Agree! With the A$$whole perspective! But in all truth (which SHOCKINGLY) he’s telling ….apparently we (our Govern-ya-much) have (with out our knowledge, or lack of disclosure) allowed it or they wouldn’t be allowed to land… who was in charge?
No, no, no, you're doing it all wrong. You have to sneak them over the border and THEN put them on planes further into the country. Everybody knows that. Geez.
Why are we posting this a**hole?
Agree! With the A$$whole perspective! But in all truth (which SHOCKINGLY) he’s telling ….apparently we (our Govern-ya-much) have (with out our knowledge, or lack of disclosure) allowed it or they wouldn’t be allowed to land… who was in charge?
No, no, no, you're doing it all wrong. You have to sneak them over the border and THEN put them on planes further into the country. Everybody knows that. Geez.
Just saw a post that said the whole story was a lie anyway.
Removing this because it's also been proven false. This was made up by NBC News
A Funny Krackheadstein love Ballad from Brian to Ed... Someone shared with me on GAW like 6 months ago.
He's so fucking retarded. Him and his brother need to be mocked for eternity. Their namesake shamed for their actions.
They make parachutes for a reason. Strap em up, dump em out the back.