I did not see the American BAR mentioned. They were incorporated in DC in 1878 and proceeded to create 48 state BAR subsidiaries prior to the Oct 15, 1933 switch to US CORP (20th Amendment+hidden shenanigans). These then created the 48 Municipal Service Corporations and the service contracts from sovereign states to MSCs which now must be severed to restore sovereign states. Note that “Trust Law” also established 1878 to allow elites to operate outside of CORP LAW: https://greatawakening.win/p/17r9pF0937/how-trust-law-structures-underpi/c/
STATE BAR CORPS hold all the incorporation documents (articles of incorporation) and contract details for the MSCs and refuse to provide public copies. Integrated BAR states where state BAR CORP integrated into judiciary around 1966 are easiest to undo since that integration violates Article IV Section 4 guarantees prohibiting “Corporate Form of Gov’t” in the state. (CA Const unlawfully amended 11-8-66): https://greatawakening.win/p/16ZE4cVfi5/proof-that-the-state-bar-of-cali/
+1 important info about ABA, I can imagine that ina few years a ballot initiative could be placed on the ballot in a state to abolish the state bar and make it so that people who are talented like contractors, engineers, and doctors who prescribe ivermectin can represent others in court without having to serve the state bars and their systems.
Should be one of our biggest demands, because all they have done is IGNORE it for a very long time, an it is mainly the Judicial Occupations that fight against showing it the Light of Day....
I've argued a few Lawyers into admitting it was Ratified Properly, but none in writing nor on any Recording Devices....
Related research on BAR, etc:
I did not see the American BAR mentioned. They were incorporated in DC in 1878 and proceeded to create 48 state BAR subsidiaries prior to the Oct 15, 1933 switch to US CORP (20th Amendment+hidden shenanigans). These then created the 48 Municipal Service Corporations and the service contracts from sovereign states to MSCs which now must be severed to restore sovereign states. Note that “Trust Law” also established 1878 to allow elites to operate outside of CORP LAW: https://greatawakening.win/p/17r9pF0937/how-trust-law-structures-underpi/c/
Twentieth Amendment switches from Republic (04MAR inauguration) to CORP (20JAN inauguration), effective 15OCT1933: https://constitution.congress.gov/constitution/amendment-20/
STATE BAR CORPS hold all the incorporation documents (articles of incorporation) and contract details for the MSCs and refuse to provide public copies. Integrated BAR states where state BAR CORP integrated into judiciary around 1966 are easiest to undo since that integration violates Article IV Section 4 guarantees prohibiting “Corporate Form of Gov’t” in the state. (CA Const unlawfully amended 11-8-66): https://greatawakening.win/p/16ZE4cVfi5/proof-that-the-state-bar-of-cali/
All 50 states in prima facie direct violation of A4S4 with MSCs: https://greatawakening.win/p/16ZDcaBLnR/every-state-is-in-violation-of-a/c/
From 1 year ago: “Timeline summary of key American Republic events 1868-1934 through the lens of ‘Legal Slavery is ALWAYS the Cabal Objective’ “: https://greatawakening.win/p/17sOZlejk9/timeline-summary-of-key-american/c/
Wizard of Oz decode with Hi-Res original on archive.org: https://greatawakening.win/p/16a9gzRW76/the-wizard-of-oz-and-its-relevan/
+1 important info about ABA, I can imagine that ina few years a ballot initiative could be placed on the ballot in a state to abolish the state bar and make it so that people who are talented like contractors, engineers, and doctors who prescribe ivermectin can represent others in court without having to serve the state bars and their systems.
This is just my opinion: we are ruled over by British agents (lawyers/attorneys) and British nobility ("judges").
Should be one of our biggest demands, because all they have done is IGNORE it for a very long time, an it is mainly the Judicial Occupations that fight against showing it the Light of Day....
I've argued a few Lawyers into admitting it was Ratified Properly, but none in writing nor on any Recording Devices....
They are a slippery bunch....
It's word magick, always used by (the tribe).