Nobody shops there anymore. That's why they were ripe for shorting. But the way that hedge funds go about it, is the evil that is being fought here. Nobody's rallying to save gamestop. We're rallying to eviscerate a major hedge fund and their supporters. Red pilling millions is also a big plus.
So let me get this straight. Millions are getting red pilled by this story every day. The media is desperately trying to spin it to do damage control. The more they flounder, the more get red pilled. But we're supposed to ignore it because you believe it's a media ploy? That's some wacked out thinking. Maybe you should go get some sleep.
FFS, it's not about 15-20 billion lost here. It's a big hit, but there is so much more. They now know we can unify and take away their fleecing ways, and so do we. They have lost their power in stealing wealth. This is also a huge red pill for everyone. But more importantly, this is a unifying event.
And you say this is not important? This is of upmost importance. Maybe your here to distract us and derail this momentum?
Boom. The thing is, investment firms like this have been playing a rigged game and "we" just showed them the jigs up bitches. Think about it, an investment firm that's big enough, with enough clout , can easily manipulate these shorts to always be in their favor. If they short big enough, it creates huge panic in everybody and drives down the stock just from them getting involved. They don't even have to be that accurate at prediction analysis anymore. It's a rigged game, and the rules just got changed.
Well neither did I, nor 99% of the other people that have been banned. You see how this works yet? Misinformation is the new way to say "not our narrative here". One day they will also come for you there as well. That's how it works. They eventually have to eat their own. They whittle down their preferred allowed ideals narrower and narrower. Eventually it will be you to decide to bend the knee, or turn and fight. Do you have the balls to fight your own mob when it turns on you? You seem pretty passive here crying about how Unfair it all is. So go away. It's over. Cya. Good luck.
Twitter still have people willing to stay while being blindfolded and hobbled in a footrace. Now you understand how it feels today, and your crying about like a bitch. We have dealt with that for years. You're spreading misinformation today. So get out. Or have a discussion under our terms, like we have had to do for years.
I don't give a flying fuck, take that issue up with them. Yep that's right, we dont care to have you around anymore. Sucks doesn't it? We don't care. Not just us here or in td.w. but all patriots, from conservatives to ex democrats, #walkaway. We have had it with your narrative fed by big media and big tech, it's never ending bullshit. No go back to your mindless echo chamber.
You guys made your bed, go back and lay in it. You kicked everyone off that countered your narrative so you can have your own echo chamber. Now you sit around and twiddle your thumbs bored in your echo chamber? Too fucking bad. We tried it the right way, to have a civilized discussion of ideas, and we were turned away, kicked off, platforms eliminated like parler. Now you want to come and discuss countering ideas in our playground? Too late. Go away. Don't come back.
And they only attack low hanging fruit. Date and more far reaching theory crafting is there goto for attacking. Notice they never even mention the meat and potatoes.