Ivermectin lowers triglycerides (www.sciencedirect.com)
posted ago by TAG55 ago by TAG55

I had the coof first week of August- mild flu-like symptoms- and recovered in about a week. A few days later, I developed an achy chest, shortness of breath, and stomach issues. It is now a month on and I am still having all of these problems in addition to TSH fluctuations, pounding head (feels like my brain is swollen), anxiety attacks, heart palpitations, horrible fatigue, and dizziness. I have been to the ER three times now- chest x-rays show nothing, abdominal CT scan came back all clear, blood work was normal aside from TSH (meds have been adjusted accordingly) and ECGs were fine. I feel these are probably "long-haul" symptoms and would like to take ivermectin, but I'm concerned because of my hypothyroid. So question is, has anyone with hypothyroid taken ivermectin? Were there any side effects? I've tried to get answers online with no results, and California doctors are useless. I'm a 38 y/o female, healthy weight, and no other medical conditions. Thanks all- and sorry if this is the wrong place to ask. Long time reader but first time poster.


Where can one get ivermectin and how much do you take?

This will be my third day taking Ivermectin. I am taking 15 mg a day for 5 days.. Then I plan on taking once a week. Did anyone here have any side effects from taking it? Thanks for any answers.

The Great Ivermectin hoax: (www.thedesertreview.com) ℹ️ ⚔️ Information Warfare ⚔️ ℹ️
posted ago by catsfive ago by catsfive

This video is a review of a recent study on the safety of Ivermectin.

It is a good tool to throw on those preaching doom and gloom on it's use against covid.



A lot of people have been claiming Ivermectin might cure cancer. Joe said he would... https://www.bitchute.com/video/ZZGyprVeAxuj/ A more obscure clip.. Same "promise".

Is it possible Ivermectin might have been the solution this whole time? The goal from their side? "The new cure."? Why can a sitting (dementia ridden) [p]Resident claim these things and not be called out? Why can pharma just duplicate what is already out there?


Just a few thoughts before rest.

Their game is a long game. Ours should be also.. Maybe starting around 16.45 years ago.


I was watching the RSBN video on Rumble with Wendy Rogers and Clay clarke the other day, at the end of the event there was an "Theamerican" something website that advertised it sold HCQ + ZINC or Ivermectin. I was curious what that website was because i forgot. If not, I'm open to knowing other websites as well for the early treatment meds


Everyone here probably understands that, at a fundamental level, there is a war of information unfolding before us every day. Community stakeholders want you to think very specific thoughts, and sometimes we get little catchy phrases or slogans that seem to pop up overnight. Some of these slogans you remember quite well. “Two weeks to stop the spread.” “Horse paste.” “The new normal.” “… to get back to normal.” And so on and so forth. The most recent of these is obviously horse paste. As most of you know, Ivermectin is cleared for use in humans. It won the Nobel prize in 2015 for that very thing. When the CDC started mocking people for using it, I was besides myself. Surely the CDC of all public health bodies know it is for use in humans? Surely they do. Fast forward a few weeks later. I’m writing a letter against vaccine mandates, doing my due diligence by combing through CDC studies, Harvard Health resources, peer reviewed journals. All the sources that your average Joe could trust if they bothered to look at the source and cared where it came from. While doing this I found a particularly odd fact. The only other approved use for any mRNA vaccine in any living animal? Is for horses. It’s for horses as a preventative treatment for the West Nile virus. Check it out here: https://equusmagazine.com/news/horses-contribute-covid-vaccine These slogans such as “horse paste” are meant to be repeated and repeated again and again so that they stick with you so that you are influenced to thinking in a particular way. I really think that someone created the term “Horse Paste” to intentionally mislead people. Likely so that if someone eventually connected the dots that mRNA vaccines are literally horse products, the vaccinated wouldn’t be made fun of or be discouraged. Instead Ivermectin was memed into horse paste overnight. FWIW, the safe daily dose of Ivermectin is 3mg. It is recommended you don’t take more than 12 mg in a three day period. The people you’re seeing ODing on the stuff are taking a gram or more per day. It is borderline criminal that public health departments aren’t telling people this important and lifesaving dosage information. Don’t rely on me though; ask your Doctor.


"There is only one TGA approved oral ivermectin product, Stromectol ivermectin 3mg tablet blister pack which is indicated for the treatment of river blindness (onchocerciasis), threadworm of the intestines (intestinal strongyloidiasis) and scabies."

source: https://www.tga.gov.au/media-release/new-restrictions-prescribing-ivermectin-covid-19

Hi frens. Ive taken ivermectin over the years for a parasite issue ive been dealing with that is related to my lyme disease. So basically go find an integrative MD or a MD that is not a vax freak or a covid retard. Have them diagnose you with parasites. Ivermectin will be prescribed, but the dosage will say "take 6 -8 pills all at once". This is the actual treatment so when the pharmacy reads it, even if they are anti ivermectin dummies, they will fill it as you will not be taking 6-8 pills at once for the rona. Get 2-3 refills on it and you can tell them its for ongoing treatment every few weeks if they ask. Then go get your refills. Now you have ivermectin for you or family members.

God Bless.

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