But did they really think Kamala, the dumbest person on the planet (except when she spoke about Communism) would actually beat Trump? She never won anything and was appointed to run as the Democrat/Commie candidate.
I am glad Jessie is doing so well on his show. He seems to be a genuinely nice, grounded person, not phony like Sean "Mr.Bombshell-Not" Hannity. Incidentally, did you know Hannity once laid bricks?
The key word is ' orchestrate' that's all they were there for, from the beginning! It was never about securing America, their mission has always been to shape narratives to further the enrichment of the elites! The world has been one big stage with players on both sides enriching themselves while Joe Public thinking they were fighting each other! JFK understood this and wanted to eliminate it!
They never thought she would lose, and now everything is coming out.
But did they really think Kamala, the dumbest person on the planet (except when she spoke about Communism) would actually beat Trump? She never won anything and was appointed to run as the Democrat/Commie candidate.
It was never about her. WHs have been in control for years.
The she being referred to is Hillary Clinton, not Harris. Clinton was not supposed to loose in 2016.
Oh, okay. That I knew, but for some reason I thought they were talking about Kamala.
No worries
They never thought she would lose, now they all lose.
Nice Delta u/#q3831
Panic In DC
USAID wes a vehicle for regime change abroad, that was brought home by CIA, to provide the funding of the first? impeachment.
I am glad Jessie is doing so well on his show. He seems to be a genuinely nice, grounded person, not phony like Sean "Mr.Bombshell-Not" Hannity. Incidentally, did you know Hannity once laid bricks?
I bet you non US citizens like Soros, Schwab, and Rothschild were calling the shots.
The key word is ' orchestrate' that's all they were there for, from the beginning! It was never about securing America, their mission has always been to shape narratives to further the enrichment of the elites! The world has been one big stage with players on both sides enriching themselves while Joe Public thinking they were fighting each other! JFK understood this and wanted to eliminate it!
And Butler County, PA most likely.