AcidicJew 5 points ago +5 / -0


AcidicJew 3 points ago +3 / -0

Trump always shows up late. Man builds up anticipation because he knows those waiting will still wait, and many will show up late.

I've sacrificed sleep on important workdays waiting up for him.

Complicated business, folks.

AcidicJew 1 point ago +1 / -0

*Here's to the ones that we've got,

here's to the wish you were here but you're not*

AcidicJew 3 points ago +3 / -0

When I forst saw this picture I thought the poor man on the left became the thing on the right. I have no idea why I thought that and I feel shitty about it.

I thought war broke him and he just lost it.

AcidicJew 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'll bite and pick up a share. I'm holding some AMC and want to add to that.

Holding a bunch of physical hold and silver.

My cryptos kinda fucked me byt I'll hold.

Really trying to diversify!

AcidicJew 2 points ago +2 / -0

He makes most of his money on other things, he'd still have his power and influence if he's not getting paid but still in his position.

Then he'll be painted as a noble hero (despite the left bashing Trump for collecting $0 despite Trump losing money as president)

AcidicJew 4 points ago +4 / -0

I keep seeing GME but is this something you buy and hold for 10 years? Hedgefunds will likely be getting bailouts or some BS to cover. The crash in crypto that everyone blames Elon for can very well be hedgies liquidating to cover shorts.

AcidicJew 8 points ago +8 / -0

Keep going maskless even in blue states. I started before the mandate was lifted in my state in one of the bluest areas of the country.

Just yesterday I was in a small vape shop (easier to go unnoticed and get no hassle at a big box store than a small vape store for several reasons)

I expected the worsr but the guy behimd the counter was nervous but super cooperative and even told me to have a nice day 2x (second time it seemed like a nervous reflex lol)

Many of you have been pioneers in throwing the muzzle to the wind but it takes as many of us as possible to get momentum rolling.

AcidicJew 2 points ago +2 / -0

To many, a psychedelic trip removes the shackles of mental cinditioning that were created over the years and gives you a raw fresh unfettered tale on life and reality with a child-like fresh take.

AcidicJew 1 point ago +1 / -0

Y yo hablo español tambien, es mi idioma nativo.

E eu també posso falar portuguese comfortavelmente


AcidicJew 1 point ago +1 / -0

Watashi no namae wa acidiku yu. O namae wa non desu ka

AcidicJew 2 points ago +2 / -0

I learned 3 and gave up on Japanese after high school so you can definitely do it.

Even if you just mess around a half hour a day on duolingo you'll be surprised how much you'll pick up.

AcidicJew 2 points ago +2 / -0

The KFC in Zwolle had the dryest chicken I ever had. Idk how one messes up fried chicken haha.

AcidicJew 6 points ago +6 / -0

We're not just startimg it lol it's just really intensifying.

We saw several other story arcs come and go. The wall saga, spygate, international negotiations for business and treaties, NK rocket man, covid unfurling worldwide, that diamond princess cruise ship, our first cases, etc. but all of those were side arcs along the rising arc of this main plot.

We're just now starting to really see the big picture. I remember in summer/fall of 2019 before any news broke out, I had a thought enter my brain while driving to work.

I thought "It's been a long time since we had a serious worldwide pandemic, not like West Nila, Zika, and those but a major one where people die en mass a la bubonic plague/Spanish Flu.

I swear it's like on a spiritual level I knew what was to come.

It's just fucking absurd that just now the mainstream is even considering that it originated in the lab...when it was known there was a fucking virology institute in the fucking place where this coronavirus originated in lol.

Even asking the question was followed by i sults of conspiracist and now we're fucking vindicated. The brainwashing on a global scale is ABSURDLY effective. Much of the world mocks the dye of the wool conservative American. Europe went from badasses to cucks in a generation.

From I love Lucy to I love Loosely (Michael Savage)


AcidicJew 1 point ago +1 / -0

How fucking retarded do you have to be to think I was advocating for shots? If a retard fucked a retard, and fucked a retard who fucked a retard, we'd have you.

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