It's scary to think how much of your life has been diverted and how much it's deviated from your natural progression because these sick fucks have been gas lighting, manipulating, influencing, injecting shit, gene editing, poisoning you to only name a few.
Snopes and other articles have discredited this video. It was removed from Youtube for violating community guidelines, which does not jive with the below article.
After the coof twice and flu for the second fucking time in a year I think our government has done really evil shit with vaccinations, therefore while this video was fake, the premise and intent was more likely real than not. Remember: They have to tell us, then they can get away with it.
Geneticists are the first to admit that genes don't explain everything, and that the most important features of human behavior represent a complex interplay among many genes and the environment. Although we have now learned the most fundamental secrets of the human genome, and understood hundreds of mendelian genetic traits in molecular detail, we have been far less successful in our studies of the traits and genes that are vastly more important from the medical, economic, social and intellectual perspectives. We have been gun-shy when it comes to dealing with questions about how genetics interprets cognitive ability, race, personality and behavior. Once again, National Institutes of Health molecular biologist Dean Hamer fills the gap with a radical treatment of no less than the genetic basis for spirituality.
His book runs the gamut from the nature and measurement of personality traits such as spirituality to the estimation of heritability with twin studies, and on to molecular genetics. It is beautifully written and concisely stated in just over two hundred pages. In Hamer's argument, spiritual experiences and religion are nearly universal human attributes. Hamer measures spirituality on a scale of 'self-transcendence', or the ability to see beyond oneself, a concept first introduced by psychologist Robert Cloninger. He draws a sharp distinction between spirituality, which is a personality trait that some of us have to a greater or lesser extent than others, and religion or belief in a particular god, which is a culturally transmitted expression of spirituality. It might be that some of that variation in spirituality is explained by genetics, although spirituality is probably a complex trait influenced by many genes as well as the environment. If there are genetic influences, ever-more-sophisticated techniques in molecular genetics should be able to tease them out. These genetic factors may have been favored during human evolution because spirituality has some positive effect on the individual's ability to reproduce. Hamer identifies one candidate gene (SLC18A2, also called VMAT2, which encodes vesicular monoamine transporter 2), which controls the transport of key neurochemicals called monoamines and may account for a fraction of the genetic variation in spirituality. In fact, monoamine modulation is the mechanism through which many psychoactive drugs may work and through which some of these drugs (such as psilocybin) might produce intense experiences sometimes described as spiritual or religious.
To be sure, Hamer spends plenty of time on shaky ground. Hamer admits in his introduction that the volume is misnamed; he isn't talking about genes for being a god, but rather about those that predispose us to religion-neutral spiritual beliefs, experiences and interpretations. Spirituality is not controlled by the product of a single gene but is complex, involving many genes, each making a small contribution to the phenotype, combined with a very strong environmental influence. But these days, a title like Environmental and Minor Genetic Influences on Spiritual Behavior doesn't sell books as well as one like The God Gene. Most of the complexities of inheritance are explained with care and accuracy in the book, but Hamer often falls into less-rigorous language for convenience. Unfortunately, the nonrigorous shorthand, such as “God gene”, sticks, facilitating misinterpretation and enraging critics.
The most important words in Hamer's book surely are the last ones, where readers will find a take-home message. Unfortunately, the final pages seem to have a few unintentional slips. For example, “Spirituality is based in consciousness, religion in cognition. Spirituality is universal, whereas cultures have their own forms of religion. I would argue that the most important contrast is that spirituality is genetic, while religion is based on cultures, traditions, beliefs, and ideas. It is, in other words, mimetic.” Well, even the most die-hard genocentrist would say that there are genetic influences that underlie a tendency toward spirituality, not that “spirituality is genetic.” Hamer goes on: “The fact that spirituality has a genetic component implies that it evolved for a purpose.” Although the question of why spirituality might have an evolutionary advantage is an important one, I haven't yet given in to the notion that every base pair of my DNA has some higher purpose.
Technically, you could scan for people who would respond favorably to certain images.
For example, you could scan for those who favor pedophilia, or would respond unfavorably to those American values on which the country is based. Of course, the question remains: what would a person's choice be?
What is staggering, here, is that they are looking to induce docility and as such: impose their policy on the world by means of vaccines, and take away the one thing that freedom requires: choice based on love of freedom.
It also underscores the basic idea with the Covid narrative: the vaxx is the only solution to get us out of this crisis, whatever they comprehend to be "this crisis".
No vaxx. Whatever the circumstances seems a wise decision.
I believe it. Before Covid I was yelling about the flu jab and my friend was just fog brain and said no choice, required by school, and during Covid she and her whole family complied too.. and not caring about the red pills I tried grilling in to her and her fam.. like they completely surrendered to the corrupt system.. they see me as the fool I guess
Also I noticed a lot of celebs who started out normal and straight started getting brainwashed about diet and becoming vegetarian and vegan, their brains deteriorated and in a couple years they become gay lgbt and suffer from depression. So diet and pills and jab all messed people up and their way of thinking also became messed up because their brains shrunk.
Basically, one will strap on an explosive devise OR be so numbed out that they do not describe themselves as particularly religious?
'Normal' is being defined as disconnected from God.
Everyone has a God-sized hole within them. It can only be filled by God. Some try to fill it with other things - work, pleasure, etc, but it can only be completely filled by God.
What about those individuals who are on fire for God, AND would NEVER strap on a bomb? Do we numb these individuals out as well?
A related video from the YouTube channel "Modern Warfare Institute" this video is 6 years old and I first shared it at the onset of COVID and warned that a vaccine is coming, but it's not what they say it is. I was called crazy by many.
This video has a lot of information beyond the subject mentioned in this post, but does touch on the subject. It's well worth the hour of your time and discussed brain/ computer interface. A lot of these things can be used for good, but we know where they end up.
It's scary to think how much of your life has been diverted and how much it's deviated from your natural progression because these sick fucks have been gas lighting, manipulating, influencing, injecting shit, gene editing, poisoning you to only name a few.
Snopes and other articles have discredited this video. It was removed from Youtube for violating community guidelines, which does not jive with the below article.
After the coof twice and flu for the second fucking time in a year I think our government has done really evil shit with vaccinations, therefore while this video was fake, the premise and intent was more likely real than not. Remember: They have to tell us, then they can get away with it.
If they have to tell us, but then censor telling us as claiming a hoax, then they didn’t exactly tell us.
We censored this information for your own safety. We love you, just pay your taxes and CONSUME.
Speaking is Dean Hamer (Heimer)
The presentation at the Pentagon was genuine.
Geneticists are the first to admit that genes don't explain everything, and that the most important features of human behavior represent a complex interplay among many genes and the environment. Although we have now learned the most fundamental secrets of the human genome, and understood hundreds of mendelian genetic traits in molecular detail, we have been far less successful in our studies of the traits and genes that are vastly more important from the medical, economic, social and intellectual perspectives. We have been gun-shy when it comes to dealing with questions about how genetics interprets cognitive ability, race, personality and behavior. Once again, National Institutes of Health molecular biologist Dean Hamer fills the gap with a radical treatment of no less than the genetic basis for spirituality.
His book runs the gamut from the nature and measurement of personality traits such as spirituality to the estimation of heritability with twin studies, and on to molecular genetics. It is beautifully written and concisely stated in just over two hundred pages. In Hamer's argument, spiritual experiences and religion are nearly universal human attributes. Hamer measures spirituality on a scale of 'self-transcendence', or the ability to see beyond oneself, a concept first introduced by psychologist Robert Cloninger. He draws a sharp distinction between spirituality, which is a personality trait that some of us have to a greater or lesser extent than others, and religion or belief in a particular god, which is a culturally transmitted expression of spirituality. It might be that some of that variation in spirituality is explained by genetics, although spirituality is probably a complex trait influenced by many genes as well as the environment. If there are genetic influences, ever-more-sophisticated techniques in molecular genetics should be able to tease them out. These genetic factors may have been favored during human evolution because spirituality has some positive effect on the individual's ability to reproduce. Hamer identifies one candidate gene (SLC18A2, also called VMAT2, which encodes vesicular monoamine transporter 2), which controls the transport of key neurochemicals called monoamines and may account for a fraction of the genetic variation in spirituality. In fact, monoamine modulation is the mechanism through which many psychoactive drugs may work and through which some of these drugs (such as psilocybin) might produce intense experiences sometimes described as spiritual or religious.
To be sure, Hamer spends plenty of time on shaky ground. Hamer admits in his introduction that the volume is misnamed; he isn't talking about genes for being a god, but rather about those that predispose us to religion-neutral spiritual beliefs, experiences and interpretations. Spirituality is not controlled by the product of a single gene but is complex, involving many genes, each making a small contribution to the phenotype, combined with a very strong environmental influence. But these days, a title like Environmental and Minor Genetic Influences on Spiritual Behavior doesn't sell books as well as one like The God Gene. Most of the complexities of inheritance are explained with care and accuracy in the book, but Hamer often falls into less-rigorous language for convenience. Unfortunately, the nonrigorous shorthand, such as “God gene”, sticks, facilitating misinterpretation and enraging critics.
The most important words in Hamer's book surely are the last ones, where readers will find a take-home message. Unfortunately, the final pages seem to have a few unintentional slips. For example, “Spirituality is based in consciousness, religion in cognition. Spirituality is universal, whereas cultures have their own forms of religion. I would argue that the most important contrast is that spirituality is genetic, while religion is based on cultures, traditions, beliefs, and ideas. It is, in other words, mimetic.” Well, even the most die-hard genocentrist would say that there are genetic influences that underlie a tendency toward spirituality, not that “spirituality is genetic.” Hamer goes on: “The fact that spirituality has a genetic component implies that it evolved for a purpose.” Although the question of why spirituality might have an evolutionary advantage is an important one, I haven't yet given in to the notion that every base pair of my DNA has some higher purpose.
WOW, this predated the link I provided by ~13 years. It's amazing how outdated information is by the time we discover it
Good shit, confirms it is real enough for me!
Thank you for the additional information. I also made a comment above with an additional link.
Technically, you could scan for people who would respond favorably to certain images.
For example, you could scan for those who favor pedophilia, or would respond unfavorably to those American values on which the country is based. Of course, the question remains: what would a person's choice be?
What is staggering, here, is that they are looking to induce docility and as such: impose their policy on the world by means of vaccines, and take away the one thing that freedom requires: choice based on love of freedom.
It also underscores the basic idea with the Covid narrative: the vaxx is the only solution to get us out of this crisis, whatever they comprehend to be "this crisis".
No vaxx. Whatever the circumstances seems a wise decision.
These people are stupid to think they can remove Jesus. This is hilarious.
The level of hatred they have for him is a great proof of his existence and the truth of his story.
Amen. This is true.
How to detach the human soul from the body.
I believe it. Before Covid I was yelling about the flu jab and my friend was just fog brain and said no choice, required by school, and during Covid she and her whole family complied too.. and not caring about the red pills I tried grilling in to her and her fam.. like they completely surrendered to the corrupt system.. they see me as the fool I guess
Also I noticed a lot of celebs who started out normal and straight started getting brainwashed about diet and becoming vegetarian and vegan, their brains deteriorated and in a couple years they become gay lgbt and suffer from depression. So diet and pills and jab all messed people up and their way of thinking also became messed up because their brains shrunk.
Who gets to decide 'normal' religious expression?
Basically, one will strap on an explosive devise OR be so numbed out that they do not describe themselves as particularly religious?
'Normal' is being defined as disconnected from God.
Everyone has a God-sized hole within them. It can only be filled by God. Some try to fill it with other things - work, pleasure, etc, but it can only be completely filled by God.
What about those individuals who are on fire for God, AND would NEVER strap on a bomb? Do we numb these individuals out as well?
The hypothesis is dangerously flawed.
It ignores basic humanity.
Did USAID fund this one?
I think it was a DARPA project
A related video from the YouTube channel "Modern Warfare Institute" this video is 6 years old and I first shared it at the onset of COVID and warned that a vaccine is coming, but it's not what they say it is. I was called crazy by many.
This video has a lot of information beyond the subject mentioned in this post, but does touch on the subject. It's well worth the hour of your time and discussed brain/ computer interface. A lot of these things can be used for good, but we know where they end up.