Ya sure. So you’re telling us that our eyes didn’t see the symbolism in the flyers, stage and screens? We are not in academia and we don’t have to be right, we just have to postulate thoughts. Let the aether sort it out. And no, I have zero concern what “we” look like.
It’s something to due with the tones. The vibrations in the vocals are causing the vaxxed to seize up and die. Stuff is gonna get weird, get ready. “men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.” Luke 21:26
Well it gives me a head ache. Receive this block as a gift from the therefore. And in that regard the trees and fish be happy and fly free with the unicorns and swans. Paint a picture of the nether regions of the concrete and plaster of Paris France. You’re welcome.
Read what you just wrote!!! At no point do any of your words mean anything. I mean it, it is incoherent gibberish.
The important thing is to take in all data points and then adjust your working knowledge whilst remaining rooted in God’s truth. Anyone who screams against data should arouse suspicion.
There are a whole lot of people threatened by the information posted on that website. I’m one foot in, and one foot out but based on the sheer amount of hate...?
Ya because a peck like you says wrong think. What makes you different from any other tyrant?
It’s an interesting and compelling thought. According to scripture though, Gods wrath is poured out in a short amount of time (approximately 3.5 years). This is most likely new and creative ways to sacrifice people by the evil one.
Romans 8 is hard to beat.
Agreed. I would not suggest that to anyone. It’s been years since I researched the ozone stuff, but I thought it was interesting that it popped up in this modality.
I’ve done research in the past on Ozone remediation cabinet saunas. You get into a personal sauna cabinet and an 03 generator pumps ozone into the cabinet. You do not breath it, it just exposes your skin to the ozone. https://betweentwoworlds.info/ozone-steam.htm
O3 saunas are a thing. Studies have shown efficacy in treating skin surface conditions, and antidotal evidence suggests that it has other benefits in treating underlying medical conditions such as cancer. Before you judge my words look into it.
I love Mikhail Timofeyevich Kalashnikov.
I think if you look at it, the exact opposite is true.
“and with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.” 2 Thessalonians 2:10
“Many shall purify themselves, and make themselves white, and be refined; but the wicked shall do wickedly; and none of the wicked shall understand; but those who are wise shall understand.” Daniel 12:10
I think we’re all missing the buried lead here. In the article he writes, “Look at the Civil War. The Union Navy didn’t need to blockade 3,500 miles of coast, they blockaded ports - choke points to commerce...”
So whatever is going on with our ports is definitely part of a military blockade to commerce. The only question is who is blockading our ports the good guys or the cabal?
Great verse. Here is another one from that great Book “How much better to get wisdom than gold! And to get understanding is to be chosen rather than silver.” Proverbs 16:16
My old football coach, God rest his soul, always said at the end of the game you want your best players on the field. When the game is on the line you have to have the warriors in the fight. God knew you were a warrior and chose you to be in the game at the end. As for your sins, they are washed clean by the Blood of Jesus. Stop trying to be perfect or dwelling on your past sins because they are forgotten by your creator (Hebrews 8:12). God bless you anon and thank you for serving our beloved country. You did what you had to do for your brothers on the field of battle, try to let it go and move forward knowing that God chose you.
Take a wad of cash into the office. Offer the nurse a substantial payday for shooting the Jim Jones juice into the sink and signing the certificate. Just spit balling but it’s high time to start fucking with the system. Piss on them.
Fake the certificate. Have you thought of that?
If that is the case, accept my apologies.