61 Protestors in Aurora Colorado are fighting against Mass Deportations. This is where armed gangs took over apartment buildings (twitter.com) 🤡 CLOWNS 🤡 posted 1 month ago by brain_dead 1 month ago by brain_dead +61 / -0 26 comments share 26 comments share save hide report block hide replies
These are most likely paid protesters.
Notice the Palestinian flags? Same groups of people protesting whatever the flavor of the week is.
Nah there are so many retards in places like Denver, Seattle, San Francisco etc. that this is likely real.
Not sure. I would not be surprised.
I’m north of Denver and this didn’t even hit local news. SMH
They do not tell you.
These protestors need to lose their citizenship. If they are so concerned about criminal illegal aliens then they should be deported right along with them. They have no appreciation for this country anyway so boot them out!!
I support deport them.
No, please don't take the rapist gangs away. They add culture to our town laden with white fragility!
I can actually see some Aurora Libtards thinking this way.
there mainly illegals i believe
Good place for rounding up. LOL
Time to lock 'em up.
If they are citizens, you cannot. It's not legal to do that. They were not hiding the illegals.
It’s aunt tifa!
All paid for. Lovely expensive banners and signage. These are paid protests. If they werent paid, not one would be there.
I understand now.
If these paid idiots didnt end up on the news feeds, they wouldnt be there. No newsfeed, no pay to play.
Oh. DS must be running out of fund. There's not that many now.
Not many people, masks and professionally made signs. And I bet that at the beginning and end of the March you will find white paneled vans.
Very small crowd now.
Is this Tik toks operational comms platform "Winter boots" in operation?
No idea.