I was a little kid back in the 70s. I remember my mom got me a butterfly net as a present when I was around five. It was so easy to go outside and immediately catch a monarch butterfly.
There was were meadows near my house in Minnesota filled with milkweed plants. It was impossible to turn over a leaf of one of these plants without finding a little striped monarch caterpillar munching away at a leaf. I would often catch one, put it into a jar, and a few days later it would transform into a butterfly.
When my daughter was a young girl in the 2000s, I took her to a meadow hoping to find some monarch caterpillars so she could witness the same wonder. I swear, now it's almost impossible to find those! I've turned over many leafs without finding a single one. Finally I went ordered a caterpillar online from some science shop.
Occassionally, I'll see a monarch butterfly here or there, but I remember back in the 70s, it was almost impossible to step outside without immediately seeing one.
Has any one else noticed this change?
#1 reason for this is that people have been poisoning their yards for decades and stupidly classify dandelions as "weeds."
In rural areas, anywhere there are flowers the pollinators will come. Even clover is enough to draw them. I can't go barefoot in summer without stepping on bees.
Dandelions are wonderful, cheerful yellow flowers. Edible (though not very tasty). But as the first flower of spring, basically, they are such a joy to see. There ought to be a "dandelion festival" in the spring to celebrate them. "Make Dandelions Great Again"!
Yeah lots of people hate dandelions but I have always liked them. They are the first burst of color in the spring.
I love Dandelions, their color is so bright, too bad everyone in my neighborhood (except us), has lawn service, so the crap they spray gets on my lawn too, and not many Dandelions anymore.
We have to be careful to collect them where the dogs don't go.....but, I eat the leaves and blossoms in salad and the roots taste a bit like carrots. Mrs. bigsix like dandelion tea made from the blossoms. They are very good for you.
I have dandelion root tea. Nature provides a cleansing plant right away to start spring! Funny, huh? Almost like God crafted things. 😊