'Normal Blood Pressure'...Big Pharma Keeps Moving The Goalpost.
1940: Normal 100+Plus Your Age/95
1970: Normal 160/90
2000: Normal 140/90
2017 & Now: Normal Needs To Be Less Than 120/80
Anti-Hypertensive Drugs worldwide achieved a revenue of $36.7 BILLION in 2024.
Blood Pressure Medications do not treat the root cause & inflict grave side effects resulting in more pills prescribed to counter negative side effects.
Making Big Pharma even more $$ profit for every additional Medication prescribed to mitigate the side effects from the original Hypertension Medications.
Very Low Blood Pressure is not healthy, causing more chronic illness & higher mortality.
Finding optimal Blood Pressure for you can be obtained by Diet & Lifestyle. No one has a blood pressure medication deficiency.
Adopting a whole food Low Carb Diet, prioritizing nutrient dense animal foods & eliminating Seed Oils, Processed Foods & Sugar will normalize Blood Pressure for your unique physiology.
Prioritizing Potassium & Magnesium is crucial. Both are involved in the body's Sodium Potassium Pump System. Supporting these important minerals by using unrefined mineral salt & electrolytes will also yield your own normal Blood Pressure.
Hypertension Medication Side Effects:
Chronic cough
Low sodium & potassium
Muscle cramps
Insomnia, sleep changes & nightmares
Tiredness or depression
Slow heartbeat
Symptoms of asthma
Sexual and/or erectile dysfunction
Heart palpitations
Kidney dysfunction
Angioedema (swelling of face/tongue)
Joint pain
THey say they do not know the cause of Hypertension. I would suggest I know the cause and Big Pharma/FDA caused it. Putting fluoride in your water and toothpaste/mouthwash kills the microbiome in your mouth and gut causing your body to quit making nitric oxide which lowers blood pressure and is necessary for a health immune system. THIS is just one of their tactics to NOT kill people but to make them sick and dependent on their drugs. Crimes against humanity for a buck!
I went to the doctor last week for the first time in many years. Had a couple of issues that I felt like I needed to get looked at, that would require equipment that you don’t have at home. First time with this doctor, but my son had seen him in the early phases of COVID. He actually told my son to not get the vax because there were too many questions about it still. My BP was high, as was my cholesterol. He said “eat better, exercise more, and lose weight”. No pills or referrals to doctor friends. There may be a few out there that are still using common sense.
Check out the results all of your cholesterol levels, not just the total cholesterol, also look at HDLs, triglycerides and LDLs. My total cholesterol is really high, but my cholesterol/HDLC ratio is just fine, it’s less than 5 which means a lower risk of heart disease. A ratio of 3.5 is even better and that’s what I’m shooting for, “eat better, exercise more and lose weight” applies to me as well. It sounds like you have a really good doctor fren.
The majority of people on high blood pressure pills do not actually have high blood pressure and need no medication for it
High blood pressure is ALWAYS high: if you go to the doctor's office and it spikes to 140/100 but at home it's normally 125/85, you don't have high blood pressure
This!!! I had to go to the doctor to get a ‘physics’ for my medical cert for the fire dept. Hadn’t been to a Dr in years and years. Was anxious about it of course. Especially some dude I don’t know fondling my jewels. Nurse took my BP with the machine and it was 129/80 or something like that.
Dr comes in, asks me a few things. Sees my BP and says I’m on the edge and might not be signed off. I told him why it read high. He didn’t believe me, said well then relax, sit back, do some breathing exercises and he’ll have the nurse take a manual BP.
Sure as shit it’s 10+ points lower…he comes back in and I tell him “told you so”…
You are doing this right. Ten minutes of slow deep breathing in a relaxed setting prior to measuring BP would be the official NORM—if and only if merely measuring the correct BP were really what was going on.
Instead, it's an a$$e$$ment of your cardiovascular system's value as a new potential lifetime income source for the Saintly White Robes and their puppetmaster Big Pharma.
Hell yeah!!! Not would be part of but is part of the assessment of the process. That is a specific part of the assessment process in EMR and EMT patient assessments.
I get the opposite, usually: high numbers at home and closer to "normal" at the Doc's. Occasionally I'll go days with "normal" numbers w/o medication, but when it's high it's scary high.
Full text
'Normal Blood Pressure'...Big Pharma Keeps Moving The Goalpost.
1940: Normal 100+Plus Your Age/95
1970: Normal 160/90
2000: Normal 140/90
2017 & Now: Normal Needs To Be Less Than 120/80
Anti-Hypertensive Drugs worldwide achieved a revenue of $36.7 BILLION in 2024.
Blood Pressure Medications do not treat the root cause & inflict grave side effects resulting in more pills prescribed to counter negative side effects.
Making Big Pharma even more $$ profit for every additional Medication prescribed to mitigate the side effects from the original Hypertension Medications.
Very Low Blood Pressure is not healthy, causing more chronic illness & higher mortality.
Finding optimal Blood Pressure for you can be obtained by Diet & Lifestyle. No one has a blood pressure medication deficiency.
Adopting a whole food Low Carb Diet, prioritizing nutrient dense animal foods & eliminating Seed Oils, Processed Foods & Sugar will normalize Blood Pressure for your unique physiology.
Prioritizing Potassium & Magnesium is crucial. Both are involved in the body's Sodium Potassium Pump System. Supporting these important minerals by using unrefined mineral salt & electrolytes will also yield your own normal Blood Pressure.
Hypertension Medication Side Effects: Chronic cough Low sodium & potassium Dizziness Headaches Dehydration Muscle cramps Gout Insomnia, sleep changes & nightmares Constipation Tiredness or depression Slow heartbeat Symptoms of asthma Sexual and/or erectile dysfunction Heart palpitations Fainting Kidney dysfunction Angioedema (swelling of face/tongue) Joint pain
👇Higher BP In Older Adults Live Longer👇 https://evidence.nihr.ac.uk/alert/new-research-supports-the-move-to-raise-the-blood-pressure-target-for-frail-older-people/… 👇200/100 Was Mild Hypertension in 1940👇 https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1524-6175.2006.05836.x… 👇40 Year Blood Pressure Normal Numbers Shift👇 https://ahajournals.org/doi/10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.120.048063… Speaker: Dr Adam J Story
THey say they do not know the cause of Hypertension. I would suggest I know the cause and Big Pharma/FDA caused it. Putting fluoride in your water and toothpaste/mouthwash kills the microbiome in your mouth and gut causing your body to quit making nitric oxide which lowers blood pressure and is necessary for a health immune system. THIS is just one of their tactics to NOT kill people but to make them sick and dependent on their drugs. Crimes against humanity for a buck!
"1940: Normal 100+Plus Your Age/95"
"200/100 Was Mild Hypertension in 1940."
They clearly had a lot to learn in 1940.
Doctors were recommending brands of cigarettes to smoke in advertisements back then too.
I went to the doctor last week for the first time in many years. Had a couple of issues that I felt like I needed to get looked at, that would require equipment that you don’t have at home. First time with this doctor, but my son had seen him in the early phases of COVID. He actually told my son to not get the vax because there were too many questions about it still. My BP was high, as was my cholesterol. He said “eat better, exercise more, and lose weight”. No pills or referrals to doctor friends. There may be a few out there that are still using common sense.
Check out the results all of your cholesterol levels, not just the total cholesterol, also look at HDLs, triglycerides and LDLs. My total cholesterol is really high, but my cholesterol/HDLC ratio is just fine, it’s less than 5 which means a lower risk of heart disease. A ratio of 3.5 is even better and that’s what I’m shooting for, “eat better, exercise more and lose weight” applies to me as well. It sounds like you have a really good doctor fren.
Now do the food pyramid
Could it be having low BP makes you more passive?
Low BP makes one feel fatigued and less engaged, so yes.
Its all related to the Benjamin's.................
The majority of people on high blood pressure pills do not actually have high blood pressure and need no medication for it
High blood pressure is ALWAYS high: if you go to the doctor's office and it spikes to 140/100 but at home it's normally 125/85, you don't have high blood pressure
This!!! I had to go to the doctor to get a ‘physics’ for my medical cert for the fire dept. Hadn’t been to a Dr in years and years. Was anxious about it of course. Especially some dude I don’t know fondling my jewels. Nurse took my BP with the machine and it was 129/80 or something like that.
Dr comes in, asks me a few things. Sees my BP and says I’m on the edge and might not be signed off. I told him why it read high. He didn’t believe me, said well then relax, sit back, do some breathing exercises and he’ll have the nurse take a manual BP.
Sure as shit it’s 10+ points lower…he comes back in and I tell him “told you so”…
I know me.
You are doing this right. Ten minutes of slow deep breathing in a relaxed setting prior to measuring BP would be the official NORM—if and only if merely measuring the correct BP were really what was going on.
Instead, it's an a$$e$$ment of your cardiovascular system's value as a new potential lifetime income source for the Saintly White Robes and their puppetmaster Big Pharma.
Hell yeah!!! Not would be part of but is part of the assessment of the process. That is a specific part of the assessment process in EMR and EMT patient assessments.
I get the opposite, usually: high numbers at home and closer to "normal" at the Doc's. Occasionally I'll go days with "normal" numbers w/o medication, but when it's high it's scary high.
Exactly. I always needed to take it several times at the doctor’s office.
Now do cholesterol. Before I got old and have biyearly checkups and lab tests, it was 250. It's now 200.
Deeper explanation of cholesterol and how to interpret results.
Thank you. I need to listen again. It is complicated.
What better way is there than to make more $$ selling BP pills.
Been saying this for years.
Mines always been about 117 over 65. Still is.
My elderly father is on BP meds and I know they're terrible for him.
What are some holistic methods that can treat him more safely than these pharma poisons?
He's got a bad foot so cardio is pretty much out of the question.
Cheyenne pepper is good for elasticity in blood vessels, heart attack, lowering pb. I substitute it for black pepper in my home cooked meals
A stationary bike, some have handlebars that move, could maybe help with some cardio workout.