Only if people are getting fired for doctor scripts, too. I mean, you're specifically attacking Marijuana users - the drugs from the doctors (legal ones) are going to fuck you up in so many worse ways, but will they come up on a test? Will they warrant a firing? It's still a dependency.
You should also be able to fire people for caffeine and Tabaco use! Both are terrible for you. Ganja is fine tough since it's actually useful and feels good.
I’m hard pressed to believe that marijuane is the problem with govt workers. I’m also hard pressed to believe it’s a low number, like a couple hundred thousand. This would throw the baby out with the bath water.
Drug test and force to go threw Drug Rehab as nasty as Drunk Rehab. Heh heh I smoked a lot of weed back in the day and NEVER failed a drug test, just quit smoking 30 days out from changing jobs.
Bruh, weed is literally the most basic drug, all it does is make you couch locked, not a supervillain.
Things like Meth, Cocaine, Adrenochrome, Heroin, those are the real ones that are going to mess someone up, and cause them to do crazy stuff for a fix. Even before weed was legal, you could go down the street and get some.
If random drug testing is in the contracts, which I doubt, then this could be done easily.
They'll need cause, which is fine, because I am sure there is plenty of they/them to go around over in DC, The desecrators of the Congress, who have gay sex in the chambers without consequence can be placed to he front of the line - out
Only if people are getting fired for doctor scripts, too. I mean, you're specifically attacking Marijuana users - the drugs from the doctors (legal ones) are going to fuck you up in so many worse ways, but will they come up on a test? Will they warrant a firing? It's still a dependency.
You should also be able to fire people for caffeine and Tabaco use! Both are terrible for you. Ganja is fine tough since it's actually useful and feels good.
They don't do shit as pedestrian as weed. They'll find cocaine, meth, heroin and opioid.
I spent years working narcotics. Alcohol caused more problems than weed by a huge margin.
This is awesome! Legalize it! This will probably put the kibosh on the federal criminalization of cannabis!
I’m hard pressed to believe that marijuane is the problem with govt workers. I’m also hard pressed to believe it’s a low number, like a couple hundred thousand. This would throw the baby out with the bath water.
That perception is really dated and that's not what they would be looking for with the idea of "drug testing". Think deeper than that.
I love it.
Suddenly there is a disturbance in the Force, as if thousands of souls were crying out in disbelief!
Regarding Congress - Just put breath alyzers on their microphones, I think more of them are drunks vs stoners.
Drug test and force to go threw Drug Rehab as nasty as Drunk Rehab. Heh heh I smoked a lot of weed back in the day and NEVER failed a drug test, just quit smoking 30 days out from changing jobs.
Bruh, weed is literally the most basic drug, all it does is make you couch locked, not a supervillain.
Things like Meth, Cocaine, Adrenochrome, Heroin, those are the real ones that are going to mess someone up, and cause them to do crazy stuff for a fix. Even before weed was legal, you could go down the street and get some.
Maybe learn what the real problematic drugs are
Sounds like terminated for cause to me.
With no pension entitlement, even better deal for the citizens.
If random drug testing is in the contracts, which I doubt, then this could be done easily.
They'll need cause, which is fine, because I am sure there is plenty of they/them to go around over in DC, The desecrators of the Congress, who have gay sex in the chambers without consequence can be placed to he front of the line - out