posted ago by QuackQuack ago by QuackQuack +27 / -1

I've been going back and forth with a friend, and one of his arguments is the existence of miracles that helped bring about the state of Israel. I neglected to ask him to specify, though I'll try later.

So I googled it, and what I found are not exactly what I would consider to be miracles. More like fortuitous circumstances, I guess. Personally I would consider a miracle to the the obvious hand of God working in a situation, and not merely a less probable but favorable outcome in a given set of outcomes.

Anyhow, I'm well aware of Israel's history of false flags on it's own people and the rest of the world to get what they want...

My question is, do any of you have some good material or insights relating to the back stories during the 1948 era when the state was created?

My inquiring mind just KNOWS there's shenanigans there, waiting to be learned of.