I think there is a serious side. Pres. Trump is going head-on after issues that have been used to disorient and destabilize our society, such as the multiple genders issue, as part of a color revolution to destroy our country. Soros said a long time ago that the United States wad the biggest obstacle to the New World Order.
Lambda Legal, an LGBTQ advocacy and legal organization, is preparing potential legal action against the executive order so identification documents can "accurately identify" intersex and nonbinary people.
Wtf do intersex and nonbinary people look like, exactly? I mean, if we hunting for a dead body, what is going to clue anyone in to it being intersex or nonbinary? Honestly!
I don't know anything about warfare, but I'll bet the White Hats created artificial issues the left would care about.
Then when Trump begins to take decisive action, the left is all divided and screaming about different issues.
I think there is a serious side. Pres. Trump is going head-on after issues that have been used to disorient and destabilize our society, such as the multiple genders issue, as part of a color revolution to destroy our country. Soros said a long time ago that the United States wad the biggest obstacle to the New World Order.
Kek! My sides! The Reddit salt mill continues to go brrrrrrr
Exactly. It is an identification document. Male or female is a crucial criterion of identity.
It can be life or death in a medical emergency also. Idiots
Wtf do intersex and nonbinary people look like, exactly? I mean, if we hunting for a dead body, what is going to clue anyone in to it being intersex or nonbinary? Honestly!
holy sheet, "accurately identify". Kek!!
Mr. Burns wringing hands…
Leftist meltdown