The full text of the operative section of the 28th Amendment reads in full, “Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex.” In nonlegal, terms this means it will cover anyone who experiences discrimination on the basis of sex—women, men, and anyone on the gender spectrum, including trans people. It will also cover people who experience discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation.
What is this? When did we get a new Constitutional amendment?
We didn't and the one they tried to pass 50 years (give or take) didn't include any of the alphabet genders. Just women. And the arguments against it centered around laws that protected women, like job protection during child birth, which would be unconstitutional if passed. It got through the house and senate but was never ratified by the states.
Community notes smacking him upside his head on his way out
Bogus! He does not have the authority. Secondly, the total number of states ratifying this is no enough because their ratification expired.
Barf Alert.
It’s 3:50 Eastern as I write this. In 68 hours and 10 minutes, all this will be over.
There are Still Only TWO sexes and mental illness has Nothing to do with it.
The what?
What is this? When did we get a new Constitutional amendment?
We didn't and the one they tried to pass 50 years (give or take) didn't include any of the alphabet genders. Just women. And the arguments against it centered around laws that protected women, like job protection during child birth, which would be unconstitutional if passed. It got through the house and senate but was never ratified by the states.
The 28th didn't happen, just another lie - and parting shot - from the Liar in Chief -
Yeah. I read this and said, "What the actual fuck? Now this ass thinks he can ratify amendments?"
Gotta be a White Hat move.