For a quick moment, imagine you were born in 1900. When you are 14, World War I starts, and ends on your 18th birthday with 22 million people killed. Later in the year, a Spanish Flu epidemic hits the planet and runs until you are 20. Fifty million people die from it in those two years. Yes, 50 million.
When you're 29, the Great Depression begins. Unemployment hits 25%, global GDP drops 27%. That runs until you are 33. The country nearly collapses along with the world economy. When you turn 39, World War II starts. You aren’t even over the hill yet.
When you're 41, the United States is fully pulled into WWII. Between your 39th and 45th birthday, 75 million people perish in the war and the Holocaust kills six million. At 52, the Korean War starts and five million perish.
At 64 the Vietnam War begins, and it doesn’t end for many years. Four million people die in that conflict. Approaching your 62nd birthday you have the Cuban Missile Crisis, a tipping point in the Cold War. Life on our planet, as we know it, could well have ended. Great leaders prevented that from happening.
As you turn 75, the Vietnam War finally ends. Think of everyone on the planet born in 1900. How do you survive all of that? A child in 1985 didn’t think their 85 year old grandparent understood how hard school was. Yet those grandparents survived through everything listed above.
Perspective is an amazing thing. With so much going on right now and 2024 just beginning, let's try to put things in perspective, knowing that we can handle it all. There has never been a storm in world history that has lasted forever. This too shall pass.
👍Me Too
It's great content. Definitely stickworthy.
But I wonder, OP, why you refuse (ever) to give proper credit to original authors or sauce (and happily let other's think something you've posted is actually your own work).
This makes me sad. It downgrades the quality of what you post. This would be an excellent post if you simply noted before the text that this is not your own content, or even just provided a link to the sauce that you got it from. Because you got it from somewhere, right?
(Some) Original Sauces
Simple solution, give him a 3 day timeout or something. I was given one a long time ago and it works. I was breaking the rules and the time out made me realize I should follow them.
For something so simple as providing sauce I don't know why he ignores you or the other mods.
This is the $64,000 question that has more than one or two of us scratching our heads and questioning the user's intent.
Wow. You have brilliantly illustrated how far this board has strayed from its origin and source, the Q operation.
Q was an elite operation, inspiring a totally unprecedented worldwide movement of researchers, investigators, truth tellers and thinkers.
The fact that you state that there is "nothing wrong with giving sources, but its not mandatory" just shows that GAW has become a social media website, and strayed deeply from its real purpose.
Thank you.
And yet, this poster consistently, continuously REFUSES to respond to any such requests. So, do you mean, "Oh, it's OK if you ask for source, but no one posting here should have to provide it if they simply do not want to"?
Whoever needs to hear this:
Its kind of crazy that I was having the exact same debate with another poster on another thread by the same OP.
It goes WITHOUT SAYING (but we still keep saying ) that SAUCE is very important. You can post sauceless posts on facebook or telegram and have it be effective, but out here in GAW you are just wasting everyones time if you refuse to post sauce, esp when its just a question of pasting what you already have.
Posting sauceless content is how misinfo is laundered amongst good info by the channels that are controlled oppositions. Those who post them without thinking twice or even checking once, are becoming tools of these enemies.
Ideas are not free my dude. They cost time. Do the right thing by linking the sauce at least. Its complete disrespect to the person who wrote it originally.
Well said.
It's all about integrity and respect.
It's concerning that not only do so few people have it or give it, but that it's openly and actively scorned when pointed out that people should do it.
I thought about making a point by copying your comment and making it a post, but then I realized how retarded your comment actually is and decided it would be a bad example.
Read his comments on this post leading anons to falsely believe he wrote this.
Oldpatriot (the "contractor" that somehow has time to make 20 posts here every day) is straight up deceiving other anons by doing this crap.
Do you know what the bible says about "deceit"?
Easy tiger. (You remind me a lot of the month of March you come in like a lamb and go out like a lion) in response to your comment, I just now read all the comments up to this time regarding this post, nowhere that I saw does "oldPatriot" say he is the originator of all the thoughts in his post (nor did I get that impression)and it seems neither did 33 other people, who seem truly thankful that he posted it. In response to others commenting on the original post, as best as I can gather "oldpatriot" just says he agrees with how hard they had it in that day and in the other comments to people he says, he agreed with what they said. To this time, 33 positive comments, three negative, which of the three you are one, and then interestingly you point out to me how "oldpatriot" somehow has time to make 20 posts here everyday. Hummmmm? Do you see it? What does the Bible say about deceit (you ask) God's word (the holy scriptures) speaks about deceit, the same way it does about compassion, understanding, Mercy, and treating others as you would have them treat you. My original comment, was to hopefully reveal how we are quick to point out the deceit (that we think) is in others (yet don't really know) as we overlook the deceit in our own lives. Truly, We are all guilty of deceit (deceiving ourselves). And plagiarizing,when we take credit for anything without giving the credit to God, from whom absolutely everything originates, without whom, we could do nothing. Once we realize this, we (hopefully) drop the stones representing our belief, that we are not like others (when we are) and we would never do what they did (when we do). "Deceiving ourselves"(James 1:22)
Who cares?