...I am leaning toward the "more gold than realized" camp...
...I believe all of the talk about "no gold" is just a psyop to understate what is going to happen...
...I have some pretty deep roots down in Kentucky, I asked someone years ago about the gold situation at Ft Knox and was told, "you shouldn't worry too much about that"...
Whatever happened to her? She was all over the place for about 8 weeks then disappeared. Was she just a cameo 'messenger' in this whole play? I feel pretty confident that she knew exactly what she could reveal and where that line was.
I’m in this camp as well. I own some and YAY the price has gone way up but if it goes to 30 dollars an ounce and destroys all the deep state bankers who have been buying it up like crazy I’m ok with that,
For gold to go to $30, the money supply would have to be cut substantially. Like move the decimal left 5 spaces type of money destruction. If the dollar was directly linked, Au would likely be 144k/ozt. There has been historical precedence of this in the past where they issued new bills and kept the coins in circulation, but I think the more possible solution would be crypto and cashless. They're gearing us up for cashless so they can pull the big trick.
Just remember the FED (all caps) is different from the Fed; ForeignExchange Dept.-where all the money is made. Example: all the airports have exchange booths where the fliers can get screwed with all the fees. The banks may be around their levels of being voracious.
Moneychangers ALL!
I'm not certain where I read this (definitely was in a post on this board) but Trump said he dealt with Brics and it is no longer a threat to petrodollar. If he has most of the marbles, he can dictate the rules of the game.
BRICS was only a thing because there is no faith in the "dollar" situation with all the suspected fuckery "at the time".
But we now have all the "known fuckery" of today. Maybe the gold reveal, establishes the stability, as well, the coming clean of the DOGE experience and subsequent paying the price of evil doers puts the credibility back where it was and re-establishes the dollar reserve status.
After all we're leading the way out of the dark for what can hopefully be generations (at least) of humanity.
I recall in about 2005 there was a report out that there was over 200 Trillion dollars worth of gold in Fort Know. Not all of it was our gold. But the reson for the report if I recall corrcetly was ,"Where is all of Hitler's gold". As in he had train box loads of gold. It was hard to move all that gold by rail road because all the tracks were blown up. The theroy is the U.S. Army brought it all back to the United States.
...I am leaning toward the "more gold than realized" camp...
...I believe all of the talk about "no gold" is just a psyop to understate what is going to happen...
...I have some pretty deep roots down in Kentucky, I asked someone years ago about the gold situation at Ft Knox and was told, "you shouldn't worry too much about that"...
Remember this story about POTUS pulling 650 plane loads of our gold out of the Vatican?
If true, I’m wondering if there is a link? If that gold exists and was sent to Ft. Knox then there is a lot more gold than is believed.
Or, is it possible this is the gold that is supposed to be at Fort Knox and President Trump is playing mind games with the people who moved it?
And, of course, there is a possibility Jan Halper-Hayes is repeating stories that are true.
"If that gold exists and was sent to Ft. Knox then there is a lot more gold than is believed."
...I believe that is the direction the wind is blowing...
Whatever happened to her? She was all over the place for about 8 weeks then disappeared. Was she just a cameo 'messenger' in this whole play? I feel pretty confident that she knew exactly what she could reveal and where that line was.
I’m in this camp as well. I own some and YAY the price has gone way up but if it goes to 30 dollars an ounce and destroys all the deep state bankers who have been buying it up like crazy I’m ok with that,
" but if it goes to 30 dollars an ounce and destroys all the deep state bankers who have been buying it up like crazy I’m ok with that,"
...precious metals will always have a situational value...
...pigs get fat...
...hogs get slaughtered...
For gold to go to $30, the money supply would have to be cut substantially. Like move the decimal left 5 spaces type of money destruction. If the dollar was directly linked, Au would likely be 144k/ozt. There has been historical precedence of this in the past where they issued new bills and kept the coins in circulation, but I think the more possible solution would be crypto and cashless. They're gearing us up for cashless so they can pull the big trick.
Just remember the FED (all caps) is different from the Fed; ForeignExchange Dept.-where all the money is made. Example: all the airports have exchange booths where the fliers can get screwed with all the fees. The banks may be around their levels of being voracious. Moneychangers ALL!
So what is the consequence of him checking on the gold and then realizing it’s all there? That just means no theft.
"So what is the consequence of him checking on the gold and then realizing it’s all there?"th
...the point is not that the gold is still there...
...the speculation is that there is actually more gold there than anyone previously thought...
...which could have very large economic implications...
I'm not certain where I read this (definitely was in a post on this board) but Trump said he dealt with Brics and it is no longer a threat to petrodollar. If he has most of the marbles, he can dictate the rules of the game.
"If he has most of the marbles, he can dictate the rules of the game."
...valid statement...
BRICS was only a thing because there is no faith in the "dollar" situation with all the suspected fuckery "at the time".
But we now have all the "known fuckery" of today. Maybe the gold reveal, establishes the stability, as well, the coming clean of the DOGE experience and subsequent paying the price of evil doers puts the credibility back where it was and re-establishes the dollar reserve status.
After all we're leading the way out of the dark for what can hopefully be generations (at least) of humanity.
2 cents
It could very well be that he knows we have much more than anyone could imagine and it could be used against other countries to show their cards
"it could be used against other countries to show their cards"
I recall in about 2005 there was a report out that there was over 200 Trillion dollars worth of gold in Fort Know. Not all of it was our gold. But the reson for the report if I recall corrcetly was ,"Where is all of Hitler's gold". As in he had train box loads of gold. It was hard to move all that gold by rail road because all the tracks were blown up. The theroy is the U.S. Army brought it all back to the United States.
Kellys Heros
"there was a report out that there was over 200 Trillion dollars worth of gold in Fort Knox"
...that is one large number...
...wags tail mathematically...