I. Historical Background
The Khazars were a Turkic people whose ruling class converted to Judaism in the 8th–9th century—not out of spiritual conviction, but as a geopolitical maneuver to stay neutral between the Christian and Islamic empires.
After the collapse of their empire, many are believed to have migrated west into Eastern Europe, blending with local Jewish communities, forming a distinct elite with a Jewish identity but secular ambitions.
II. Religion as a Shield, Not a Compass
This group did not descend from the ancient tribes of Israel, nor did they carry the spiritual foundations of Torah-based Judaism.
Jewish identity became a protective cloak:
Used to deflect criticism (e.g., labeling dissent as “antisemitic”).
Used to claim victimhood or moral legitimacy when pursuing political, financial, or global agendas.
True Judaism—based on humility, justice, and covenant—is often in direct opposition to the actions and ethics of these elites.
III. Secular Operation of Power
The Khazarian-descended or ideologically aligned elite operate as a network of secular, globalist actors:
Finance: Central banks, IMF, BIS, major private banks.
Media: Control over mainstream news, entertainment, and publishing.
Politics: Influence over national governments, think tanks, and lobby groups.
NGOs & Foundations: Used to steer public policy and reshape society from the top down.
Their actions are guided by:
Strategic interest, not faith.
Material control, not moral leadership.
Preservation of power, not public good.
IV. Key Characteristics of the Network
Tightly coordinated: Interconnected through bloodlines, intermarriage, foundations, and secret societies.
Global in scope: Not loyal to any one country—loyal to a transnational system of control.
Ideologically deceptive: Presents itself as humanitarian, inclusive, or “chosen,” while acting through manipulation, exploitation, and coercion.
V. Distinction That Matters
This isn’t about “the Jews.” It’s about a secular elite that uses Jewish identity as a tool, and does not represent the values or lineage of spiritual Israel or observant Judaism.
The danger lies in:
Conflating this group with all Jews (which is false and dangerous).
Ignoring their true motives by focusing only on surface identities.
In these times this post should be pinned!
Why? This post is an utterly dishonest perspective as it conveniently ignores how the talmud tells Jews everywhere to treat non Jews. This has nothing to do with blaming anything on Jews or claiming there’s a vast conspiracy. Judaism on a fundamental level is incompatible with Christian morals and society. This board continuously misses this fact.
Are all Jews Talmudic?
No, there is a sect of Orthodox Judaism that is Torah only, no talmud. Conservative sects of Judaism may also be the same. I'm not sure about the latter.
Karaite Jews are Orthodox and Torah only.
Pretty sure most are, but not all.
Pretty sure you know nothing at all on the topic. Talmud is rabbinical teachings, most likely studied by Orthodox (10-15% of Jews). Maybe some conservative Jews (20-25%) are aware of it. Reform (35%) and secular Jews (~30%) don't even study the Torah let alone the Talmud. Grok says:
That there are Jews that have mistreated Christians may be true. I haven't researched that. That said, I would like to say a few things. Bear in mind that Jews have been accused of murdering Jesus and persecuted for it. This is a huge barrier for a lot of Jews. One for Israel shares the testimonies of many Messianic Jews who have had to debunk that belief in order to believe in Him. The talmud, as I explained in another post on this thread is actually two compilations of a wide genre of writings written over, I believe, about 900 years. It's content is contradictory and some of it was written during times of great corners of soul at times of literal oppression and prescription. Also, there are many Jews who have very positive relationships with non Jews including Christians. Many of the "Righteous Among the Nations," were Christians and many Jews are very much aware of this. CBN has some documentaries detailing the generosity and kindness of Jews to even their enemies. Be careful about lumping people together on the basis of what a few do it on the basis of a select portion of the talmuds.i have heard of some Orthodox Jews spritting on and saying terrible things to Christians. Not all Jews are that way. Someone close to me told me he owes his life to an Orthodox Jew. Think about it...