Nice. Many have a hard time understanding this. Jesus was to set us free from Religion, liberal.
Evil steals the rainbow and liberal and turns it into the mirror of what God wants.
I try to explain to some people and they say I am nuts. I am not perfect but it is not a hard concept.
Government is a religion, it demands 40 percent of my pay as tithe and if I do not pay it is jail time.
God asks for 10 percent of free will.
Right now I see a revival coming that is huge. Americans have built its idols as politicians. Even the Preachers preach about how they know these political gods and how good they are.
Religion is crumbling in the USA.
That is not leading to anarchy, it is leading to a Golden Age. This will help those who are broken and make them capable of taking care of themselves. This will destroy the idols of this religion from the Churches to the Government. We need to separate the power again.
The only revival sweeping through the land worth anything is one that brings isolated and angry hermits out of their caves and into the church for membership and weekly worship, partaking in the ordinances of Christ. “American” Christianity has killed the gospel of anti-church/anti-worship/anti-biblical relationship with God, resulting in total isolation, no conversion, no salvation, no desire to obey Christ and not neglect the corporate gathering/making disciples/etc.
None of us here are perfect. And we all harbor righteous and unrighteous anger against many things (whether we are racist against ethnicities, resentful towards government officials, politicians, or one another, or tired and fed up with virtually everything wrong in the world, lord knows I am weary of it)… but I am willing wager that probably 50% (possibly higher) of this community that associate with Christianity are openly hostile against church membership, accountability & discipline, and weekly/mid-week corporate worship and fellowship; all of which are found in the NT and are given to the church for obedience to God as the “body of Christ.”
We have an epidemic of isolationism in American Christianity. I am genuinely excluding those who live in places without the ability to join/attend and those physically unable—I am not against these two exceptions—but we have a very liberal and leftist woke approach to objective truth about the Scriptures and the religion / relationship with Christ in the Christian religion… where everyone is free to decide what is right and good in their own eyes and how they want to worship God/Christ. All debates of Protestantism vs. the RCC and the racist anti-God Jew hating culture that has hijacked the gospel here at GAW (and this plays a significant role in choosing isolation, because nobody else in the church feels this way and you would be found out & corrected in the local church), but all that aside, Christ does not grant His sheep permission to live in isolation and forsake His commands for corporate gathering/ membership/worship.
The 1st century church joined in membership and gathered knowing they were being persecuted and hunted. This happened throughout church history and to a large degree still occurs today. I suppose we have it made in the shade to one degree or another in America but its almost as if we allow that to excuse our desire to rebel against God and purposely forsake church membership and corporate gathering/ worship.
For myself it is not isolationism, I just have zero desire to socially interact with normies, even ones who profess my faith. I am already an introvert but normies and social formalities are not for me. Kind of like being a fountain pen user, we have a local club here and while we attend some of the events we have zero desire to join and don't even know anyone's names
I would get zero out of it and also I doubt there is a pastor who wants to talk about my exploration of anti Pauline beliefs, Christian mysticism, ensoulment, or the heirarchy of upper domain and lower domain applied to daily life
Especially since I found Q and cannot separate God's plan from the plan. That is where my real disconnect would be
This is the spirit of isolation fren. I encourage you to keep praying on it.
We often look for a church that can serve us. Which to some degree we want. However we SHOULD ask Jesus what he wants. Where we can be used!! To glorify his name. God bless fren. Much love
We are to at times to fast. Fasting is not always from food. We can fast from lots of things. If we fast from air we will not live to say it was for good.
I don’t view your post as a doomer. It is true. Many have become isolated from this evil that has become the normalization in Western Culture.
I believe a man should forbear to cry in public and not care about feelings. Many Pastors sound like little girly men and they cry.. why would we not isolate from that sickness?
Those who believe a Pastor should cry and always Preaxh about feelings makes me wonder why go to Church. I goto work everyday and I socialize with customer and coworkers.
The definition of rebel is something to consider. Jesus says to rebuke and Love is the greatest. Jesus says the world will hate you because it hated Him first. The road is narrow not broad… So when those who find the narrow and the world becomes one… why would a Christian not become isolated?
If a Christian tells a pastor he is a girly man and the church is of the World the pastor will take it as the devil is persecuting him for crying.
It is a mirror and I believe it will be crumbled and a revival in the USA will happen… even after the revival and during it those as me will still just observe but be happy for people. People are sick at a higher level now than ever before. This sickness left as-is only leads to destruction and USAID and all those who partook in it know this and want that to continue.
Many Churches will fall soon. Many pastors are already sensing it. God is raising those who could be isolated now and soon will be the ones with the correct Resolve :)
Nice. Many have a hard time understanding this. Jesus was to set us free from Religion, liberal.
Evil steals the rainbow and liberal and turns it into the mirror of what God wants.
I try to explain to some people and they say I am nuts. I am not perfect but it is not a hard concept.
Government is a religion, it demands 40 percent of my pay as tithe and if I do not pay it is jail time.
God asks for 10 percent of free will.
Right now I see a revival coming that is huge. Americans have built its idols as politicians. Even the Preachers preach about how they know these political gods and how good they are.
Religion is crumbling in the USA.
That is not leading to anarchy, it is leading to a Golden Age. This will help those who are broken and make them capable of taking care of themselves. This will destroy the idols of this religion from the Churches to the Government. We need to separate the power again.
The only revival sweeping through the land worth anything is one that brings isolated and angry hermits out of their caves and into the church for membership and weekly worship, partaking in the ordinances of Christ. “American” Christianity has killed the gospel of anti-church/anti-worship/anti-biblical relationship with God, resulting in total isolation, no conversion, no salvation, no desire to obey Christ and not neglect the corporate gathering/making disciples/etc.
None of us here are perfect. And we all harbor righteous and unrighteous anger against many things (whether we are racist against ethnicities, resentful towards government officials, politicians, or one another, or tired and fed up with virtually everything wrong in the world, lord knows I am weary of it)… but I am willing wager that probably 50% (possibly higher) of this community that associate with Christianity are openly hostile against church membership, accountability & discipline, and weekly/mid-week corporate worship and fellowship; all of which are found in the NT and are given to the church for obedience to God as the “body of Christ.”
We have an epidemic of isolationism in American Christianity. I am genuinely excluding those who live in places without the ability to join/attend and those physically unable—I am not against these two exceptions—but we have a very liberal and leftist woke approach to objective truth about the Scriptures and the religion / relationship with Christ in the Christian religion… where everyone is free to decide what is right and good in their own eyes and how they want to worship God/Christ. All debates of Protestantism vs. the RCC and the racist anti-God Jew hating culture that has hijacked the gospel here at GAW (and this plays a significant role in choosing isolation, because nobody else in the church feels this way and you would be found out & corrected in the local church), but all that aside, Christ does not grant His sheep permission to live in isolation and forsake His commands for corporate gathering/ membership/worship.
The 1st century church joined in membership and gathered knowing they were being persecuted and hunted. This happened throughout church history and to a large degree still occurs today. I suppose we have it made in the shade to one degree or another in America but its almost as if we allow that to excuse our desire to rebel against God and purposely forsake church membership and corporate gathering/ worship.
For myself it is not isolationism, I just have zero desire to socially interact with normies, even ones who profess my faith. I am already an introvert but normies and social formalities are not for me. Kind of like being a fountain pen user, we have a local club here and while we attend some of the events we have zero desire to join and don't even know anyone's names
I would get zero out of it and also I doubt there is a pastor who wants to talk about my exploration of anti Pauline beliefs, Christian mysticism, ensoulment, or the heirarchy of upper domain and lower domain applied to daily life
Especially since I found Q and cannot separate God's plan from the plan. That is where my real disconnect would be
This is the spirit of isolation fren. I encourage you to keep praying on it.
We often look for a church that can serve us. Which to some degree we want. However we SHOULD ask Jesus what he wants. Where we can be used!! To glorify his name. God bless fren. Much love
Have you seen me coming off that way, out of curiosity? I do try to name problems within all of the groups, but without being against the whole group.
It’s a fine line to try and walk, and I’m not sure I do it correctly all the time.
We are to at times to fast. Fasting is not always from food. We can fast from lots of things. If we fast from air we will not live to say it was for good.
I don’t view your post as a doomer. It is true. Many have become isolated from this evil that has become the normalization in Western Culture.
I believe a man should forbear to cry in public and not care about feelings. Many Pastors sound like little girly men and they cry.. why would we not isolate from that sickness?
Those who believe a Pastor should cry and always Preaxh about feelings makes me wonder why go to Church. I goto work everyday and I socialize with customer and coworkers.
The definition of rebel is something to consider. Jesus says to rebuke and Love is the greatest. Jesus says the world will hate you because it hated Him first. The road is narrow not broad… So when those who find the narrow and the world becomes one… why would a Christian not become isolated?
If a Christian tells a pastor he is a girly man and the church is of the World the pastor will take it as the devil is persecuting him for crying.
It is a mirror and I believe it will be crumbled and a revival in the USA will happen… even after the revival and during it those as me will still just observe but be happy for people. People are sick at a higher level now than ever before. This sickness left as-is only leads to destruction and USAID and all those who partook in it know this and want that to continue.
Many Churches will fall soon. Many pastors are already sensing it. God is raising those who could be isolated now and soon will be the ones with the correct Resolve :)
Bring religion and God back? Yes… but bring people into corporate worship to obey Christ? 💯