There's been a very noticeable drop in Illegals coming through - none of them were really staying too long because there's not much economic reason for them to but there were times when I'd see bunches of them pan-handling on street corners or lined up at a church downtown that was somehow involved in "migrant services" and that has all stopped as of late. I've been hearing a bunch of helicopters in the area the last couple of days. I haven't seen any up close but I believe them to be military because we don't get a lot of chopper action on the regular - just a couple medivacs a week to local hospitals would be the usual traffic. This morning I heard them for almost 2 hours solid just after dawn. Border fence was pretty complete close by but big gaps exist starting about 20 miles west of here. Local news covered construction happening 24 hours a day on those areas starting mid last week. My local libtard city government is putting out policy statements about being a "Welcoming community" that will not be cooperating with federal immigration enforcement - I'm pretty sure that will all change once the first city official tries to interfere with the process and winds up in cuffs. Anyone else close to the border encouraged to share what they're seeing.
Edit: I'll be making a trip this weekend that has me passing through the Border Patrol checkpoint. The last several trip through (all during the Biden era), stations have been mostly waving people through without asking citizenship and even have had them closed and unmanned at various times so they could help process illegals at the border instead. I will make a new post if I notice any tighter enforcement (drug dogs, more CBP vehicles than usual, vehicles pulled over for closer inspection, etc.)
Not near the border fren, but in Houston Suburbs. Many Home Depot stores are empty. Almost no workers in the store or customers in the aisles. There are also zero, and I mean zero, illegals gathered in the parking lot looking for odd jobs.
The message has been received.
Aisles dammit man, aisles, not isles ; )
He's talking about the Home Depot Caribbean Vacation section -- just past the Garden department. 😀
Doh... I gotta stop trusting spell check. I did this on X yesterday with there, their, they're.
Spell check doesn't care if you look like a moron.
I blame autosuggest for making us dumber. I've realized I didn't used to make so many typos in the past.
neat trick: when you're trying to put an accent on a letter like in the word resumé, first intentionally mis-spell it, then use the cursor to select the word, left click on it, and it will show up in the list of suggested spellings.
I only jest because this happened last night, and then my wife, daughter and I were laughing about the misspelling of words at the dinner table tonight - insure/ensure; their/they're/there; etc.
I'm horrible at spelling so I really do appreciate you catching that. I already fixed it to reduce my embarrassment.
Back when we actually wrote letters, I wrote a love letter to the girl that would later become my wife. In this letter I used the word sweat everywhere it should have said sweet, She said nothing about it at the time. But she saved it. After we were married, I walked into the kitchen one day to find her and her friends passing it around and laughing their asses off at my expense.
This is a recurring problem for me ;)
This may help: rather than working on your spelling, start reading more. You will see the work spelled correctly and in context. Once you get used to seeing something done correctly you can't help but pick up on mistakes (it's how they train people to spot counterfeit bills).
Word, not work. 😂
spelling is like the only thing I'm good at.
No worries, was just messing w you fren.
I still have some letters drawings from first wife, now deceased at 53 (vax induced turbo cancer) - we were young.
I think I burned everything associated with wife 2 aka mother of my children. The kids turned out great all things considered.
Wife three is love of my life and we will be together 20 years this year. She kept my early letters.
We have similar histories except in my case the wife bailed out, I did the single dad thing, and now that the kids are grown up, I find myself too jaded to attempt a second wife. You are a bad ass for getting up and trying again. ;)
You have a fren in Texas.
Maybe u/The3rdKey was referring to the Home Depot on Galveston...
Gotta go to Lowe's on Friday. Will be interesting to see.
what I'm interested to see is how quickly these businesses are able to recruit U.S. citizens to replace the illegals who had been working there before. Or if they will even bother to replace them at all...
I'll tell ya....I'm in the Midwest. Nowhere near a border at all. But even around here things are different. Even the legal Mexican community here is laying low. It's noticeable. This is having an affect even up here.
And as the invaders are finding out in Boston and Chicago and such that grandstanding doesn't mean that the city is actually doing anything really to hinder ICE, just means they're not handing people directly over to them. ICE is still just going right into these places and rounding people up so unless the city police keep the invaders in jail there's nothing stopping ICE from getting them.
They (my city officials) are just running their mouths to keep their lib base happy. There is literally nothing they can do to stop CBP from doing their jobs. My town is within the 100-mile "Border Enforcement Zone" that basically gives CBP the ability to stop and search vehicles or ask for documentation without a warrant. Boston is within that zone as well because the zone also includes coastlines for international waterways like the Atlantic ocean. Houston is also because of their proximity to the Gulf of America
Thanks. We will await your next report.