0982881 11 points ago +11 / -0

have you ever read about the record labels conspiring with for-profit prisons in the 90s to push and glorify the gangster rap lifestyle, and fill prisons, lining the prison owner's pockets in the process? I definitely recommend reading more about that.

0982881 3 points ago +3 / -0

I believe that I will start recording meetings. I don't want to ever need it, but you're right, I might.

0982881 2 points ago +2 / -0

I've thought about it, but honestly I don't think it's worth my time or effort. It's easier to tune out since working remote. They're just programmed zombies, so I can't hold it against them. I'm good at what I do, make good money, and would rather just keep to myself. I laugh and joke along with them. Hiding in plain sight is what they like doing. I might as well too.

0982881 3 points ago +3 / -0

There are some pro-trump, and possible Q-followers as well that work in another department. I overhear them sometimes when passing by the break room. These people are routinely mocked and made fun of by my team during our meetings. We are not a young team either. ages 35-65. with high levels of management involved and participating.

0982881 4 points ago +4 / -0

I have lost some friends, but my good friends, the friends I care about, haven't gone anywhere. In fact, my closest friends know that I follow Q and actually have legitimate discussions with me about it. Asking me questions and listening to what I have to say. I don't enjoy talking about it, and I'm not a talkative person. But these are guys I've known for 20+ years. Been in their weddings etc. Literally my best friends. So sometimes during these chats, I get real anxious and my voice gets shaky. Because there's so much I want to say, but it has to be worded correctly, otherwise I'm going to sound Alex Jones or some shit.

If there is a plan in action and there are massive booms soon, no doubt some of them will ask me what I think about it -- since they often have in the past during major world events (Beirut etc). I'm not looking to dish out any told ya sos or anything like that, but hopefully enough happens for people to be able to connect the dots.

0982881 12 points ago +12 / -0

i work with a small team of people who are rabid leftists. i have to sit through countless team meetings where at least the first 10 or 15 minutes is basically exclusive to trump/republican bashing. none of them know i am a trump supporter, and the things i hear them say are absolutely appalling. i can't believe these people are able to look in the mirror and convince themselves this makes them morally superior.

the funny (sad) part is, our clientele is strictly business owners -- and who would you guys say business owners vote for? Democrats or Republicans?

I'm the newest member of the team, and I'm shocked the irony is completely lost on them.

0982881 2 points ago +2 / -0

My take is that Operation Trust seemed to target generals and actual members of the military etc. Where as Q's goal seems to be waking up your average, every day American to what is actually going on in their country, but also discourages violence and rioting in the streets. If Q was a psyop and their goal was to mislead and pacify patriots -- I honestly don't think the cabal could have made it seem so organic. The tone of the drops would be different. They would be trying to divide us instead of uniting us. That's what the shills try to do but they really do not understand how completely ineffective they are. This is how you know they've already lost.

0982881 9 points ago +9 / -0

I read somewhere once that there was almost a military coup under Obama, but cooler heads prevailed.

0982881 1 point ago +1 / -0

been here since before the beginning

not going anywhere