It’s always a little amusing in a Schadenfreude kinda way when reality hits the insulated Rich people who’ve been making life more difficult for everyone poorer than them.
And I’d be willing to bet the bulk of the Looters are the addicts, Illegals, and Homeless the city was spending millions on.
This is the face of a complete 100% batshit and delusional normie. She likely believes George Floyd riots were mostly peaceful protests and cannot fathom criminals coming to her posh neck of the woods. Oh my
It’s always a little amusing in a Schadenfreude kinda way when reality hits the insulated Rich people who’ve been making life more difficult for everyone poorer than them.
And I’d be willing to bet the bulk of the Looters are the addicts, Illegals, and Homeless the city was spending millions on.
This is the face of a complete 100% batshit and delusional normie. She likely believes George Floyd riots were mostly peaceful protests and cannot fathom criminals coming to her posh neck of the woods. Oh my
They always do that. Usually it's FEMA.
Wait until a REAL regional crisis hits L.A... Watch how fast the drugged out zombies eat the rich.
Of course there are looters! Always!
She seems surprised. It's like wow, they seemed to be thieves on scooters. Who knew?
Must be the women in The Snake poem Trump recites.
Love seeing these elites have to deal with the idiot policies they have all voted for. Serves them right.
What a missed opportunity to kill them all New Orleans style.
Watching that was strangely therapeutic, in a “you reap what you sow” kind of way.