63 The Dept. of Defense pays a lab to ELECTRO-SHOCK cats, give them erections (twitter.com) posted 2 days ago by brain_dead 2 days ago by brain_dead +64 / -1 29 comments share 29 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Those sadistic bags of shit better hope and pray they never encounter me in some dark urban alley.
Couldn't have said it better myself Paul! 💔🤬🤬🤬
I really hate those people. They all need to burn in hell.
This makes me angry and sick.
I really hate these people.
...does it work for canines...
...asking for a friend...
😂 Bad dog!
"😂 Bad dog!"
...how can it be bad...
...when it felt so good...
...doggy grins...
...howl on MPP...
They all need to burn in hell.
We should give them electric shock too.
and MudPuddlePie knows where!
Who is MuddPuddlePie?
Probably some general ordered it,cause he tired of taking the blue pills
So, let me get this straight. If I electro shock a cat, I'll get an erection? Also, when do you shove the marbles up your ass, before or after the shock?
I don't want to know.
Shut them down with cruelty to animals or strap them down and give them there own treatment.
I want them to suffer.
Wait! Do you have the address of this lab? It's for a friend...
Yes. I do. I cannot pinpoint to the exact address but I do know where.
Precise enough for a nuke?
No. I don't have the precise location.