I've been going back and forth with a friend, and one of his arguments is the existence of miracles that helped bring about the state of Israel. I neglected to ask him to specify, though I'll try later.
So I googled it, and what I found are not exactly what I would consider to be miracles. More like fortuitous circumstances, I guess. Personally I would consider a miracle to the the obvious hand of God working in a situation, and not merely a less probable but favorable outcome in a given set of outcomes.
Anyhow, I'm well aware of Israel's history of false flags on it's own people and the rest of the world to get what they want...
My question is, do any of you have some good material or insights relating to the back stories during the 1948 era when the state was created?
My inquiring mind just KNOWS there's shenanigans there, waiting to be learned of.
Look into the balfour declaration.
I agree. Much to my surprise, my extensive archive of useful internet articles does not have a link to a single article on the subject! Note to self: Must try harder.
Long story short:
The Allies were two years into WW1 but the Italians were losing interest, the UK was struggling for raw materials and Germany was winning. Then Lord Rothschild went to the UK government and offered to bring the US into the war on the side of the Allies. They said, "Yes please," but how could you do that and what would you expect in return.
They were effectively told to leave control of the US to them and in return they would like Palestine to be a Jewish homeland.
The history has been scrubbed……Winston Smith has been working hard long hours…..😀
Thanks - that's a useful synopsis!
Look up SS Exodus. Used to transport displaced Jews to Palestine Mandate territory after WWII. They were essentially illegal immigrants, as far as the British were concerned.
The Zionists called that type of immigration Aliyah Bet, illegal as opposed to Aliyah Aleph, the legal, limited immigration allowed by the British.
The Hagenah had planted explosives and threatened to blow the ship up if it were not allowed to land and allow entry into Haifa. If memory serves, the British military raided the ship to recover the explosives. Then the Haganah enforced a hunger strike on the passengers, who were committed to starvation if not allowed to disembark.
I have a contemporary news article about the story that was in the book 'Exodus' by Leon Uris.
In July 1946, Irgun blew up the King David Hotel in Jerusalem, where the British administration headquarters were located, killing 92 people.
On April 9, 1948, Irgun and Lehi militants jointly committed the Deir Yassin massacre of at least 107 Palestinian villagers, including women and children.
They murdered the Count Folke Bernadotte, the UN Security Council mediator, a man who had secured the release of 31,000 Jews from Germany in World War 2.
There are plenty more "miracles".
There never was a Palestine. If the proper amount of land was actually given to Israel….we wouldn’t have a problem with Arabs.
Well there was a Palestine, but it was simply the region where Palestinians lived. Even the Crusaders recognized that it was more complicated than that. There were no real borders until some shiny arses drew a map with lines on it in 1948. Similar to what happened in Africa, and what European countries were fighting about - i.e. who 'owned what' TBH. Notice that many countries in Africa just have straight borders. No regard for where tribes had settled - those peoples were simply cut in half.
So this is a post from Maya N of the website Quora.
“ The Bible uses “Israel” in a couple of contexts. The Biblical patriarch Yaakov (Jacob) was also known as Israel (for why, see Genesis 32:25–29).
As a result, the Jewish people are often referred to in the Bible as “the children of Israel.”
The land of Israel is not called “Israel” in the Bible. The land is referred to as “the land of Canaan” when the Canaanites lived there. After the children of Israel settled there, they split the land among the various tribes; the land is referred to mostly by cities (eg people are described as being from Bethlehem, or as traveling to Beit El, etc) or sometimes by the tribe living there.
ETA: as Shmuel Kam rightly points out, after the land split between two (Jewish) monarchies, the northern kingdom was called the Kingdom of Israel.
In Hebrew prayers, the land is often referred to as “the land of Zion and Jerusalem” or simply “our land.”
The name Israel was chosen by Zionist leaders in 1948. If I recall correctly they decided against calling it Judea (the Biblical/liturgical name of one of the larger parts of the land) or Zion because the proposed (in 1947) split of the land wouldn’t have included those areas in the Israeli state.
tl;dr version - the modern state was named after the people of Israel; the biblical state was not known as “Israel.” The Biblical “Yisrael” is referring to either Jacob, or his offspring, the Jewish people.”
Personally this is where I’m at as well. Israel is Jacob. When people refer to the children of Israel, that’s descendants of Jacob(Israel). The word Israel is mentioned thousands of times in the Old Testament, but I don’t think it’s what people are referring to today. Imo.
Yeah, exactly. And to go a little further down that path, the birthright was given to Joseph while the sceptre was given to Judah.
1 Chronicles 5 "The sons of Reuben the firstborn of Israel (he was the firstborn, but when he defiled his father’s marriage bed, his rights as firstborn were given to the sons of Joseph son of Israel; so he could not be listed in the genealogical record in accordance with his birthright, 2 and though Judah was the strongest of his brothers and a ruler came from him, the rights of the firstborn belonged to Joseph)"
So Joseph's line (Ephraim & Manasseh) carried the right to the NAME of Israel, their father's name. So long as all the tribes were united, the kingdom was called Israel; ie under David's rule etc.
However, once Judah split from the northern tribes, the group that included the sons of Joseph retained the name Israel and the rest (ie Judah) had to go with their tribal names.
Jesus came from Judah and pretty much all we've heard about for 2000 years now is Jews / Judah.
So why does modern Israel get to usurp the name Israel, when they don't have legal right to it? They claim they are Jews, and therefore not Israelites (unless they are united with the other tribes).
Backup even further, and we find Jacob tricked Esau and took his birthright and blessing, and in return, Isaac blessed Esau with "Your dwelling will be away from the earth's richness, away from the dew of heaven above. You will live by the sword and you will serve your brother. But when you grow restless, you will throw his yoke from off your neck."
Esau became the Edomites, and they were conquered by Judah around 100BC if memory serves. By the time of Christ, they were about half of the Jewish population.
Fast forward a couple millenia and the Edomites are effectively "throwing the yoke off their necks" and in a surprise twist, have stolen the birthright/name back from Jacob for a time. God is giving them their opportunity to prove their worthiness, or lack thereof. Jesus cursed the fig tree, but also said it would return at the end of the age and bear leaves... but NOT fruit.
Man this is a fun topic - and I haven't even got into the Khazarians, but that's pretty well trodden ground in these parts.
I think that this article describes the kind of things that you're asking about. This is centered around the 6 day war though. Arguably there's no way that Israel should have won.
If you search for angels in the 6 day war, you'll find quite a few articles similar to this one below. Hope this helps you out fren.
Oh, I bet that's what he was referring to. Thanks for the link, I'll check it out.
I also watched Candace Owen's interview of the USS Liberty survivor recently. That puts quite an interesting spin on the 6 day war too.
The Mystery of Israel
Badlands Media
Joe Lange