The sad thing is, probably 40% of the population is happy that such a coup occurred, because their TDS is that strong, such that they are willing to overlook blatantly criminal activity if it hurts Trump. They are willing to have our country go down the gutter, if it hurts Trump.
I don't care as much about this past event as I do about the continuing voter fraud all across the nation that cost many seats in Congress and a few senate races. It still has not been addressed and fixed. Until it is, we are just a banana republic when it comes to elections and that is unacceptable.
Good point. It's probably necessary to expose the fraud that "elections" have been - in order to order billions of dollars of new voting machines and pass laws to mandate them in all 50 states.
Voting is just like the entire federal government - ripe with abuse, corruption and exceedingly large and complicated with exhausting bureaucracy.
Very few, if any, of our “elected officials” were really chosen by the people. Hence, so many of them tend to obstruct anything good from happening. How many of them give us “based and redpilled” lip service, only to vote against us when our backs are turned?
Potus reportedly told NBC news he doesn't want to think about the past, but the future. I hope that's just misdirection, because I will be furious if this isn't addressed. Any moron knows you have to know your history or you are bound to repeat it. The people deserve to know and have to know.
Disclosure should come after the 2028 elections. Reason being, is the Libtards would flip it and say that Trump won 2020 so he is ineligible to be President for it would be his 3rd
This surely needs to get to the general public. But will it convince most of them, probably not. The ones that think Biden got tens of millions of votes will probably keep thinking it-even though it was cheating and fraud that got him most of those votes. SAD, CRIMINAL, BUT TRUE!
The sad thing is, probably 40% of the population is happy that such a coup occurred, because their TDS is that strong, such that they are willing to overlook blatantly criminal activity if it hurts Trump. They are willing to have our country go down the gutter, if it hurts Trump.
Among them, believing that a coup even happened is a thoughtcrime, unless the "coup" is people challenging the election fraud on J6.
I don't care as much about this past event as I do about the continuing voter fraud all across the nation that cost many seats in Congress and a few senate races. It still has not been addressed and fixed. Until it is, we are just a banana republic when it comes to elections and that is unacceptable.
What he is saying nothing has been done to fix the voter problem....
Yes, I am agreeing. The past is done, we must fix this for the future or there is none.
Might not be a bad thing to expose 2020 for the sham it was. Consider if Biden was no longer recognized as ever being a President… all those pardons…
Good point. It's probably necessary to expose the fraud that "elections" have been - in order to order billions of dollars of new voting machines and pass laws to mandate them in all 50 states.
Voting is just like the entire federal government - ripe with abuse, corruption and exceedingly large and complicated with exhausting bureaucracy.
Very few, if any, of our “elected officials” were really chosen by the people. Hence, so many of them tend to obstruct anything good from happening. How many of them give us “based and redpilled” lip service, only to vote against us when our backs are turned?
(((DISCLOSE SOMETHING)))!!! There I feel better.
Potus reportedly told NBC news he doesn't want to think about the past, but the future. I hope that's just misdirection, because I will be furious if this isn't addressed. Any moron knows you have to know your history or you are bound to repeat it. The people deserve to know and have to know.
Disclosure should come after the 2028 elections. Reason being, is the Libtards would flip it and say that Trump won 2020 so he is ineligible to be President for it would be his 3rd
He didn't serve tho
My point exactly- they’ll say he won so he was president and the nominees will believe them
There's more pillars than that. There's the lawfare against Trump, the fake phony impeachments, the failed assassination attempts, and much more.
Yes but look how much better & further along we are. It had to be this way!!!! Expose all of it, keep waking up the sheep.
This surely needs to get to the general public. But will it convince most of them, probably not. The ones that think Biden got tens of millions of votes will probably keep thinking it-even though it was cheating and fraud that got him most of those votes. SAD, CRIMINAL, BUT TRUE!
This will happen and normies will have no choice but to face the fact that biden was not elected just like bathhouse Barry