AngryDwarfPaladin 3 points ago +3 / -0

There are plenty here that still lament about all the fraud systems in place and how because of that, we're so screwed - to the point it's not even worth voting.

I talk to them all the time.

AngryDwarfPaladin 1 point ago +1 / -0

Of course, Pente - what I'm asking about is regarding intentions. I don't care at all if someone believes Devolution is happening vs some other "Plan" being carried out.

Frankly - none of of Definitively know, although we might like to be highly confident given information we've sorted through over the last X years.

But what we all have in common is, we're here because we believe something Positive is happening and we want to be a part of that - even if we're still figuring it out.

Our Intentions, even if laced with personal skepticism, are ultimately constructive Towards this plan.


But what if we're here and we have Anti-belief that there is a plan of some flavor in play?

What if we're here to sway others into the same anti-belief we have?

What if we're here to sew discord between those that are crossing those lines of belief to solve a common puzzle together?


This is the spirit of the questions I'm asking.

AngryDwarfPaladin 3 points ago +3 / -0

So, WorkingMan - why are you here? What are you here to discuss?

Asking to understand your perspective of Hope in what is going on right now.

What is your motivation for being here?

What do you believe you are participating in by being here?

AngryDwarfPaladin 2 points ago +2 / -0

"My point was we can vote all day long but if the dems are going to cheat again it wont matter"

But that is exactly what I am responding to.

We're here talking on this board because we believe there is a Plan in place - and a massive operation underway to save the country.

What's our part? To do what We can - you and me. What can I do? I surely can't, by myself, stop the whole of Democrats from attempting to cheat again.

Does anyone expect them to Not attempt cheating again? This has been going on for decades.

Of course not!

It's about CATCHING them - and doing so in a way where it SMACKS the heck out of our fellow sleeping citizens, to the point it wakes most of them up, because it's so obvious that the cheating happened.

While simultaneously, our participation shows the Military that is working behind the scenes, that the People are with them on what needs to be done - via our actual votes.

Additionally - there are forces and specialists working in places to take away many options that cheaters have used to cheat in the past - narrowing their options forces them down paths of OUR choosing - right into the box we want them to go.

Ever see that opening scene to Attack of the Clones where Anakin and Obiwan are flying fighters and in a space battle with the droid army? Anakin sees some of his Clone teammates getting blown up - Anakin tells Obiwan that he is going to peel off and go help them out.

Here's where this applies to you - Obiwan says "No, they're doing their job SO WE CAN DO OURS."

Think about that when you are worried about something far bigger than what you can control in this effort - like stopping the Democrats from cheating.

Instead - focus on what Your job is and don't let that concern of the Other Problem stop you from doing it Or suggest it's not worth it because "But The Other Problem!"

This message is intended as Encouragement - and not berating - not at all.

You're here and that's amazing in it's own way.

I am Encouraging you and anyone else watching to not let the big problems you see Discourage you from playing your role, where you are, where you can, how you can.

There are other people, with other skills, doing other things. If you have those skills - great - there's work to do. But for those of us that Don't - apply the ones we have.

Teamwork to make the dreamwork.


AngryDwarfPaladin 4 points ago +4 / -0

Glad to have you here, Funkefresh82!

I understand what you mean - came from SoCal in the game industry - absolutely wild to see in person.

Way to hang in there and also, way to work behind the lines. ;)


AngryDwarfPaladin 3 points ago +4 / -1

I'm sure you are very famous, Most - in your own illusionary mind matrix - you are the star - no one is better than you - no one is smarter than you - in fact, in your world, you are your god.

Don't worry - yes, the rest of us will give you all of the credit for your displays of actual racism - and we will acknowledge your supreme being of infinite grandeur as we await opportunities to identify those who think so highly of you, your acolytes, no doubt - that they attempt to impersonate your highly refined style in an effort to experience just a morsel of your celebrity.

You could have a better life. Jesus loves you and will forgive you from anything you've ever done or thought about - right now, instantly.

Just turn to Him and ask him to come into your life, wash you of the sin in your heart and show you the life He knew you could have - one that sees through His eyes and loves with His heart.

We will all celebrate greatly for you on that day - it will be the first step on a new path of being for you.

AngryDwarfPaladin 11 points ago +12 / -1

What the hell is wrong with you, Most?

What in the hell is wrong with you?

Is this the actual Racism the "left" screams about as if it pervaded every corner of this site, MAGA and every White person's heart?

Is this actually an example of that?

Knock that crap off, bro.

This man saved a Child from Murder.

Grow up.

Jesus died for them - And you.

AngryDwarfPaladin 6 points ago +6 / -0


Consider your name.

Did the 13 Colonies of Patriots say - fighting doesn't matter if the Brits are going to show up with 100x more men than us, who are better armed, better trained and better funded?


Those 13 Colonies of Patriots FOUGHT because fighting for freedom was their only choice.

They couldn't "Reason" with Britain.

They had the choice - Fight and maybe win. Or Flop and surely die.

If you're a Patriot whom reminisces of the Patriots of those 13 colonies...

Well - what did they do? Hang in there, fren. We need every one of us - now go and wake some folks up!

AngryDwarfPaladin 5 points ago +5 / -0

I thought about that too.

So if we go down the road of each of those possibilities - where does that lead us?

"Hidden from most eyes" version = NCSWIC, Devolution, etc. - all that goodness we're familiar with.

If we consider what circumstance would have to be true for "Grok outputs according to online speculation, algorythmic extrapolation and commentary"

... That too lands us in a cool space.

In that line of theorizing - would Grok output a fringe online speculation?

Or, would Grok output the speculation with the highest percentage?

Meaning - if Grok is outputting that answer based off Online speculation, algorythmic extrapolation and commentary -

Then, is it safe to deduct that the most common expressed belief online, is that Trump is CoChief?

That conclusion too, is a pretty cool social temperature read.

AngryDwarfPaladin 2 points ago +2 / -0

"Some important DECLAS here for normies"

Anything outside of that, and I think you're missing the forest for the trees, my friend.

Flynn literally wrote a book on 5G warfare.

Think about that. ;)

AngryDwarfPaladin 3 points ago +3 / -0

NP - I've listened to x22 nearly every day since I was introduced to it in 2020/21.

It helps keep in the know - analyze the battlefield from a 40,000 foot view - and not get swept up in the minute to minute "hot take" news headline cycle.

Leaves me bandwidth to focus on other areas of this period.

AngryDwarfPaladin 7 points ago +7 / -0

Eric Trump (at least x 3)

General Flynn (at least x 8)

Kash Patel (at least x 7)

Devin Nunes (at least x 3)

Alina Habba (Trump's lawyer)

Roger Stone (at least x 2)

Marjorie Taylor Greene

Senator Wendy Rogers (at least x 3)

Kari Lake (at least x 2)

Lara Logan

That's the results of going through the 27 pages of "Spotlight" interview vids that have been on.

There are other notable names in there that would definitely catch the eye of those "in the know" - but would be off the radar for anything resembling "main streamish".

To see everything for yourself, - go here and scroll down until you see the "You may also like" section - then scroll through the history buttons. It's pretty interesting IMO.


AngryDwarfPaladin 1 point ago +1 / -0

Good for you!

Here's a video speaking about "what you do need to be careful of is, removing too much of the "ess" and turning it into a "th", which creates the lisping sound.

It's easy create the lisp if the threshold, or whatever flavor of parameter drives the frequency band reduction, is too aggressive.

If you're an audio engineer - you probably have a waves deEsser, RX, fabfilter or a myriad of other plugins etc. Even a dynamic EQ with narrow q bell curve could work. Fire up your daw and give it a try.


AngryDwarfPaladin 0 points ago +2 / -2

It's De-Essing. It is processing that minimizes sibilance - the harsh "ess" and "tee's".

When you over-process anyone's voice with a De-Esser, they sound like they have a Lisp.

This is common processing, especially for online communication apps - it can be a toggle or applied automatically behind the scenes.

AngryDwarfPaladin 6 points ago +6 / -0

Saving this one in my archives....

Nothing new in this to us - BUT - it's packaged great and usable as a awakening tool for normies who would watch because of such packaging.

AngryDwarfPaladin 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah - so this is the Jordan fellow who was trying to "interview" him.

"I cover right-wing extremism for @RawStory. Reach me at [email protected]. DM for Signal digits. Proudly blue check-free since 2009."


"Ivan is unable to answer questions"

Maybe he had a feeling or knew where these "interviewers" were from and what their RawStory organization is all about.

Check out RawStory on X - they are very clearly, Not Our Friends...

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