Why do so many of those Congress members speak in such an unprofessional manner?
Their grammar is poor, their syntax is poor, they are rude, demanding and belligerent. They talk over each other, they raise their voices in an aggressive manner.
"We coming in." (The crowds pushes forward into the man who is standing in front of the locked doors.)
"We are coming in, don't lock the door. We are coming in. Who are you? Who are you? Who are you?"
"We've sent the secretary a letter today and told her we would be here and asked her for a meeting!"
"Who are you? What do you do here? (Answer: "Security Responsibility.")
"Get out of the way! Get out of the way! We pay your salary. We pay for your job. We pay you. We pay you. (Answer: "Nobody has accepted your meeting.")
"You are not the spokesman for the department! You are a security guard!"
"Where's your bag, (not badge) where's your bag? You don't have any identification. Where's your ID? Where's your ID?
"We are not a threat to security, we are members of Congress and we want to ask a question!
"This is an outrage! We want to speak to someone who works here!" Get out of the way! Step aside!
And it keeps going from there. You must watch it. It's obnoxious.
Love the ‘we pay you’ angle. Fact is, his taxes pay THEM. Not to mention, try that line of argument with your local LEO and see what that gets you.
Entitled Pricks, all of them.
So REEEEEEEEEE! There was only one security guard at the door. But behind him was many many DHS Police. Even if they got in the DHS police would have put them back out.
That one security guard, due to where they were positioned, was at risk of bodily harm. If you're alone with nowhere to run or escape to, that's a bad thing. I work security at an outdoors all year attraction and was offered a slot at a migrant shelter, I absolutely refused to take it. I'm a small guy, I'm a target for those animals. Not just for violence, but food also.
They are making fools out of themselves. They aren’t outraged that the government taxes us and wastes the $$$. They are outraged that they got caught stealing and undermining us.
Poor bastard: I had to skip through most of it; the screeching and stupidity is overwhelming. Why bother having him out there? Just bolt the door and call it a day.
Make sure you go to marker 14:50 and watch to the end. Maxine Waters doxxes him, tries to make him look at the camera so that he can be spotted on the street and attacked. She tries to shame his children, she demands his name, wants him to show his ID again. She is a menace.
This is Gold, and I look forward to seeing this more.
Imagine wringing their hands about "the children", when that's exactly who wasn't served by this department.
Democrtas, the law of holes, or the first law of holes, is an adage which states: "If you find yourself in a hole, stop digging." The old saying is a warning that when in an untenable position, it is best to stop making the situation worse. Democrats are making sure they it may be a centry before they have the control of the levers of power again.
Hahaha, Hahaha, for me the cartoon bandaid was the focus of this video. What happened, why such a stark bandaid. I wonder if his daughter picked it out for him. It totally distracted me from what was going on. Disguise bandaid, gives user + 10 on their stealth ability. User will be able to withstand inane ghetto speak for hours. Secondary affect. User will be able to stand motionless for 10 hours with no ill effects.
Access like the people who showed up at your chambers on J6. You hyperbolic fools. Close the DoE. We pay your fucking salary. Bunchnof fucking clowns. Such whiners. We don't needsn education committee an6more this house of shit is coming down. You theives. I didn't elect anynof you losers. These libtards are fake they care about no one but themselves. Listen to them makeup shitbfor talking points.
I love watching Maxine Waters flap her giant Predator gums in defiance when she faces something she cannot get around or through. She’s such a failure in politics and life.
Liberals have gotten so morally, mentally and physically repulsive.
From Hollywood to DC......including sports, music & the media!
Why do so many of those Congress members speak in such an unprofessional manner?
Their grammar is poor, their syntax is poor, they are rude, demanding and belligerent. They talk over each other, they raise their voices in an aggressive manner.
"We coming in." (The crowds pushes forward into the man who is standing in front of the locked doors.)
"We are coming in, don't lock the door. We are coming in. Who are you? Who are you? Who are you?"
"We've sent the secretary a letter today and told her we would be here and asked her for a meeting!"
"Who are you? What do you do here? (Answer: "Security Responsibility.")
"Get out of the way! Get out of the way! We pay your salary. We pay for your job. We pay you. We pay you. (Answer: "Nobody has accepted your meeting.")
"You are not the spokesman for the department! You are a security guard!"
"Where's your bag, (not badge) where's your bag? You don't have any identification. Where's your ID? Where's your ID?
"We are not a threat to security, we are members of Congress and we want to ask a question!
"This is an outrage! We want to speak to someone who works here!" Get out of the way! Step aside!
And it keeps going from there. You must watch it. It's obnoxious.
Love the ‘we pay you’ angle. Fact is, his taxes pay THEM. Not to mention, try that line of argument with your local LEO and see what that gets you. Entitled Pricks, all of them.
Exactly. The irony!
Local "LEO" are the standing army the Founding Fathers warned us about.
Exactly! So obnoxious and entitled.
So REEEEEEEEEE! There was only one security guard at the door. But behind him was many many DHS Police. Even if they got in the DHS police would have put them back out.
That one security guard, due to where they were positioned, was at risk of bodily harm. If you're alone with nowhere to run or escape to, that's a bad thing. I work security at an outdoors all year attraction and was offered a slot at a migrant shelter, I absolutely refused to take it. I'm a small guy, I'm a target for those animals. Not just for violence, but food also.
They don't pay employees in the Dept. of Education any more than we as citizens do.
The man preventing their entrance will go down in meme history. Perfect reaction to the lunatics surrounding him.
" I dont care Margaret" award goes to this guy!
They are making fools out of themselves. They aren’t outraged that the government taxes us and wastes the $$$. They are outraged that they got caught stealing and undermining us.
Their panic is so satisfying
I want a statue 🗿 made of this powerful moment in HIStory..
Poor bastard: I had to skip through most of it; the screeching and stupidity is overwhelming. Why bother having him out there? Just bolt the door and call it a day.
Make sure you go to marker 14:50 and watch to the end. Maxine Waters doxxes him, tries to make him look at the camera so that he can be spotted on the street and attacked. She tries to shame his children, she demands his name, wants him to show his ID again. She is a menace.
Mad Max cannot expire fast enough.
Sadly, I did see that part; she’s a disgrace.
These members of congress are Abusive pricks...
We need more men like this.
They scream they want his ID ...hmmmmmthats the only time they want to see ID ...wow
This is Gold, and I look forward to seeing this more. Imagine wringing their hands about "the children", when that's exactly who wasn't served by this department.
Democrtas, the law of holes, or the first law of holes, is an adage which states: "If you find yourself in a hole, stop digging." The old saying is a warning that when in an untenable position, it is best to stop making the situation worse. Democrats are making sure they it may be a centry before they have the control of the levers of power again.
This guy is a HERO.
I don't know how he remained so stoic.
I'm pretty sure after a a few minutes I would have started getting real smart like with my answers.
I want to see this guy in the OVAL OFFICE next week getting a MEDAL around his neck for having to put up with those liberal goons.
That would really send them off the deep end.
Have we been able to verify this is a real situation and not a Democrat ginned up photo op? Is brown jacket guy legit?
Hahaha, Hahaha, for me the cartoon bandaid was the focus of this video. What happened, why such a stark bandaid. I wonder if his daughter picked it out for him. It totally distracted me from what was going on. Disguise bandaid, gives user + 10 on their stealth ability. User will be able to withstand inane ghetto speak for hours. Secondary affect. User will be able to stand motionless for 10 hours with no ill effects.
Access like the people who showed up at your chambers on J6. You hyperbolic fools. Close the DoE. We pay your fucking salary. Bunchnof fucking clowns. Such whiners. We don't needsn education committee an6more this house of shit is coming down. You theives. I didn't elect anynof you losers. These libtards are fake they care about no one but themselves. Listen to them makeup shitbfor talking points.
This guy deserves a commendation and a raise.
Obnoxiously self entitled in their own eyes. Pride before the fall and not soon enough! I feel compassion for security guy, he deserves a bonus!
I love watching Maxine Waters flap her giant Predator gums in defiance when she faces something she cannot get around or through. She’s such a failure in politics and life.
Maxine doesn't even live in the district she represents. Apparently, that is ignored by the Dem party.
Like petulant children who have never been told NO IN THEIR LIVES
Every time little maxxy waters opens her mouth I love the way this guy just rolls his eyes
Maxine: “Would you let me see that I.D. again?”
Me: Take your low energy band of demons into a herd of pigs and drown yourselves 💋 🔥
Democrats and their hired activists are learning that they can't get their way by threats, intimidation or yelling.
Arrogant racist Maxine. i loved this security guy!