Acts7-43 0 points ago +1 / -1

Don't feel too bad because his grandparents fought, bled and died to ensure neither Germans nor Austrians could free themselves from being the debt slaves of Rothschild New World Order central bankers. They literally sacrificed themselves to protect the globalists who are now trying to kill us.

Acts7-43 14 points ago +14 / -0

Fun-Fact: Carlo Collodi wrote The Adventures of Pinocchio (1883) as a vehicle to express his hatred of Jewish bakers and how their usury banking was raping Florence to death.

Every time Pinocchio ignored the teachings of Jesus Christ and committed sins, represented by the taking cricket, his nose would grow to represent he was becoming more Jewish.

In the original novel, pleasure Island was a version of the modern day Epstein Island, where children would go and never return. They would transform into donkeys, which was 1800's slang for a slave.

Acts7-43 12 points ago +12 / -0

Sadly, Biden doesn't even know he's eating anything.

He believes it's 1920 and black children are rubbing his hairy legs.

Acts7-43 2 points ago +2 / -0

Q post #135-138: Jews control 191 of 195 of the word's central banks.

Jews also own the World Bank and the IMF.

All of these (((central banks))) have maliciously created $217 trillion of debt that the human race now "owes" the Jews.

The Great Reset will only benefit one tribe and enslave the entire human race.

We will either witness the Great Awakening and the dawn of a new age of freedom for mankind, or endless enslavement as our children are literally perverted into their disposable chattel with possible DNA changes to forever stunt our limitless potential to reach out across the stars and explore God's creation.

President Trump is correct: the mainstream media is the enemy of the America people.

Q is correct: this is biblical.

Acts7-43 1 point ago +1 / -0

I like this woman but WOW can she talk fast!

Acts7-43 6 points ago +6 / -0

Hollywood, our mainstream news media, Google, YouTube, Facebook, Reddit, etc. are all owned by the same tribe.

Acts7-43 3 points ago +4 / -1

The Ghislaine Maxwell court case was postponed again.

I'm wondering if that was done in support of the plan... because if people learn the names of our CEOs, Presidents, politicians and Supreme Court justices who were caught in MOSSAD's orgy-island child rape extortion honeypot and become life-long puppets of Israel... the magnitude of Israel's treachery would likely end our military support for them and Israel would die screaming.

I have no idea how this movie ends, however I have spent the last five years hard-core prepping and I'm ready for WW3.

Acts7-43 5 points ago +6 / -1

The truth won't be for everyone. (Q post #4915)

We are saving Israel for last. (Q post #916)

FEAR IS REAL. (Q post #2792)

Say that last quote aloud and try not to make it sound exactly like "Fear Israel".

I'm starting to get the impression that a tiny percentage of the population won't enjoy how this movie ends, but the rest of the world will witness the dawn of a new age of freedom.

Acts7-43 11 points ago +11 / -0

I'm keeping an open mind because I'm not sure how this will play out.

If "the plan" needs Congress and civilian courts to fail to remedy the election coup then neither the Supreme Court nor Pence may have betrayed us.

Pence may have sacrificed his reputation for the good of the nation.

Time will tell.

That said, I think we have greater problems to concern ourselves with other than guessing about who to hate. We need to pray for the best and prepare for civil war, rather than entertaining speculation and attacking fellow patriots about their speculation.

I get the impression that most "Pence is a faggot" / "Durham is a faggot" posts are designed to make us attack each other.

Acts7-43 5 points ago +5 / -0

There's no way this is real.

Big Mike's shoulder's are twice as wide and four times as hairy.

Acts7-43 1 point ago +1 / -0

Oy vey!

Truth never needs censorship to protect it, which is why the globohomos need total censorship control over everything.

Acts7-43 4 points ago +4 / -0

That would be a worst case outcome because the remainder of President Trump's crippled administration would be taken up with audits to claw back stolen seats.

Trump would spend the entirety of his second term attempting to gain enough seats to pass legislation and only gaining a fraction of his seats by the time his term was up.

President Trump would be lucky to regain enough power to undo half of the damage that Biden caused.

Acts7-43 6 points ago +6 / -0

His global warming hoax caused devastating economic damage to every white nation and then simply disappeared.

Al Gore has joined the ranks of the global cooling hoaxers, the ozone hole hoaxers and the weapons of mass destruction hoaxes. He served his purpose and now it's time to move on.

Now is the age of the COVID holocaust hoax.

We have an all new hoax to bankrupt us.

Acts7-43 2 points ago +2 / -0

Does Katie consider herself to be a Jew or a white sociopath who must be executed?

Acts7-43 3 points ago +3 / -0

This is why I eat glitter: to make discussions about my stools so much more interesting.

Acts7-43 4 points ago +4 / -0

What would concentration camps have been used for then?

The Jewish German Communist Party (KPD) (the same people who created Antifa in 1930), declared a holy war against German Christians in 1933 and attempted a failed coup attempt that same year.

Those found guilty of participating in the Bolshevik coup attempt were sentenced to serve time in prison. There were so many treasonous communists that Germany was forced to construct new prison camps.

This is such a prickly and ban-hammer sensitive topic that I'll PM you with some info shortly.

Acts7-43 3 points ago +3 / -0

I suspect Heels-up-Harris is designed to demoralize the nation after she pushes the demented pedophile down the stairs.

Acts7-43 2 points ago +2 / -0

But how will my friends know what I ate for brunch or how big of a shit I had after my morning coffee? /s

Acts7-43 4 points ago +4 / -0

Most people know the phrase, "All wars are banker wars", but they fail to understand who the bankers are and how they are all one tribe.

The last leader who attempted to free his people from being debt slaves of the House of Rothschild central bankers was named Adolf. WW2 started the moment he unified Germany with Austria and ended the Rothschild owned Austrian central bank too, but I'm almost 50% certain that was just some sort of coincidence. We all need to remember that Hitler is the worst man in human history and not ask any more questions.

On a completely different topic, did you see that the COVID holocaust hoax "death-toll" is expected to reach six million by 2022?

Acts7-43 6 points ago +6 / -0

No, it's not simple.

The COVID holocaust hoax is designed to set the table for the Great Reset so the tribe of New World Order bankers who own the IMF, World Bank and 191 of 195 of the world's central banks (see Q post $135-139) can use their ownership of our mainstream media to facilitate cancelling the human race's $217 trillion dollar usury debt to Jewish banking dynasties in exchange for our governments giving the entire human race's property, money and freedom to these bankers.

They've been planning to enslave the entire human race for millennia.

This is not simple.

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