculum was slackened. With observable results. We now also have the problem of uneducated parents, who take no pride or role in their childrens' education.
Not everyone will take part in scholastic victory. I was also in the days when there was a "Special" class to deal with the mentally retarded. These were good-natured kids, but their light glowed only dimly. If a person does not feel pity for that, they have no gratitude toward God.
Look at our education system compared to China and Japan. Look at our College Graduates. I don’t agree with flooding our nation with aliens but he is spot on about our work force coming out of “higher education “.
Bannon disagrees with both Elon and Trump on this. Americans can be taught and this can be corrected very quickly. We don't need to alter ourselves demographically any further. Indians vote democrat and don't share any of our values! Look at their culture and life expectancy! People are not interchangeable cogs that can be yanked out and replaced by whatever - that is a communist notion. Look at Canada, Seattle, WA and London! We are suckers for letting foreigners that in turn claw their way to rule over us!
Wait until they start getting political power...
Caste system, here we come! They already hire their own people / caste over anybody else regardless of qualifications.
China and Japan aren't the ones abusing the visa program. India is.
And compare the average IQ to that of America to India.
China has almost no safety measures in place in their factories.
For real? I wouldn't be surprised after he told us to get "fucked in the face", such a throat fucker, Elon