38 Ukrainian business leaders call for non-Western immigration to replace the 8M dead in their country. (thenationalpulse.com) posted 7 days ago by BerlinWallCrosser 7 days ago by BerlinWallCrosser +38 / -0 Corporates Call for 8 Million Migrants to Replace Dead Ukrainians. Business leaders are calling for as many as eight million non-Western migrants to be transplanted to Ukraine to mitigate the "demographic crisis" created 17 comments share 17 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Wow the 2nd Holomador happened right before or eyes. Led by a Jew of course and now replacing their population with non slavs. That's is genocide
oh , you think? Maybe it was a EU plan to empty out their filth, after making room.
Good excuse too
Move the displaced Palestinians there next to the Jews in Ukraine. That would solve a lot of problems.
It's not 8 million dead.
Russians estimate 1.2 million dead and 2 million out-of-action wounded.
Prolly need 8 million given the number of care-workers they need.
If they need care workers they need to find some that care, and the Muslims don'/won't care.
A lot of Indian and Filipino care workers coming to NZ ATM
Fully qualified of course.
I hear Bangladesh nurses are super qualified...
Great plan.
Free land for Russian people.
No they can take ever other countries Muslims. Start with Canada.
I vote that they can have all of our illegal aliens. START LOADING UP THE PLANES! 😁👍💩
Good, there are at least 5 million I would like to offer a chance at entering into this scheme with a one way ticket.
Great opportunity.
We've got about 30k out here on the Granite Planet they're more than welcome to.
Plenty of them in Europe, and easy to spot aswell. Feel free to press-gang every last one to the frontlines