posted ago by winn ago by winn +22 / -3

Don't mind me...just usin' muh brains...

Kash no likey Elon https://greatawakening.win/p/17rT238RUG/kash-on-elon-musk/

Trojan horse? https://greatawakening.win/p/15IEJqXEVX/is-elon-a-trojan-horse/

Ratio'd over H1B https://greatawakening.win/p/19A12maKCW/elon-gets-ratiod-by-disgruntled-/c/ archive deleted tweet: https://archive.fo/gHkNs

Upgrade the matrix instead of get out of it https://greatawakening.win/p/19A0y5tybu/elon-musk-insists-the-matrix-is-/c/

Hinting at landlines going down (IoT wireless everything? No thx) https://greatawakening.win/p/19A0tW2pQC/is-elon-musk-hinting-at-a-commun/c/

ToS update to demonetize you for whatever reason they want (also see Fatality's comment) https://greatawakening.win/p/19A1QCkmLE/x/c/4ZHlqPQ4rhO?d=50

Elon is muhjoo? https://greatawakening.win/p/17rm0hXzjm/x/c/4Tz2FstHGvz

Largest recipient of DoD (that's OUR) funding https://greatawakening.win/p/140vQvwWGM/kash-patel--elon-musk-is-develop/

I have heard that, like Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates, Elon is not some super genius who created the companies he runs. Rather, his entire persona is created, and his job is to be the figurehead for us plebs to fawn over, while the real "geniuses" are actually just agencies of the Federal Government, specifically DARPA / IARPA...

Remember Kash Patel saying Elon was the largest recipient of DoD funding? Gee, I wonder what that money went to. Paypal? X purchase? Neuralink? Tesla? Rockets?

So the Federal Government uses our own money to start these companies and appoints a figurehead who then gets presented to us as the company's founder. Yeah, whatever the fuck could be the issue with that?

Oh I know! Because if they actually presented them as government projects, they'd have to run them Constitutionally! Hell, we plebs might even get a say on the matter! Imagine electing the president of Twitter (;

But we can't have that, no no. So we instead present them as PRIVATE COMPANIES STARTED BY OUR FIGUREHEADS! This way, we can run them however we want

Got it.