It’s true…
I keep trying to tell them because they got all excited about the unvaccinated quarantine camps..
They aren’t for us..
The elites don’t want those diseased non humans infecting them..
They will round them up and put them in these camps, because once they realize what has been done to them, some will become enraged.
Which is going to be very bad for them. But we shall see because these are very fearful people who have traded freedom for safety..I think that they will go unhesitatingly to the slaughter on nothing more than a wing or a prayer..
It will then be up to us to help them and we will have to because that is who WE are..
No… and they are not easily accessed..
I called the lab in my state to find out why they were not administering these tests-no answer, and if I wanted one how I would go about getting one, you have to request it from your doctor and have them write up the lab slip..
It’s a blood draw…
Research to make sure they use the proper tubes for antibodies which I believe are gold and pink…
They have been doing funny things..
I know in some hospitals they have a capillary (finger stick) that can test for the antibodies but I’m not sure what offices would have them and I would trust a full blood draw more..
My mother just died from cancer…
And since fluvid was out at the same time I was looking into her situation, I came to this conclusion last year sometime…
The reason why we don’t have cures is because they have never looked at cancer in any other way..
They look at it as being a mutated and flawed part of self..
When I really started looking at it, I realized that made NO sense..
And I was looking into fluvid as well..
The info got all put together in my head and I realized ALL disease are parasites..
They need us or a host to survive which is the definition of a parasite..
If we could treat disease as if it were a parasite, what would the outcome be?!
My mother asked for ivermectin. They would not prescribe it..
I didn’t want to dose her myself with animal medication.. I can but she was very sick and it’s different when it’s your mom…
I bet it would have helped her and who knows maybe she would still be here..
Think of every disease as being parasitic…
Then go from there..
Knew y’all would catch on in your time!!!
The polymerase chain reaction is NOT a test.
It is a method used to take small pieces of genetic material and amplify (copy) to make a larger sample..
They used beta coronavirus and influenza to calibrate the “test” as they did not have any samples of whatever this is..which is one of the many reasons why it has been d/c per the FDA..
But not until Dec. 2021..
Any information about this virus was put into a database by CHYNA and that is what they used..
I spoke with a scientist in my state about a year ago. She told me to her knowledge NO ONE in the state lab had isolated this virus..
Also, intubating people is killing people.. it used to be intubation was a last resort because it does so much damage but not anymore.. and they leave them on them for longer than they should..
It fucks up your lungs and can cause life long issues..
Family member works in a hospital on a fluvid floor where they are not recording vaccinated status only unvaccinated..
I don’t believe anything that they have said about this fake virus..
He also forced them to release the “virus” early. This is why the “virus” does not exist EXCEPT on paper..
It’s all a lie..
And we all know the vaccine is full of shit..
They don’t want to be so obvious but they have NO choice-they are “programmed” once the “plan” is enacted no matter how awry it goes, they have to stick with it..
I always thought it odd that they proceeded as if NO ONE can see what they are doing. They know we can, they just cannot stop whatever their plan is..
It’s very odd, unnatural behavior to observe..
It came to me last night…
I believe that this is a false flag..
I believe that this terrible situation was picked up and used by the FIB and was meant to portray the FIB as heroes instead of zeroes..
They still screwed it up and continue to look like the incompetent, incapable losers they are..
Whether this was a planned false flag or a coincidence🙄🙄, it was definitely used by the FIB to TRY to make themselves look better-complete and utter failure per usual..
I have been doing this for a couple decades, expect nothing from any other human being. You will never be disappointed.
Rely on yourself and find your own answers.
Only then, will you truly be free…
Can’t you see the medical industrial complex is filled with nothing but Rx salespeople and incompetent, diversity hirers?! They are pretending to be doctors..
I have a different vantage point. I worked in healthcare. But have had some terrible experiences with them including just gross incompetence which has resulted in my mother dying slowly and incredibly painfully. So please believe me when I tell you, they don’t care.
This all has to be torn down and that takes time. Until then, we have to rely on ourselves for the answer.
I am a huge huge supporter of the Real President Trump-but I do what I want. I do my research and reach my own conclusions. I do not allow myself to be influenced by others.
Remember, no other human being can live your life better than you.
4 out of 5 pregnant women who receive this shot miscarry…
This is incredibly vile..
He’s also closely tied into the bullshittery in Haiti…
Who cares what this criminal says?!?
Wasn’t planning on watching any holly weirdo movies any time soon..
Reality is SO MUCH BETTER!
Please remember, not everyone can go where we are going.
It had to be this way.
People have free will and can do as they like. I would tell your friend to bulk up on quercitin, zinc and vitamin C&D..
If I come across anything that can reverse the effects of this vaccine, I will post here.
I’m sorry to you all. It is very sad.
We have all lost people we love, with many more to come. Don’t lose heart or hope. Not everyone can come where we are going..
There are not any…
They all died, those are the results..
I think he says it to show that no matter who tells us what to do, we will not do it no matter what. Because we think for ourselves.
This is to show the DS they really have no control over the free thinkers of the world. Not Trump, not the fda, no one.
Because they think we are in a cult.
They now have to stop with that talking point..
And look at what he has said about vaccines prior-he never supported them, he always spoke on their dangers etc.
Listen to what he has said, not what he is saying now..
Also, did you see him get vaccinated??
And he already had fluvid, why would he need a vaccine?!?
To me this is the only reason that makes sense..
Once cold and flu season really begins, people are going to start dropping dead.
These “vaccines” are deadly. Also, they know once kids are back in school, they will catch cold, flu and different types of infections as children do.
They are trying with their mandates to stave off the inevitable.
Due to children having robust immune systems that are different from adults, they might survive these infections, but their parents/guardians will not.
The hospitals, already short staffed and about to become even more so, those that remain will be only the vaccinated.
Who will care for these peoples once hospital personnel succumb to their own infections?!?
It might fall to your local FD to help care and ultimately deal with the transport/disposal of bodies.
They are looking for ways to counteract these death shots.
So far they have come up with, you guessed it chlorine dioxide (think what is chlorine?)…
That is what I believe we have in store for us for the next 6 months. And it’s very sad.
this is my opinion based off of the research I have done
What he is saying is all true..
I’m sorry..
It’s going to get very bad..
And when those who are asleep realize what has been done to them, they will hunt down those who did this too them.
Nothing can stop what is coming.
Unfortunately, not everyone can go where we are going.
I had this thought and then my boyfriend said to me what if that bitch resigns first?!?
I said I was just thinking the same thing..
She didn’t really go to Vietnam..
She’s out and she’s not coming back..
This is going even worse than they expected..
It says that if you have already had a naturally acquired infection of fluvid your body has the antibodies to neutralize the original virus and also to neutralize any variants that might appear..
Very robustly may I add!!
Because they hate themselves and despise us because we are not slaves and have souls unlike them..
But at least they have vaccine passports…
It’s hard to feel bad for them..
They are such miserable humans..
Yup, once flu season starts, it’s going to get pretty interesting up in here..
I don’t think those fluvid zombies will be coming after us though.. they’ll be going after those who did this to them..
They keep trying to throw them off the scent and they are easy..
I don’t think the camps are for us… things are going to go from 0-1000 real quick..
They will not be able to walk down the street.
I fear the majority of the vaccinated will not survive this..
We have seen many examples of our power!!
Look at coke, they are closing two plants, one in MA and one in Chicago..
Look at sports..
Look at holly weird..
And the people who are left in the hospitals are ALL vaccinated or soon will be meaning that the same outcome will happen to them as well..
It’s going to be another EPIC CATASTROPHE..
But we have come to expect nothing less at this point..
I feel sad for them because they are so hateful and truly want us to die… we don’t wish the same for them..