Looks just like the barracks at MCRD San Diego if I remember correctly...it's been a few years. Well..about 30 years.
I love fried chicken..never has cultural appropriation and racial stereotypes made my belly feel so full.
It's about bringing the people to the precipice, they have see with their own eyes what the globalist plan is for our nation. Only then will they accept the truth, however there will be a small percentage that will never accept it. The original deep state plan was to lock us down for 2-3 years while they brought out the same exact faulty vaccine...imagine what 2-3 years lockdown would have done to our nation. It had to be done this way...now for my truth...I trust NO man, not even Trump, I have hope that he is all in for the good of the people, but I don't trust him or anyone else. Only God and His Word have my trust, and in the end, God wins.
This can't be true...even Biden says his butt has been wiped. :)
Maybe she's insufferable because she has an evergreen shoved up her ass?
What does a happy Hulk Hogan have to do with this?
Have hope, but trust NO man. Not even Trump.
It's new to anyone who hasn't seen it before. Can't figure out why some of you asshats don't understand that all information needs to be shared and shared again for those who haven't seen it. If we're going to talk about what is old, then we shouldn't worry about the federal reserve, Bilderberg, WEF, Gates vaccines of death, private corporations like the IRS and CDC running our country, etc... This is no time to be a jackass third grader know it all.
Thank you!
What search engines were you using? I'll try to take a gander later when time allows.
Don't use these things as firewood, that's for NAZI's...use it to wake people up. Nothing works on the mind like reading an actual physical book that their heroes wrote. It's hard to deny their plans when it's in writing right in front of the sheeple. If we burn them then we are destroying history just because we don't agree with it..we should learn from it, not destroy it. Be the opposite of BLM/ANTIFA.
Not sure..I gave it one star and dropped red pills all over it.
I have two copies, one for me and one to loan out. About 1/3 of my large library is study materials and literature that we use...the other 2/3, and by far the most expensive portion, is "knowledge" put out by the enemies we fight. I believe in "know your enemy". I can't tell you how many normies and Freemasons have been led to the light by reading the very words of the people they once trusted and believed in. Physical real books are the best way of sharing knowledge if you are a person who does that kind of thing.
Not saying I don't appreciate what you did or don't agree with it by any means, it's great for folks wanting to learn...but to share it would be either a print out or someone visiting some place on the internet. Doesn't change the information one iota, but does give the sheeple an escape route back to their mental gymnastics and confirmation bias.
Hey CATHOLE..no such thing as "old news". Just because you knew about it doesn't mean everyone does. How about being happy that truth is getting out and helping people along rather than trying to be some advanced info snob?
Glad I don't live where you live, life hasn't changed around my neck of the woods at all...except for the great toilet paper run of 2020 of course.
What is your channel so I can check it out. I never used Rumble until ewetoob kept censoring The Beach Broadcast (Santa Surfing). Maybe the ap or the website is better, but I'm using the ROKU box and Rumble stinks on there.
They're the same picture.
When you realize just how much of the education system is based on lies it becomes even easier to teach at home. We have always homeschooled our kids. My dad is a retired teacher and counselor, he told me after No Child Left Behind came out that when I have kids they need to be taught at home and he retired the next year. Our theory was this...work on reading, writing, math, and let them explore what fascinates them and what they enjoy. When they learn to read, then you work on comprehension, once they comprehend, then the real learning starts. Let them work on math at their own pace and they will get to where they need to be. Due to their wonderful comprehension they are now learning real history...they won't need an underground group to learn about the Federal Reserve and the true history of what is happening around us. They have by now figured out on their own where their focus and enjoyment lies and work tirelessly and effortlessly to learn more and more on a daily basis. Our main focus is the Word of God, and especially how it applies and foretells of our current days. We have no intention of forcing our children to attend an indoctrination center known as university, we have several Vocational schools around here that will cover anything they need or want to know.
I loved this when it first came out and I love it even more now. One of the many times that my own biases have smacked me right in the mouth. If I was out somewhere this is one dude I would have avoided at all cost, yet it turns out he's smart, based, and one hell of a dude. Bet he could throw some hay bales with the best of us.
This blind twit doesn't even know what they are talking about. Check his supporting evidence to back up the claim of doxxing "Q researchers", it doesn't exist. Not only is this a blind marksman but it's also a shitty mind reader.
I'd say that your name fits...were you too blind to understand what you are reading? It doesn't say anything about doxxing Q researchers. It says that they want to dox an "anon" who is spreading information saying that they have pedo links and that it is some kind of larp. I don't see Q even mentioned, do you? Didn't think so. Ever heard of "Blue anon"? Do you think that anon only applies to people who follow Q? These are very valid questions.
Look up the definition of "news"...you will see that what you reported is indeed news. If it was new to you, it will be new to many more, don't ever be afraid to share new truth.
THIS x 10000000000000000. We all come to the truth at our own times. I've been digging since 2007 and have read/seen/known just about anything that can be talked about and much more, yet it delights me when people are talking about truth. It doesn't matter that some people think it is "old news"...maybe to them, but what about the multitudes that didn't know? Are we to simply shame people for not being as far along in their journey as we are? Absolutely not..we should encourage all truth and help these folks along as much as possible..never telling them what to believe, but simply helping them find the truth and learning for themselves. "I heard it from a really smart sounding person on the internet" is an argument that the sheeple make..having actual knowledge and knowing where to find this factual knowledge is how a person feels confident in what they are saying and allows them to keep their heads up when people reject the truth. As Jesus once said...and I'm paraphrasing here...share the truth, if they reject it, then shake the sand off your sandals and move on.
It is heartbreaking no doubt about it. If only our people still followed the narrow path and worshiped our Creator rather than the creation. The Word is still with us and always has been.
Psalms 118:8 “It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man.”
You can't convince people who aren't open minded or don't want truth. TestPattern seems to think that if white hats controlled the fake biden then the fake biden would be a good president and making good decisions for our country..and what exactly would that get us? NOTHING. People like this are either clueless, shills, or basically retarded.