5Solasreformation 7 points ago +7 / -0

I still wanted to see the whole map red. Too big to rig. I think he won almost all the states legit in 2020. And I was hoping to see the map more red after the Trainwreck of the past 4 years. I figured if 75% are maga then he should win by such a landslide as never seen before. Bigger than Reagan even, right?

5Solasreformation 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm guessing they will give some to Kamala (fraudulently) but hoping it's too big to rig overall. Would be awesome to see them all red.

5Solasreformation 1 point ago +1 / -0

I hope we all stick around. I'll probably still need a sane place to come as hubby will have a very hard time accepting the truth as it all comes out about all the lies over our entire lives. Thankfully my kids are all very awake.

5Solasreformation 3 points ago +3 / -0

Amen and amen. Only God can change and revive heart, He grants repentance and faith. I pray and have been for years, that He will bring nationwide and worldwide repentance and revival. May His kingdom come (literally) on earth as it is in heaven. Soli Deo Gloria.

5Solasreformation 7 points ago +7 / -0

And I'd venture all of Kamala's are fraudulent.

5Solasreformation 8 points ago +8 / -0

I can't watch. Makes me sick with anxiety. I know their evil shenanigans are being played. I can pray that they all get caught, justice is served for every single person involved, and that we do get to call Nov 5 Liberation Day!!

5Solasreformation 2 points ago +2 / -0

A friend of mine's husband is actually being seen by a cardiologist who told her to cook in tallow for her husband's heart.

by raxlore
5Solasreformation 1 point ago +1 / -0

But it's neck and neck. . . . Hubby believes MSM on the 1%spread.

5Solasreformation 1 point ago +1 / -0

Same for the "shot Biden" but he supposedly still "won"

5Solasreformation 21 points ago +21 / -0

I'm in been praying for years and will continue. We need another Holy Spirit Great Awakening and true repentance not just political change

5Solasreformation 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yep. My own hubby has called me crazy, a liar and a CT for pointing out truth. I've been right about every single thing I've mentioned. But don't talk politics or medical with him anymore, better to be quiet and keep peace.

5Solasreformation 16 points ago +16 / -0

Wow. Our kids and grandkids have hope to actually be healthy!! I look forward to this and the mouths that drop open when they finally wake up to the truth of what so many have been saying for so long.

5Solasreformation 1 point ago +1 / -0

I realize this may be true (not sure on the validity of the method) and I also realize their plan all along was self spreading self replicating vaccines so no one could escape. I drew attention to this to my hubby before the CV fake pandemic and he (no medical or ethical training).thought if was a great idea and that even though it could go horribly wrong, since they mean well it was perfectly fine. I was shocked, astounded, in disbelief. As the whole thing progressed, he ended up not taking the jabs himself, but he continues to force me to have all our kids around his jabbed family members. I've explained this whole.shedding thing and him putting us all at risk and he basically says "so what? You'd have to be a hermit then to avoid them." On the one hand I get it, that he's played a role in destroying everything, on the other, I pray that somehow God protects the kids from this evil. He literally calls me crazy. He doesn't understand basic medical ethics or seem to understand even basic human rights... he admits that having been raised in the PS system he is basically a Marxist which clouds heavily his newer Christian ethic. I do what I can to detox the kids knowing there is nothing else I can do. It's all so depressing. For me, the truth needs to come out soon, and very mainstream, that everyone needs a major detox, ongoing detox, significant help to survive and thrive. I have to belive that those who actually took them still have significantly more.damage than those of us who were "shed upon" but who knows. I had a miscarriage and developed breast cancer 6 months later--all after being exposed to my jabbed MIL. Did she cause it? I don't know, but if she did I pray for justice. I told my MIL in a letter that even being around her closely has significant risks--she cares more about herself than the kids and has the entire time. She continues to donate blood knowing what I told her as well and has basically several.times a year since the beginning of CV. If all if us have been literally screwed by PHarma and even our own families then what??

5Solasreformation 1 point ago +1 / -0

I still wonder about Putin. . .

5Solasreformation 1 point ago +1 / -0

Agree. The toll on health is pretty obvious. Those who got the real thing are probably looking at 5 yrs max, less depending on number of boosters. I still hold out hope that many got placebos. My husband's whole family took them. And I'm pretty sure they got the real thing as we've had "shedding" experiences from them and his sister almost died from her first 2 jabs (no odea of she took more, but she was rapidly pro-forced jabs) her kids have probably taken multiple--one in public university in WA state so I'm guessing mandated, the other is in Healthcare and doesn't question just follows along. My MIL has noticeable memory issues and other health problems since taking them.

5Solasreformation 1 point ago +1 / -0

Throw it all away and start over. Only pure bloods can donate. The jabbed will.likely be dead in the next couple years--I mean all the lab animals died when given mrna. So hopefully the potential donors will be increasingly pure blood anyway. Agree. I'd rather go without than risk it. My jabbed MIL donates every chance she gets. Virtue signaling.

5Solasreformation 3 points ago +3 / -0

Nooooo. We don't want to stay on DST. We want to stay on regular time.

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