9 of 56 signers of the Declaration of Independence were known Free Masons. With quite a few others suspected as members or at least affiliated with Masonic adjacent groups.
13 of 39 signers of the Constitution were Free Masons. Ironically 33%. Given their favoritism for that number.
Quite a few Presidents including George Washington. James Monroe, and Andrew Jackson were also masons.
Ben Franklin, Samuel Adams (Though records are spotty regarding which lodge he belonged), Paul Revere. John Quincy Adams.
So, So many. Military Leaders, Congressmen, Members of State Governments, Governors, Captains of Industry. Members of Federal Government. Lawyers, Judges, Professors, Teachers etc.
The Masons are inextricably tied to the history of the United States.
Yes, but the American Masonic lodges were already being infiltrated in the days of George Washington's presidency. There are letters to and from Washington discussing this. By our day, the lodges have been thoroughly corrupted, just like the Vatican has been.
BTW, John Quincy Adams was definitely not a Mason. He even wrote an anti-Mason book strongly criticizing freemasonry.
I'm not saying there aren't lodges that may have bad dudes in it, but I can say that my masonic lodge is full of a bunch of BASED conservative guys most of whom are Christians as well. It just always seems to me that the bad mouthing of freemasonry is always from people who have no first hand knowledge or people who are still perpetuating long debunked hoaxes.
I have virtually no first hand experience with freemasonry. I do believe that they are nowhere near as unified and coordinated as people make them out to be. And people have spun off from them and gone in their own directions throughout history. My theory is that Team Q/Trump see themselves somehow as inheritors of the early American lodges, the ones that founded the nation, before infiltration, and that they are intent on cleaning out the institutuion, and as not willing to give up the Enlightenment national experiment that their masonic forebears set up. It's clear there's been an intelligenstia ruling class that isn't actually Christian for a few centuries now. Trump's painted murals in his Trump Tower apartment are heavy on Apollo themes, for example. But like the early American freemasons, there's a making of common cause now again between tradtional Christianity and the current crop of freemason avengers behind Trump.
I left because of the racism and constant divisions. It's supposed to be a brotherhood of whom all believe in God and do good works but there were those that forced the doctrines of their church on others. There were actually Black Prince Hall Masons because the lodges in the south wouldn't accept them. When I asked why the excuse was...Its been the tradition throughout the centuries.
Prince Hall lodges have been around since the late 1700s in fact George Washington became interested in masonry because of his visit to a Prince Hall lodge. Previously during slavery, slaves and former slaves couldnt join non prince hall lodges because they were not “free born” because you can not make a free choice to become one if you have a master. Later after the end of slavery this prohibition continued for a while but eventually most lodges have no such issue. But because of the existence of Prince Hall lodges black men have normally gravitated there anyway because of the legacy. Im sure there have been certain lodges that rejected blacks after the end of slavery, but this is not WHY there are Prince Hall Masons. Additionally i am a member of a regular lodge in the south and we have numerous black men who are members of our lodge so we dont really have that issue.
9 of 56 signers of the Declaration of Independence were known Free Masons. With quite a few others suspected as members or at least affiliated with Masonic adjacent groups.
13 of 39 signers of the Constitution were Free Masons. Ironically 33%. Given their favoritism for that number.
Quite a few Presidents including George Washington. James Monroe, and Andrew Jackson were also masons.
Ben Franklin, Samuel Adams (Though records are spotty regarding which lodge he belonged), Paul Revere. John Quincy Adams.
So, So many. Military Leaders, Congressmen, Members of State Governments, Governors, Captains of Industry. Members of Federal Government. Lawyers, Judges, Professors, Teachers etc.
The Masons are inextricably tied to the history of the United States.
Yes, but the American Masonic lodges were already being infiltrated in the days of George Washington's presidency. There are letters to and from Washington discussing this. By our day, the lodges have been thoroughly corrupted, just like the Vatican has been.
BTW, John Quincy Adams was definitely not a Mason. He even wrote an anti-Mason book strongly criticizing freemasonry.
He was. He grew disillusioned and became a staunch Anti-Mason.
As has happened several times
Oh, I see. Thanks!
I'm not saying there aren't lodges that may have bad dudes in it, but I can say that my masonic lodge is full of a bunch of BASED conservative guys most of whom are Christians as well. It just always seems to me that the bad mouthing of freemasonry is always from people who have no first hand knowledge or people who are still perpetuating long debunked hoaxes.
I have virtually no first hand experience with freemasonry. I do believe that they are nowhere near as unified and coordinated as people make them out to be. And people have spun off from them and gone in their own directions throughout history. My theory is that Team Q/Trump see themselves somehow as inheritors of the early American lodges, the ones that founded the nation, before infiltration, and that they are intent on cleaning out the institutuion, and as not willing to give up the Enlightenment national experiment that their masonic forebears set up. It's clear there's been an intelligenstia ruling class that isn't actually Christian for a few centuries now. Trump's painted murals in his Trump Tower apartment are heavy on Apollo themes, for example. But like the early American freemasons, there's a making of common cause now again between tradtional Christianity and the current crop of freemason avengers behind Trump.
I left because of the racism and constant divisions. It's supposed to be a brotherhood of whom all believe in God and do good works but there were those that forced the doctrines of their church on others. There were actually Black Prince Hall Masons because the lodges in the south wouldn't accept them. When I asked why the excuse was...Its been the tradition throughout the centuries.
Prince Hall lodges have been around since the late 1700s in fact George Washington became interested in masonry because of his visit to a Prince Hall lodge. Previously during slavery, slaves and former slaves couldnt join non prince hall lodges because they were not “free born” because you can not make a free choice to become one if you have a master. Later after the end of slavery this prohibition continued for a while but eventually most lodges have no such issue. But because of the existence of Prince Hall lodges black men have normally gravitated there anyway because of the legacy. Im sure there have been certain lodges that rejected blacks after the end of slavery, but this is not WHY there are Prince Hall Masons. Additionally i am a member of a regular lodge in the south and we have numerous black men who are members of our lodge so we dont really have that issue.