It was founded during my first year as a teacher. By the time I retired in 2020, I had not seen one policy that came out of DC that benefited students. Bury the Department of Education with Carter next week.
I know it is bad to speak ill of the dead, but damnit, Jimmy Carter had my parents waiting in line almost every night to buy 4 or 5 gallons of gas, based on our license plates, and no one has ever called him out on this lunacy.
Jimmy Carter also allowed 52 American Hostages to languish over in ass-hole-istan for 444 days, and did next to nothing to save them.
Jimmy Carter also gave away the Panama Canal for $1. Look it up.
Jimmy Carter also made a huge show of carrying empty suitcases everwhere he went. Imagine an American President, strolling off AF1, but with a suitcase in each hand... like he was staying at a foreign AirBnB for a week, the joke was, those suitcases were empty, it was all a show...
I asked a twelve year old boy yesterday if he could write in cursive. He replied that they teach writing in cursive in the third grade and he cannot write in crusive script. I guess this is the direct result of Carter's DoE and he should not be held up as a great President. If the kids who fall under his orders cannot read his orders or rewrite them, why even have a Department of Education? It should be renamed the Department for Forcing Children to Be Mentally Challanged for the Rest of Their Lives.
Get rid of it. Do not leave one crumb. No skeleton anything or it will grow back like the cancer that it is. Unconstitutional.
Adequate margins are required to prevent reinfestation.
Yep. One of the very few good reasons to use highly concentrated pesticides.
It was founded during my first year as a teacher. By the time I retired in 2020, I had not seen one policy that came out of DC that benefited students. Bury the Department of Education with Carter next week.
Many years ago, my mother was told she should re-write her PhD thesis to be more Marxist. She said fu.
I know it is bad to speak ill of the dead, but damnit, Jimmy Carter had my parents waiting in line almost every night to buy 4 or 5 gallons of gas, based on our license plates, and no one has ever called him out on this lunacy.
Jimmy Carter also allowed 52 American Hostages to languish over in ass-hole-istan for 444 days, and did next to nothing to save them.
Jimmy Carter also gave away the Panama Canal for $1. Look it up.
Jimmy Carter also made a huge show of carrying empty suitcases everwhere he went. Imagine an American President, strolling off AF1, but with a suitcase in each hand... like he was staying at a foreign AirBnB for a week, the joke was, those suitcases were empty, it was all a show...
I'm sure California is lower than that. The alphabet gang has taken over.
Liberals call this progress.
Tell me one thing the government runs well.
He started the Destruction of Education.
I asked a twelve year old boy yesterday if he could write in cursive. He replied that they teach writing in cursive in the third grade and he cannot write in crusive script. I guess this is the direct result of Carter's DoE and he should not be held up as a great President. If the kids who fall under his orders cannot read his orders or rewrite them, why even have a Department of Education? It should be renamed the Department for Forcing Children to Be Mentally Challanged for the Rest of Their Lives.
When I looked a couple years ago we were 34th. Surely its only dropped more since then, while we're still in the top 3 for spending on it.
Fix this Elon,you can have good American workers again.