Help with infection...ivermectin?
🧐 Research Wanted 🤔
Anyone ever try applying ivm to a skin infection? Looking for quick help.
oil of oregano with a carrier oil (e.g., olive oil) I'd suggest
Honey is a great treatment for bacterial infections. It has antimicrobial properties and has been used for over 2000 years to treat wounds. Be sure to use raw honey, not the pasteurized commercially sold honey. Pasteurization is a heating process that destroys the enzymes that kill bacteria.
Look into Dakins Solution… simply bleach, soda, water. War time miracle, used in hospitals for wound care, diabetic ulcers, bed sores.
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Infection usually means bacteria. I use SSKI for that.
If fungal, I use borax.
edit: I use both internally.
Horse paste applied topically? Just a thought.
Bath it in salt water. Use a cloth and soak it in really strong salt water mixture. Leave it on the infected spot for at least an hour. If it hurts, its working. Do it twice a day.
I got a nsty infection from a dog bite once. I poured pure salt crystals directly into the wound. Stings like crazy. Infection cleared up in a few days. Really dries up the area and kills anything. Salt is the bestest ever.
Cold pressed hexane free Castor oil.
Not sure about IVM on infection. Works topically on poison ivy and rosacea, though.
Carrier oil, tea tree oil, raw cabbage leaf on top. Draws infection out. Careful with the tea tree, it’ll burn the skin if you overdo it. Could also try MMS.
Ty all for the ideas. It's for my husband...diabetic, severely mentally disabled. Hard to take him to the doc. Very hard. But he's prone to mrsa/ staph...they always make him stay in the hospital for days. I've used ivm topically on my eczema with some success so I was just kinda hoping, for his sake. Every hospital stay is demoralizing af for him.
True colloidal silver is well documented for leg ulcers etc.
Oil of oregano 20% dilution is extremely effective but it also hurts a lot for a couple minutes if used on raw skin or open wound. If you try it, only apply it once every other day.