Don't mind me...just usin' muh brains...
Kash no likey Elon
Trojan horse?
Ratio'd over H1B archive deleted tweet:
Upgrade the matrix instead of get out of it
Hinting at landlines going down (IoT wireless everything? No thx)
ToS update to demonetize you for whatever reason they want (also see Fatality's comment)
Elon is muhjoo?
Largest recipient of DoD (that's OUR) funding
I have heard that, like Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates, Elon is not some super genius who created the companies he runs. Rather, his entire persona is created, and his job is to be the figurehead for us plebs to fawn over, while the real "geniuses" are actually just agencies of the Federal Government, specifically DARPA / IARPA...
Remember Kash Patel saying Elon was the largest recipient of DoD funding? Gee, I wonder what that money went to. Paypal? X purchase? Neuralink? Tesla? Rockets?
So the Federal Government uses our own money to start these companies and appoints a figurehead who then gets presented to us as the company's founder. Yeah, whatever the fuck could be the issue with that?
Oh I know! Because if they actually presented them as government projects, they'd have to run them Constitutionally! Hell, we plebs might even get a say on the matter! Imagine electing the president of Twitter (;
But we can't have that, no no. So we instead present them as PRIVATE COMPANIES STARTED BY OUR FIGUREHEADS! This way, we can run them however we want
Got it.
If I ever fawn over any human being, please murder me.
Many fawn over Trump and Elon. There's a fine line between love for a good leader vs idolizing them beyond what is right.
Got -2 Elon-fawns already on this post! 🤣 bet they don't dare show up and speak though
Okay, I'm going to take the bait. No, I haven't down voted you. Did you know that "branding" ie., Elon-fawns is a Saul Alinsky tactic. Rules of Alinsky was adopted by the Democratic Party in 1971. "bet they don't dare show up and speak though" that is gross intimidation and "theatrics" another Alinsky tactic. I've reached my limit for this kind of discussion today. Let's respect each other's time and energy and stop here.
I'm just luring the people who disagree with my post to actually participate in the discussion. We're on the same team, no? Then why won't they add to the discourse? Because they're voting with their fee-fee's, you're over-analyzing me ma'am.
Pacts have been made long ago...
That and no Mopar products...
I'm not big on elon either.. i was just talking of it the other day
Awesome, added to the op
Elon just violated his own company's TOS by sharing private DMs between him and Asmongold all because he got called out for being a fake ass gamer. Dude is paying people to level his Path of Exile 2 character then goes on stream and pretends he did all the work. He didn't know what he was talking about. He had a hissy fit as soon as he was caught lying.
Hoping he is a deep, deep cover WH.
I’m not convinced. However, that may be part of the cover? Hope we soon find out.
I reward Musk with eight dollars a month because I like X. If I deem the platform unusable for my needs, I will cancel my subscription. I also think that Musk helped to get Trump elected. Beyond that, I am hit or miss on him personally.
Don't forget his false promises for "Twitter Amesty," when in reality he hand-selected a few accounts and left the rest of us out hanging.
As well as him allowing the ADL and other jewish influencers to remain on X in spite of violating TOS of doxxing, which resulted in harassment, threats, and even physical confrontation.
And not to mention his brazenly satanic outfit.
May be a case of ‘the devil you know’.
Just going to add this as a quasi voice of reason...
No matter how dumbass you think people are, it's impossible to be 5x smarter than anybody else the same age, barring bonifide retardation...
It's not possible for someone like Elon to do everything he's doing by himself. It's a total operation (yes... might even be that kind of operation... for population/paradigm control. "We'll give them a hero when they need one". Need a hero? Find Jesus.
Similar to type casting in Hollyweird, public personas are marketing products... there's good evidence (see #2) that's exactly what we've got here.
Elon hasn't done half the shit he projects - from PayPal to Tesla, there have been heaps of misrepresentations, half truths, lies and uncorrected suppositions that keep normies believing in the hero archetype.
Superheroes are not real... Elon puts his pants on the same as you. Idolizing him, aside from maybe motivational things that might help you, is really pathetic... because his success wasn't organic or on the same playing field as you or I. Don't be fooled. He comes from money. Emerald mine money...
I think the WH needed to work within the system for awhile before they could break it. I hope it will be disclosed, because it shouldn't continue. But PayPal was an instrumental part of breaking the bank's monopoly, or at least making a chink in the armor. And he's been a tool of the DOD for a long time.
Praying so fren 🙏 I understand where you're coming from and it makes sense. But we better see some breaking! This thing is getting more dangerous by the day with all the surveillance and big data and big tech and Neuralink brainwave readers etc etc