Hi all,

My Uncle has suddenly been diagnosed with Stage 4 cancer. Iv'e read numerous things here about ivermectin potentially being a cure for not only covid, but potentially cancer. I wanted to recommend it to him but I don't recall the dosage. I think I remember someone saying "one notch" from the paste, but I don't remember the body weight.

Worst case scenario: It doesn't work. Anything we can try/attempt is worth trying.

Any help is greatly appreciated.


I feel like I got hit by a liberal at the freedom rally, not fun!


A peer-reviewed study published last month found the prophylactic use of ivermectin reduced COVID mortality by 90% among more than 223,000 study participants in a town in Southern Brazil.

The study, published in the Cureus Journal of Medical Science, also found a 44% reduction in COVID cases among those who took the re-purposed drug.

Between July 7, 2020, and Dec. 2, 2020, all residents of Itajaí were offered ivermectin. Approximately 3.7% of ivermectin users contracted COVID during the trial period, compared with 6.6% of residents who didn’t take the drug.

Based on the results, Dr. Flavio Cadegiani, one of the study’s lead authors, said, “Ivermectin must be considered as an option, particularly during outbreaks.”

Dr. Pierre Kory told The Epoch Times the results of the study “should convince any naysayer. What they found was astounding.”

Kory said:

“You would think this would lead to major headlines everywhere. And yet, nothing. And this is not new, this censorship of this highly effective science and evidence around repurposed drugs. The censoring of it, it’s not new, it’s just getting more and more absurd. And it has to stop.”

Kory said it’s not even about ivermectin, “it’s about the pharmaceutical industry’s capture of our agencies and how our policies are all directed at suppressing and avoiding use of re-purposed drugs” in favor of high-profit medicines.

As is common with studies that show ivermectin as an effective treatment for COVID, various “fact-checkers” were quick to discount the study.

A number of sources, including Politifact, cited a long Twitter thread by an Australian graduate student in epidemiology, Gideon Meyerowitz-Katz, as evidence the study was “flawed.”

One tweet called the study “a fairly simple example of observational research that you’d do on routine medical data” but alleged the controls for confounding factors such as occupation and risk factors were “pretty inadequate given the purpose.”

Cadegiani called the criticism unfounded, saying researchers controlled for “all relevant factors,” including comorbidities, age, sex and race.

He said the inability of critics “to focus on the data provided by the study itself is … proof of the extreme high quality of the study.”

“To us, this is the best observational study on COVID-19 to date,” Cadegiani concluded, “with a power almost equivalent to a huge, randomized clinical trial.”

Cadeigiani and his colleagues also plan to publish further results about hospitalization rates based on the study.


posted ago by cc321 ago by cc321

Over-the-counter Ivermectin (bi-partisan legislation)

House Bill 2746 (HB2746), sponsored by Representative Joe Towns, Jr. (D-Memphis-District 84), and Senate Bill 2188 (SB2188), sponsored by Senator Frank Niceley (R-Strawberry Plains-District 8) would authorize ivermectin suitable for human use to be sold or purchased as an over-the-counter medication in Tennessee without a prescription or consultation with a pharmacist or certain other healthcare professional. – Amends TCA Title 4; Title 14; Title 47; Title 53; Title 63; Title 68 and Title 71.

HB2746 was introduced on 2/2/22. SB2188 was introduced and passed on first consideration on the same date.



My mom has been sick for 3.5 weeks. She got the vaccines and is TOTALLY brainwashed by MSM. Coughing her brains out, not getting better whatsoever. Guessing this is antibody dependent enhancement.

She refuses to take ivermection, BUT will get an experimental mRNA vaccine that has no longterm studies and killed hundred of thousands of people (probably millions).

I really want to spike her fucking water or soup with ivermectin. I know it isn't cool to do this, but it is painful for having the cure right here while she stands her dumbass ground. People are fucking retarded.

Should I do it? Someone say yes so I can pull the trigger on forcing cures on stupid people.

EDIT: Well, this is why I am a part of this movement. You guys show exactly why we are fighting. Free will and respect other people regardless if they are wrong or being idiotic. I was tempted but not going to do it. Might regret it in the future, but everyone is their own person. It just sucks that my whole family have the equivalent IQ of libtards. God bless you all

posted ago by bfytw ago by bfytw

Valleyvet.com 7.99 each, now. It's gone down


A friend of mine has a bad case and it’s pretty much ruining her life in a lot of ways. She’s done pretty much every treatment possible and it never seems to get better. I am trying to find info about this use to see if anyone has been trying it or not, but have no idea where or how to really look. Anyone on here able to point me in a direction? Thanks in advance.


Caught Covid this week and it’s been rough. I’ve been taking ivermectin and I’m not having any breathing issues but it has still taken it’s toll on me. I keep hoping it’s the last day. How long did Covid last for those of you who took ivermectin?


I located the official Kowa Pharmaceutical company announcement on the effectiveness of Ivermectin on the Omicron variant. Thought people might find it interesting.

The Kowa Pharmaceuticals web site has this announcement in PDF form on its home page, in the news section near the bottom of the page, the one dated 2022.01.31.

PRESS RELEASE January 31, 2022

Antiviral effect of Kowa ivermectin on "Omicron strain" confirmed

Joint research (non-clinical trials) between Kowa Co., Ltd. (hereinafter "Kowa”), with Kitasato University, of the drug "Ivermectin" used in Phase III clinical trials (development code: K-237) for the treatment of Covid-19 (SARS-CoV-2) infections, has confirmed that, just as with existing variants (Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta variants), the same antiviral effects have been confirmed for the Omicron variant.

As announced in July 2021, Kowa received a request directly from Professor Satoshi Omura, special honorary professor at Kitasato University, winner of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine [translator’s note: for the development of ivermectin] about conducting clinical trials of ivermectin as a therapeutic drug for Covid-19 infections. He believes that it is the mission of pharmaceutical companies to contribute to the treatment of coronavirus infections and protect the health of the people, and we are conducting clinical trials to confirm the efficacy and safety of ivermectin against Covid-19 infections.

Ivermectin has been distributed by the WHO to infected areas as a treatment for parasitic infections for over 30 years. Especially in certain African countries, it has been confirmed to be safe enough for volunteers to distribute directly to people. In addition, ivermectin has been reported to suppress the invasion of SARS-CoV-2 into cells and inhibit replication, and is expected to be repositioned as a Covid-19 infection therapeutic drug (tablet). In this clinical trial, while administration and dosage are different from those already approved for the treatment of parasitic infections, the efficacy and safety are in the process of being confirmed.

Kowa will contribute to the treatment of Covid-19 infections by confirming the clinical effect of ivermectin on SARS-CoV-2 and providing it to the public as soon as possible.

  • Overseas, there have been reports of harmful events resulting from the use of high-dosage animal-use ivermectin, which is dangerous for humans. Kowa clinical trials for Ivermectin are conducted in accordance with the strict standards set by the GCP (Good Clinical Practice) standard for conducting clinical trials of pharmaceuticals for humans.

Source PDF at Kowa Pharmaceuticals web site

(This is a massaging by me of the Google Translate machine loltranslation into something resembling English. I’ll paste the original Japanese text in the comments.)

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