His Twitter account: https://twitter.com/veryvirology

He is acknowledging there is a lot more to this - and even goes into other emails he sent Fauci re: Vitamin C in high doses as another treatment type: https://twitter.com/veryvirology/status/1399929949264388096

2286? https://twitter.com/veryvirology/status/1400000958399008776

Anyhow, my point is... we don't really know the purpose behind his FOIA'd email to Fraudci... perhaps Mr. Gaertner has more to this story?


I kind of just don't get it.

The cures were already there. They were suppressing those supplements but Trump shouldn't have just let them suppress them. He should have fought to keep them available and let everyone get access to them.

If he had just done that, we would have been much better off instead of pointless vaccines that don't even work in terms of fighting off covid.

I'm not sure why he didn't just blow up the covid scam, expose the fact that China released it on purpose, and put the country on HCQ and Ivermectin, encourage everyone to do away with masks and lockdowns, while acknowledging that there was never a need for vaccines in the first place. For some reason, he decided to go along with the narrative..

Not firing Fauci cost him the election, I think.

What's extremely ironic is that Trump has shown to be a very pro-life individual. Yet, these vaccines have sterilized and killed people before, and many believe it's a depopulation tool. Either Trump doesn't know the truth about what these vaccines really do, or he does but he can't speak out about it because Kushner or someone else has him by the balls or something, and could be suppressing the information from him. If that's the case then he seriously needs to kick Kushner the fuck out of his political circle. Kushner is causing him to lose.

Another ironic thing is that way back then, he commented on how children have gotten autism and other things from vaccines!

He still shills for these vaccines despite all the problems we've seen. I feel like there's going to be a point where he can't publicly ignore the vaccine's problems anymore.

Many people have said he might be apart of the swamp because of him shilling for the vaccine. I wouldn't go that far, because the swamp would be easier on him if that was the case.

  • good one to put on while you do chores if you want to catch up on the situation :)



This might be the best video there is regarding "Covid Treatments, vaccinations and alternatives"

In my humble opinion this could be a big redpill for most people that still follow the official narrative (especially left leaning people).

Please take your time and tell me how any of the "trust the science" crowd can argue against Ivermectin. I think most of us have the hardest time discussing the following things with "normies" (i still love most of them)

herdimmunity needs to be achieved (and the only "official" way is through vaccination combined with natural exposure)

... but Long Covid is so terrible - that alone should warrant getting the vaccine (save the children)

Both those arguments (and many more things) get laid out in a beautiful way by Pierre Kory from the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC) - you might remember his testimony to the congress (video was removed by youtube) and Bret Weinstein (you might remember the Evergreen College incident).



This might be the best video there is regarding "Covid Treatments, vaccinations and alternatives"

In my humble opinion this could be a big redpill for most people that still follow the official narrative (especially left leaning people).

Please take your time and tell me how any of the "trust the science" crowd can argue against Ivermectin. I think most of us have the hardest time discussing the following things with "normies" (i still love most of them)

  1. herdimmunity needs to be achieved (and the only "official" way is through vaccination combined with natural exposure)

  2. ... but Long Covid is so terrible - that alone should warrant getting the vaccine (save the children)

Both those arguments (and many more things) get laid out in a beautiful way by Pierre Kory from the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC) - you might remember his testimony to the congress (video was removed by youtube) and Bret Weinstein (you might remember the Evergreen College incident).




Dr Bret and Dr Heather have been on fire with information regarding th cover up and censorship of Covid treatments as well as safety issues with vaccines. And they are leftist!

Today Dr Kory from Frontline Covid 19 Critical Care (FLCCC) will be on.

Bret is describing it as "Goliath isn't going to like this.." Joe Rogan rewteeted it and Twitter responded with censoring it's reach.

Live in 2 hours.



I found it difficult to read this, mostly because I get so wound up when I encounter deceit, especially when it's masquerading as virtue.



This article states he did (right near end) https://www.mountainhomemag.com/2021/05/01/356270/the-drug-that-cracked-covid

BBC makes no mention of it: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-54418464

Trying to verify... sources appreciated.


Give a brief overview of the drug and how it works in all phases of Covid, give them the leaflet, ask them to check it out, tell them if they're convinced, to spread the word on their rounds.



Understand that Ivermectin is a wonder drug against the CHYNA Virus

Anyone privy to know if after treament of Ivermectin will one have the ability to keep antibodies aka natural immunity ?

I do not have the knowledge to help assist a loved one who had the virus. They do not want to lose their natural immunity.

Aware that Ivermectin kills the virus but do not understand how it affects ones immunity of the virus.

Appreciate the collective knowledge and wisdom shared with my inquiry.

All the best to you my fellow Patriots.



Understand that Ivermectin is a wonder drug for the CHYNA Virus.

Anyone privy to know if after treatment will one have the ability to keep antibodies aka natural immunity ?

I do not have knowledge to help out a loved one who had the virus. They do not want to lose their natural immunity.

Know that Ivermectin kills the virus but do not understand how it affects ones immunity of the Virus.

Appreciate the collective knowledge and wisdom shared with my inquiry.

All the best to you.



Really interesting to hear about the protocols they used and the amazing turn-around for so many patients.



Our US frens have places like the Frontline Doctors, but I'm not aware of anything similar here.

In Denmark we are so regulated and they even changed the rules in March 2020 so that HCQ can only be prescribed for certain diagnoses, where COVID-19 of course is not mentioned. IIRC, it was over the counter in France, until they made it prescription based in the beginning of 2020.

Ordering drugs from outside EU is next to impossible here and customs sometimes open the parcels, specially if they come from known places. If they find forbidden stuff, you are fined and it is confiscated.

It is more lenient when ordering from within EU. Are you aware of legit sites in your respective countries, where one can order HCQ and Ivermectin?


This seems to be why it is next to impossible to find Ivermectin in my country. Our health agency links to the EU and US health agencies:



They should be tried for crimes against humanity.

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