by BQnita
AngelArmy0980 6 points ago +6 / -0

It’s the iron.. baby formula contains a lot of iron.. iron constipates…

AngelArmy0980 2 points ago +2 / -0


They are going to Ukraine to pass intelligence and deal with their financial matters..

AngelArmy0980 6 points ago +6 / -0

I think this is how they are getting intelligence to Zelensky and I think they are also checking on their money.

Just thoughts.

AngelArmy0980 7 points ago +7 / -0

My mother had cancer during the plandemic. So I was simultaneously studying cancer and the alleged covid virus at the same time.

I found some interesting things. For example, ebola and parasitic worms.. very similar morphology..

I found other examples where viral morphology resembled some type of parasite or fungus.

Don’t forget viruses and bacteria ARE parasites. We just have been taught to think only WORMS are parasitic.

if cancer is caused from a virus which is also a parasite it would make sense that ivermectin would treat cancer because ivermectin works against the virus (the cause) and the cancer (the by product of the disease).

AngelArmy0980 4 points ago +5 / -1

Y’all should look into the man who funded his campaign and put his show on the air in the first place.. has a media company and many production companies in the Ukraine..

His name is Igor kolomoisky… and surprise surprise he has ties to burisma and the bidens..

Third richest man in Ukraine..

He (kolomoisky) had his us sanctions lifted when hunter Biden and Devon archer were put on the board of burisma…🙄🙄

The FBI began an extensive investigation in him in 2019 and blinken and Biden were forced to re-sanction him last year…

He’s an interesting man and I believe he is the man behind the puppet, drug addict Zelensky..

Let’s also not forget, hitler was half Jewish.. he allegedly killed a lot of Jews.. I say allegedly because we all know who wrote the history for this period of time..

The winners being the Jews..

AngelArmy0980 8 points ago +8 / -0

We always knew what side he was on..

It is alleged his father abused children..

You should read Cathy O’Brien’s book transformation of America.. the pdf is free..

Is it true? 🤷‍♀️ She convinced me..

AngelArmy0980 6 points ago +6 / -0

I understand that. Which is why I posted the link to her website showing some creepy video..

I said I know why people are saying that..

I did not say that she is..

But there are other odd anomalies if you would like..

Dave halls no age, no bio, was in a similar position in the crow when brandon Lee died..

Halyn was raised in Ukraine on a military base.. Ukraine is a hot bed for child sex trafficking..

As is most of Europe..

Also, have you taken a look at Alex and hilarious children?!

She is a cold narcissist and a liar..

She had another kid six months after she had supposedly just given birth.. and was cagey about where the child came from..

What they do is they buy children from pregnant mothers or mothers who do not want the child..

The child is taken by the trafficker who the mother has indicated is the father on the birth certificate. They then take the child to the Middle East, where the child’s name is changed and they are adopted by an arab.. they are then taken back to Europe, where their name is once again changed and then they are sent to their destination wherever that might be-a family to raise them until they are 3-4, they are then sent to the brothels or as the traffickers call them spare parts.. or to the elite to continue their multigenerational satanic sexual ritual abuse..

Can we agree that these people probably worship sa-tan?!

We know that there are many fishy adoptions and surrogacies that are carried out secretively by the elite..

The picture that’s been floating around is not anything.. but I see why they would say that..there is more to this story and i think we will find that it does involve children.. nothing is a coincidence.. nothing..

And then there are her husbands ties to Sussman lawyers firm where he works..

These people are not very bright and they are very nervous..

AngelArmy0980 1 point ago +1 / -0


If she had anything she would have released it..

Another FIB informant..

Who cares!?!?

Did not mean this in any type of way to you..

I’m still waiting for trumps indictment that we were promised and evidence of Russia collusion and I’d love to see the peeper tapes..🙄🙄

by Gotrek
AngelArmy0980 6 points ago +6 / -0


My brother works for a major hospital..

At first, they were mass denying religious and medical exemptions. When they realized people were not going to get the jab and could simply cross the border to NH where we already forced the head loser (sununo) to sign into law that vaccines and passports cannot be mandated, they decided that they should probably stop denying medical and religious exemptions.. because people left and are leaving in DROVES..

They keep saying hospitals are over run.. they are because they have NO staff..

Short staffed prefluvid

More left during fluvid, never replaced..

And now more are leaving..

They are so stupid..

Massachusetts prides itself on having “world renowned” medical care🙄🙄🙄 I mean if that’s what they are calling incompetent diversity hires now, I guess?!

I worked in healthcare up here.. I wanted to. I thought it was the best as well.. it’s not.. it’s mediocrity at its finest..

Oh yeah and they murdered both my parents..

My resentment runs very deep.

AngelArmy0980 7 points ago +7 / -0

Why would you beg tyrants for freedom!?




Those of us who have decided we will not comply do not care what the installed tyrant has to say.. In America, we do what we would like.



AngelArmy0980 3 points ago +3 / -0

No… animals do produce adrenochrome but humans have different blood than animals..

They are looking for efficiency in using our children as adrenochrome producers…

Blood is life..

Instead of rape and torture centers, they remove the part of the brain that regulates the terror response and go full simulated ham on these kids.. until they die from fake terror but their adrenochrome production is amazing😒😒🙄🙄

Like I said, these people are sick..

AngelArmy0980 7 points ago +7 / -0

Adrenochrome is produced from terrorized individuals-children have the best..

You do the math to find out why this is important..

These people are sick..

AngelArmy0980 3 points ago +3 / -0


Here’s some conspiracy for our theories..

her husband worked for the law firm that represented Sussman earlier this year..

Probably just a coincidence..

AngelArmy0980 1 point ago +1 / -0

It is very high depending where you live..

And the local governments are very corrupt so the taxes do not always go for what they are allocated for..

I need to follow up, but I believe in the budget that was signed this year, we did get a 100 million dollar property tax cut..

That will help to offset the property tax and we have a “scholarship” fund that parents can use for their children to put them in the school of their choice..

These were just initiated this year..

We will see how it goes..

AngelArmy0980 2 points ago +2 / -0

Our “governor” is a RINO BITCH…

He has tried so hard to play both sides of the fence..

They arrested a bunch of people for a new and violent crime known as EYE violence..🙄🙄

We have RINO MA head administrator know as governor bacon- ma is lost total sanctuary state..

Then there’s VT where only cows and their farts reside… but not for long, don’t worry..

ME-Susan Collins state… need I say more?!

And then there’s NH, where we are TRYING to stay LIVE FREE OR DIE.. and we still have no state tax..

AngelArmy0980 2 points ago +2 / -0

Right around 4:24:11… I’m sorry…

AngelArmy0980 11 points ago +11 / -0

No, they got rid of the control group…

They informed them they were in the control group and had not received the vaccine and we’re offered the real vaccine..

We are the control group..

It’s a global experiment. When they realized that we were absolutely under no circumstances going to take this, they changed the experiment to vaccinate as many people as they could..

I believe this was mentioned in the FDA advisory on vaccines and biological from 9/17 I believe when they were going to approve boosters for all, which they didn’t but the CDC said screw you and approved them anyways..

It’s incredibly informative, surprisingly..but very long.. I have it marked at a specific spot because no one believed that for every 5 people who died from the vaccine 1 was saved.. ridiculous.

AngelArmy0980 5 points ago +5 / -0

Hey I just post what I find that I find interesting.

How you interpret it, is up to you..

Notice I did not give my opinion of the article other than to call Mitch a bitch because he is..

AngelArmy0980 1 point ago +1 / -0

I will try to find the article..

I’m sorry..

I read a lot of stuff.

Should have saved it..

But I’ll find it. It’s now my mission!

AngelArmy0980 4 points ago +4 / -0

No they are grifters for Big Pharma.

They are no longer doctors and we need to stop treating them as such.

They have been taught in their indoctrination centers, how to THINK about scientific matters. They are not taught ABOUT scientific matters..

This is why they can cure no disease and are only capable of treating symptoms, because that’s all big pharma allows them to think about..

They are getting paid 90 dollars to administer vaccines. They can make 1500-2500 per hour just administering vaccines..

They don’t even administer the vaccine. The nurse or MA does…

They are grifters and they have no special knowledge, just a Rx pad.. that’s all that makes them useful..

I say this based on experience. They murdered my mother-she had cancer..

Incompetent morons.

AngelArmy0980 12 points ago +12 / -0

It has not been approved…

They approved an application for a biological agent named comirnaty that is not available in the United States and extended the EUA for the Pfizer death shot.

They then went around and gaslite everyone into thinking it had been approved..

This is the letter that was sent out by the FDA.

It says everything you need to know..

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