Schools across the US go into 'flu lockdowns' as viral infections soar
Several public and private schools across the US in states like Texas, Oklahoma, and Virginia have gone into lockdown or moved to remote learning over fears of soaring flu infections.
It's as if a lot of people have a weakened immune system 🤔
Baffling isn’t it?
I went to school from '61 to '74. We had multiple epidemics and pandemics. School never closed for them, masks were never even brought up as an option, and not one business ever closed.
You sound like a conspiracy theorist.
No kidding.
There are many theories about the conspiracy, but the conspiracy is not a theory.
Accordingly, you're a conspiracy analyst.
True,but kids were basicly healthy then with good immune systems.
True, but there were times we would have 20-25% absenteeism. A couple of times I got sicker than I have ever been as an adult.
I dont remember ever being very sick as a child,several times I had to fake it.....
My parents were too smart for me to pull it off. :)
I think my mom wanted the day off as well.
She " worked" in the family buisness.
It's good when Mom is your co conspirator.
We also ate food high in nutrients and low in additives. (right out of the garden)
The only thing that closed the schools back then was a teacher's strike.
Even during the Watts riots we were in school practicing riot drills. Same as earthquake drill, hide under desk !
Never had a teachers strike in my school days.
Remember when the kid down the street got the pox and then our parents locked us outside to go play with him? I do.
Now we shelter in place until the sniffles go away. And they are normalizing it.
Yeah heaven forbid and clutch my pearls and all that dirty garbage
So incompetence?
They did it for everything in my neighborhood (central Los Angeles)
Lol. We were in Southgate...more feral parenting practices in that area
Thats why we have Tammiflu (and ivermectin)
They’re just using fraud of a fake pandemic to fight the Trump agenda.
They're trying to normalise the use of the word 'lockdown' in relation to schools. They do the same in the UK. Evil.
Also called martial law
haven't we jerked yet?