In late December 2020, attorney Lin Wood made a series of explosive and unverified claims on Twitter targeting Chief Justice John Roberts. Among the most serious accusations were that Roberts was involved in a child trafficking ring and that he played a role in the death of Justice Antonin Scalia. Wood also claimed that Jeffrey Epstein was still alive and held damaging information about Roberts.
Though the original tweets are no longer accessible due to the permanent suspension of Wood’s Twitter account in January 2021, multiple reputable sources including The Daily Beast, Newsweek, and The Independent documented the claims at the time.
Newsweek (Dec 31, 2020)
The Daily Beast (Dec 31, 2020)
The Independent (Jan 1, 2021)
Twitter archive records (account suspended Jan 2021)
Lin Wood does not make unverified claims.
Was Lin Wood sued for these claims? No. Why?
Because Lin Wood does not make unverified claims. He is a lawyer that specializes in libel claims; he taunts people to bring a lawsuit... because he has data.
He made some spicy claims about Pence!
Correct. Roberts AND Pence. He claimed both were ped0 long ago, then was suspended on twit and cancelled. Anyone making such claims against high ranking members of the political establishment would be sued into oblivion or arrested. Hec, common folk are arrested for clever memes. The fact that Wood was not arrested or charged with a crime speaks volumes. The fact he wasn't suicided is equally mystifying.
Lin Wood is the sort of person to set traps and deadman switches. He LEANS into being a target. Don't fuck with someone like that.
This is correct. Lin didn't make the claims directly (he knows not to do that), he called attention to allegations and indicated his belief in them, citing evidence, without saying firsthand that he knew them to be true. For instance, he indicated his desire to question Roberts about his alleged fall at the Chevy Chase club.
I think both Lin and Sidney had specific roles and got specific info public, but they were regarded as having completed those roles and were released to continue their lives. Lin introduced me to the fullness of the Q movement (before I had just heard isolated reports), and to the seriousness of the satanic ritual abuse claims, and to Seth Rich and Isaac Kappy. I'm here because of Lin!
IIRC Lin also worked with John Eastman, who was present at J6 and who is still relied upon. It's too bad that Lin's work left a very long time before we could point to the other shoe dropping, but we are the elite researchers and we take everything with grains of salt.
Who suspended his Twitter account and can Elon fix this?
No. Elon is banning a lot of people from X who tell the truth like Gregory Mannarino. Not much free speech ok X, you'll be banned instantly for criticism of Israel
At some point, stopping the flow of Truth should be a form of Treason. The Genie is out of the Bottle now, with the JFK release. You're only standing in the way of the Righteous path forward, towards a free and transparent Future for Mankind.
Many people dismiss Lin Wood as a nutter, but he posted a lot of stuff that would have been pretty hard to fabricate, and I remember one of the Trump rallies where he introduced Wood and and Sidney Powell to tremendous applause. I think they they were both 'guilty' of trying to reveal too much too soon.
Digging into him the Q incidence I found was he bought Tomotley Plantation thats right next to Highway 17.
I don't know how i feel about Lin Wood. He seemed to lose his mind a bit after the 2020 election and it seemed like Trump had distanced himself from him.
Correct. I always liked him and believed in him, even his accusations against ped0s in DC. Believe him 100%. I think he lost me a little (including MAGA and some "Qanons") when he got up on stage with Powell after the '20 steal and was urging attendees for another 1776-style revolution. Seemed like he went a little off the deep end trying to incite a civil war, which we all know is the last thing we want. Division of that magnitude plays right into the DS/Cabal playbook.
Justice Robert's never went after Lin Wood for defamation of character.
I Thought we don't like Lin Wood anymore because he made crazy statements.
Sane statements, Lin was throwing evil but protected people under the bus. Trump wants some declassified, not everything. Trump had to stop Sydney and Lin before people who took plea deals are brought down by him
Lin Wood and Sydney Powell are a couple of people who were very vocal right after the 2020 election but I haven’t heard much about/from them since. I wonder where things stand with them now.
Both still have active Telegram accounts.
Be careful. They released Durov.
That means Telegram is now compromised.
Does the Wayback Machine have his original tweets