Second Tuesday of the last week in a few months from the next couple of weeks.
Yep, and the final report will be released faster than the Durham report.
How long ago did he get the poison jab?
What happened to the Queens giant rack? Impostor?
I think Hillary qualifies by being a former first lady to a former president.
Aim for his manboobs.
Where is reported that the team was recently vaxxed?
He killin it in jail. All the inmates are afraid of him. He’ll shoot you in the face. lol
The tranny only has 6% approval of all official candidates. Republican John Cox who is always runner up in the governor’s race is the top candidate to replace Newsom.
The tranny only has 6% approval of all official candidates. Republican John Cox who is always runner up in the governor’s race is the top candidate to replace Newsom.
oops…that was Saving Private Ryan.
I saw him dressed up like a soldier and shooting at a tank on Memorial Day.
It was only a 30 day window to have ones name removed. He’s fucked.
You can almost smell his fear.
That place is crawling with troll.
I thought you were implying that I saw spy planes over the audit. Which I knew nothing about. Settle down, Nancy, we’re on the same team.
Advice them to turn off the television and stop watching main stream news. Covid is nothing more than a common cold or flu.
Dead bodies are buried in coffins.
I’m always suspicious of soccer references with government agencies.
Now we know why FEMA stocked up on those thousands of plastic coffins.
More downer news please. There’s not enough of this bullshit on msm…don’t bring it here.