Always thought it was interesting that the ratio between a 1oz gold US coin is $50 face value and a 1oz silver coin is $1, giving a 50:1 ratio.
Compare that to current spot ($2917.00 : $32.54) for a 90:1 ratio and it's clear there's some manipulation going on...
Thankfully I've been steadily stacking for over 10 years...Sittin pretty right now, but a big boost like mentioned would be EPIC!!!
I've only got enough BTC as pocket change...just like my other currencies like GPB, EUR and CAN. Never made sense to put money into something I couldn't hold in my hand that's literally backed by nothing.
Last time bimetallic standard was in place we weren't using nearly 80% of the yearly mined silver for industrial purposes. 1:1 ratio of gold:silver is likely with the price well over $10,000 per ounce for both.
Supply of both can be boosted by pulling molecules of precious metals out of sea water and then reassembly into bars. China is rumored to be doing this and may be the source for the Saudi method being used to extract Lithium and Rare Earths from oil well waste water in a similar way.
Exactly. I have my silver and gold drop shipped so i can hold it. I know its mine when i hold it. Btw we buy it at cost instead of regular price from if you dont have a source
Its mined around 8 to 12 oz silver to one oz gold. Same amount of energy to mine. If gold hit six thousand conservatively silver could be worth almost 600 an ounce. If the traditional 40 to one ratio applied 1200 an ounce for silver theoretically would be wereit sits. I've built a healthy stack of both since 2010. Got most of it at what is now considered dirt cheap.
Yeah I hit my target number a while ago...then proceeded to double it. Speaking of doubling... I had to double up on shelves because they were bending... AND I'm wearing steel toes now because 100oz ones WILL land you in the hospital if you drop one on your foot. 1st world problems... yanno
That would be AWESOME!!!
What about silver?
Always thought it was interesting that the ratio between a 1oz gold US coin is $50 face value and a 1oz silver coin is $1, giving a 50:1 ratio.
Compare that to current spot ($2917.00 : $32.54) for a 90:1 ratio and it's clear there's some manipulation going on...
Thankfully I've been steadily stacking for over 10 years...Sittin pretty right now, but a big boost like mentioned would be EPIC!!!
I've only got enough BTC as pocket change...just like my other currencies like GPB, EUR and CAN. Never made sense to put money into something I couldn't hold in my hand that's literally backed by nothing.
Silver would have to follow, it's so under priced. The manipulation has to stop..
Last time bimetallic standard was in place we weren't using nearly 80% of the yearly mined silver for industrial purposes. 1:1 ratio of gold:silver is likely with the price well over $10,000 per ounce for both.
Supply of both can be boosted by pulling molecules of precious metals out of sea water and then reassembly into bars. China is rumored to be doing this and may be the source for the Saudi method being used to extract Lithium and Rare Earths from oil well waste water in a similar way.
The big banks are involved with the manipulation of silver.
Exactly. I have my silver and gold drop shipped so i can hold it. I know its mine when i hold it. Btw we buy it at cost instead of regular price from if you dont have a source
Its mined around 8 to 12 oz silver to one oz gold. Same amount of energy to mine. If gold hit six thousand conservatively silver could be worth almost 600 an ounce. If the traditional 40 to one ratio applied 1200 an ounce for silver theoretically would be wereit sits. I've built a healthy stack of both since 2010. Got most of it at what is now considered dirt cheap.
Yeah I hit my target number a while ago...then proceeded to double it. Speaking of doubling... I had to double up on shelves because they were bending... AND I'm wearing steel toes now because 100oz ones WILL land you in the hospital if you drop one on your foot. 1st world problems... yanno
Current Spot:
You have seen the Silver to Dollar ratio on the right side of this ?
"That would be AWESOME!!!"
Says the guy that has already bought the gold. 😕
Like Walter said, "You don't just stop...
being Jewishbuying gold"